^1Scorpion^7Sting-^4Venom Death
Steve   Maine, United States
Don't like hackers. Like the gaming and friendly competition. Snipers Rule, 1 shot - 1 kill!
Currently Online
^1Scorpion^7Sting-^4Venom Death 25 Apr, 2013 @ 7:12pm 
Here it is April 2013 and still no improvements with game play and every time Steam does an update, it does more harm then good. When will they ever get it right and fix the problems instead of add to them. As far as IW goes, I will not spend any more money on their failed product line, as they can't even properly support the ones we already bought. Why feed a defective corp.? I didn't waste the moeny on Ops 2 and by the fellow players reviews, I didn't miss anything anyway. It's too bad. I miss playing with so many friends but many have opted out as they are also tired of the lack of support and the rampant hackers.
^1Scorpion^7Sting-^4Venom Death 16 Jun, 2012 @ 10:04pm 
So tired of all the problems with Steam and IWNet with MW3 gaming. Tired of the bad ping drop-offs and horrible lag issues. WHY can't Steam fix these things? Why do Steam updates always create more issues then they solve? Is anyone in that company caring that these things are pissing people off and many folks are frustrated and tired of the issues. Why would I want to buy another game from the folks who can never solve the issues with the current ones out there? It is nice to have great friends to play with ,but if Steam can not provide dependable servers to play on, why do they force us to use them in order to buy or play the game?SUpport? What support? You can't even get in touch with them or leave any messages about issues. Yeah, they'll take your money but.....
RootBeer 31 Oct, 2011 @ 3:30am 
lol AND DIE!
^1Scorpion^7Sting-^4Venom Death 28 Jul, 2010 @ 7:14am 
Just getting going against all the seasoned pros...old but not dead!