Jandaww, a total giga   Chad
7 years of fxcking around(haven't find out so far)
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Mongolian 24 May @ 10:10am 
5 set pai biar repnya banyak @pai indak badagok (Pai)
paiBadagok nimvunegoro 24 May @ 3:55am 
Mengapa profil steam ini tidak mendapatkan jutaan rep seperti profil steam Ronaldo dan Messi ????
Pixxs 3 May @ 6:53am 
acc rel
Daffa Kurniadi Ramadhan 14 Apr @ 6:53am 
Are you a girl? A girl on the internet. That's crazy. I've never talked to a girl before. If you really are a girl I'm really thankful. If what I said is true then I would like to add you as a friend. Thank you. Thanks so much for reading my post. It's just crazy that there's a girl on the internet. So, please. Accept my friend request. I can't wait to see what games we will play online. Do you like Among Us, want to hop in a VC. If you have the time, we can hop in a Voice Channel and have a long chat. I can help you improve your among us skills. Please, I really want to talk to you. Do you have a snapchat? I really want to add you. What's your Instagram BTW? I'm just so happy right now. It's just insane. I never thought that I could find a woman on the internet. I have been living in my mom's basement and my mom left me. You are the first women I have talked to in many years. In fact, your presence even gives me nostalgia.
paiBadagok nimvunegoro 21 Jan @ 7:26am 
Good Afternoon,
I'm from the National Urology Society and we received your questions sent to our e-mail, and we're pleased to answer:

1) Yes, 3 inches is considered small. We recommend you surgery process;

2) No, it's not usual for the condom to be loose. There's no XS size;

3) Even if 3 inches is quite small, it is still possible that your partner has an climax during sexual relationships, so if it doesn't happen with you like you've mentioned, the lack of competence is your responsibility;

4) No, you cant have a prostate exam, it's only for 50-year-olds or older. Please, do not insist;

5) The attraction for people of the same sex can be a strong sign of homosexual tendencies;

Any other questions, we're here to help.
Please contact

Have a nice evening you have nothing to be ashamed of.
Benz 7 Sep, 2023 @ 9:30am 
Kondom Sutra adalah produk kondom dan lubrikan yang diproduksi oleh DKT Indonesia.

Kondom sendiri berfungsi untuk mencegah masuknya sperma ke rahim, sehingga tidak terjadi pembuahan. Selain itu, kondom juga berguna untuk mencegah penyakit menular saat melakukan hubungan seksual.

Kondom Sutra terbuat dari bahan karet latex tipis alami dengan bahan dasar air. Produk ini tersedia dalam beberapa jenis, yaitu:

Kondom Sutra Classic, yang memberikan kesan rasa halus sekaligus lembut
Kondom Sutra OK, yang dapat memperpanjang durasi bercinta dengan pasangan
Kondom Sutra Gerigi, yang dapat meningkatkan kenikmatan dan kepuasan, karena dilengkapi bintil-bintil halus yang dapat memicu orgasme
Kondom Sutra Plus, yang memiliki efek yang terasa seperti tidak menggunakan pengaman saat bercinta