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13 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 31.9 saat
Игра абсолютно не про что и абсолютно не о чем.

Прошло с релиза лет >8, успел выйти "ремейк" под именем Definitive edition, но проблемы как были, так и остались. Мыла больше на екране, чем что либо, лучи света которые б'ються в глаза ярко оранжевым светом, а если рядом лужи, то вы полностью ослепнете от света со всех щелей.
Дальше двух метров, все объект милять полностью. Море, речки - выглядят как плоские лужи, водопад как картинка наложенная на екран монитора. А сам главный герой скучный и все событие высосанные из пальца: вернулся с Вьетнама, бах-бам, тепер я крутой босс, тупо респект.
Перед каждой главной миссией, ты должен выполнить ещё 10 микро миссий в которых, ты просто убиваешь главного и все, и так постоянно от миссии к миссии, но не забывайте, что у игры просто куча багов как связанные из заданиями, так и визуальными, то персонаж не садиться в машину, то нпс куда попало бежит, или же просто не срабатывает скрипт, и надо опять начинать задания с последнего контрольного сохранения.
Управления машиной, ну хз, скорее на любителя, все машини это чистий маслкар какой ни будь, которые на одном месте шлифуют по 5 секунд и ели входять в поворот.
Стрельба тоже на уровне кала, чет бегаю, чет стреляю - всегда попадаю.
ДЛС тоже ничем не уникальные, просто говно и всё, даже не о чём писать.
А музон кстати не плох, даже хорош, вот и собственно единственный плюс игры)
Yayınlanma 12 Eylül.
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305 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
7 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 11.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.8 saat)
The priority of getting out of beta was to make full donate shop than server stability, and fixing bugs that weren't in the beta itself...

I participated in the “closed” beta, and since then, the only thing that has changed is that it takes >15 minutes to find a match with 30k online, and I haven't found one yet (while in the closed beta the online was 4 times less and the match was found in a couple of seconds), and from first day one skins cost 10 bucks and the set costs 80$$$$.
UPD: I can't even cancel the match search.

Yayınlanma 3 Eylül. Son düzenlenme 3 Eylül.
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Bir geliştirici 20 Eyl @ 13:53 tarihinde cevap verdi (cevabı görüntüle)
13 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
2 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 0.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.2 saat)
Прости меня отче, я сильно согрешил, очень сильно, не, я не шучу, я большой грешник.
-Вы положили приношения в ящик?
-Тогда, вы прощены сын мой
Yayınlanma 15 Ağustos.
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24 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
4 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 35.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 34.9 saat)
Сокрушайтесь, плачьте и рыдайте; смех ваш да обратится в плач, и радость — в печаль.
Yayınlanma 19 Mayıs.
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11 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
7 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 184.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 184.8 saat)
Yayınlanma 9 Mart.
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11 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
3 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 1.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.8 saat)
Коли щось ламається всередині, вже ніколи не буде, як раніше.

Не робіть моєї помилки, це шедевр без клаптя сумніву, але я вам його зовсім не рекомендую.
Це не той тип ігор в який слід грати, оскільки він темний, занадто темний для пересічної людини.
Оскільки ця гра змусити вас сумувати, змусить вас відчувати негативні емоції та скоротити тривалість життя та завдати шкоди вашому психічному здоров'ю, я наполягаю на тому, щоб ви трималися від цієї новели якомога далі.
Прислухайтеся до моїх слів, ви пошкодуєте про це.

Yayınlanma 7 Şubat 2023. Son düzenlenme 7 Şubat 2023.
Bu inceleme yararlı oldu mu? Evet Hayır Komik Ödül
1,143 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
83 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 720.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 692.9 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Симулятор виживання серед росіян
Yayınlanma 3 Ocak 2023. Son düzenlenme 5 Nisan 2023.
Bu inceleme yararlı oldu mu? Evet Hayır Komik Ödül
243 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
51 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 10.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 4.6 saat)
Дії Team Fortress 2 відбуваються біля Імперії ДНР*
Yayınlanma 9 Aralık 2022. Son düzenlenme 6 Şubat 2023.
Bu inceleme yararlı oldu mu? Evet Hayır Komik Ödül
12 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 737.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 736.9 saat)
The "new" content is just a rework of existing maps and operators, which were already insignificant.

In the last couple of years, siege has been going downhill without the ability to rise to the top. Constant technical problems both in the game and in the buggy Uplay launcher

And the rise of new cheaters is just surreal for the developers themselves, who from season to season tell how they "integrated" a new anti-cheat, and "improved" the existing one, through which you need to re-enter the game twice, because "QB Anti-Cheat" requires it. I am not against anti-cheats, don't get me wrong, the problem is that they do not work. The game has become as friendly as possible with cheaters, no matter how you log into a social network, there will be posts/videos/photos of new cheats, and how they work great in the new season.
The game has become a testing ground for 12 y.o cheaters and the cheat developers themselves.

The God-forsaken Rainbow Six marketplace, which was made in the browser, died before it even lived a month, skins can only be sold there for minimal 120 r6, and no one will buy them, and the very concept of "Elite" and seasonal skin has depreciated, because of the marketplace, where you can buy this skin for 120-580 r6 credits. And the donation was an overpriced piece of crap, and it remains, yes, and there are still problems, because due to errors and bugs in the Uplay launcher you can't buy a donation, it's surreal.

By the season, primitive bugs with launching the game on API DirectX, and visual problems, with mouse control problems on API Vulkan.

Problems with servers and God forbid with uplay itself, which does not start, then has an update every 5 minutes which fix/add nothing, or a non-working overlay of uplay itself on the combination shift + f2.
The game can crash at startup, or at the moment when you start the match and press left mouse button in load screen.

And then there is information that the new operator is a disabled women on wheelchair, managing two robots? This concept of operators does not fit even in the godforsaken logic of Rainbow Six Siege, what is the point of other operators, if u can use robots than human themselves, but these are trifles.

The real issue with the game experience, so to speak, the "true" experience, yes, it is the rework of the operators, changing all their characteristics so that they become nobody, and the uniqueness that they had - disappeared, because the character became usless in itself, BUT since the release of the operative CLASH, she was NEVER fixed, NEVER reworked, she exists with hes electric shield, which is larger than ROCK himself, and she still exists in the game.
Who but the developers know who is banned and hated in the matches more than the developers themselves, how from month to month they post photos with player statistics, who are piqued/banned/winrate. But the statistics of bans are surprisingly low in Clash, I wonder why? Every ranked player will say that Clash will be blocked in every his match without exception!

The operators have become simply useless in terms of everything, one for the sake of another, who has more powers.
Not only the operators, this applies to the insignificant rework of grenades, weapons, as well as investments in weapons for a "truly unique experience of the new season."

This game could have been the best shooter, if it wasn't Ubisoft.
Yayınlanma 22 Kasım 2022. Son düzenlenme 5 Eylül.
Bu inceleme yararlı oldu mu? Evet Hayır Komik Ödül
51 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 261.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 258.4 saat)
I wish could just erase my memory and play this masterpiece again. :(
Yayınlanma 24 Nisan 2022.
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