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2.0 год. загалом
You can't really go wrong with "free," but for hardcore Gothic fans there might be too much meddling here for your enjoyment.

It should be noted right away that this is a re-imagining more so than a remake. I usually consider remakes verbatim (or as close to it) technical upgrades of prior versions. This one is clearly inspired by the original but a lot has been changed in the opening, most of it to this iteration's weakness.

The writing is sloppy, the voice acting is dodgy, it has no business being as unoptimized as it is (post-processing FX out the tush like we're in 2014, hooray?) and there's this awful feeling that someone thinks that they should focus on being cool rather than bringing the original Gothic to a new audience, old fans, and reinvigorating its well-deserved place in gaming history. It does retain its charming jank in many ways without endangering its appeal to new or returning players, though. The core gameplay is solid, this is a skeleton that could get some meat.

Its pretty, it has potential, but given how often THQ seems to ruin follow-ups and how little executives tend to listen to proper feedback and allow developers to impliment it, I'd save the inevitable pre-order of the remake entirely unless they show off the kinks they've ironed out.

All that being said, the worst crime is the main character. For some reason he's jabbering on like he boofed amphetamines and just simply won't shut the hell up, its like he's in a Guardians of the Galaxy movie. True Marvelification of him, it bodes very poorly, because they'll likely readjust too far in the opposite direction and make him Mr. Grimdark.

But it's free, so... don't take my word for it? It's also just under 2 hours if you do everything. The only thing you have to lose is your hard drive space, albeit temporarily.
Додано 28 вересня.
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8.2 год. загалом
Definitively worth it if you're a Drummerhead like myself, and a good narrative game besides. I don't think you'll like it as much if you're not a fan of exploring 3D spaces, The Expanse in all of its wonderful diverse semi-realistic sci-fi, or the best of the original Telltale games but if none of those scare you away then you'll find a good story where you don't need to know anything or even have read the books or watched the show to have a good experience.

The sound and visual design stand out - its slightly stylized, the visuals, but a lot of the audio is straight ripped from the show. I didn't expect to hear the show's theme song when I booted up the game nor the signature kathunk of magboots but its all there.

Overall it feels like the pilot to a prequel TV show, and I mean that in all the best ways. Left me wanting more but ultimately satisfied with its larger connections to the show, even if there were one too many for my personal taste.
Додано 27 вересня.
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24.8 год. загалом
A solid tower defense game, easily the best entry in the franchise. Robot Entertainment just flatly knows how to make one of these games fun, well-balanced, and just difficult enough for the "just one more map..." mentality that makes this genre so satisfyingly addictive.

The art direction is fantastic (war mage animations being a little too "bouncy" is my only complaint). The DLC was also short for what they were given at full-price, albeit the art and full redesigns of enemies and added animations definitely do earn the sticker price, I don't think most gamers will see how few maps were offered as a fair trade. I personally disagree with this, but I also got the entirety of OMD! 3 on sale, so if you're one of those people who disregard all the hard work that goes into the full experience and only care about more content for the sake of content, then I would also wait for a sale. $4 for the two DLC's was a dang steal.

All of the mobs have wonderful personalities and reactions to traps. I found myself spamming haymakers just because I loved how the orcs would say 'wheee!' or throw in random dialogue. Charm of the series is on full display, basically, and if you've never played an OMD! game, then this is a great one to pick up for co-op or solo play. If you're a weaker player (e.g. not as skilled or have trouble with shooters for whatever reason) than some parts of solo play might be frustrating - there are some genuine skill requirements to some of the maps if you want a good score.

I just really like it. Tower defense perfected.
Додано 6 вересня.
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27.3 год. загалом
A solid successor to Bomber Crew, a lot more feature-robust and fine tuned. It falls short to me because I really loved Bomber Crew and Bomber Crew's USAF DLC. Space Crew adds tonnes of new quality of life features and ideas, but it still ended up feeling way too easy to me, and the vibe is wholly different.

The vibe is good, though, and I will say the music in this one is absolutely fantastic, especially the grander more operatic tracks. You also feel a lot more of an active participant in the administration and upkeep of your cruiser. One downside is that there is an "I win" button: missiles and flak cannons. I combined those on a lark and realized that I just nuked the game's difficulty into the ground, I became practically unstoppable.

Still a great game besides, and a lot more newbie friendly than Bomber Crew, although I think the substance of Bomber Crew lies in its nail-biting nature. Space Crew is a worthy sequel, and one that conjures a fantastical little universe and mini-stories and a great feeling while expanding upon every feature its predecessor had.
Додано 13 серпня.
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33.7 год. загалом
A truly fantastic game. To see how few people actually were involved in the making of Bomber Crew at the end was flabberghasting - it has a quality benchmark that you'd expect of a game with a fully staffed team, not a handful of people.

Bomber Crew is pretty simplistic in terms of mechanics but complicated in how those mechanics all mesh together and play during any given mission. Each bomber mission is a grand quest where success and survival are neither guaranteed nor easy to achieve, especially in the mid- and late-game. The style is cute and charming, the gameplay loop is stressful when it needs to be an entertainingly calm between those points.

The most glaring issue with the game is the fact that you can truly death spiral in the mid- and late-game if you lose a bomber and/or an entire crew. Even grinding back to where you were, you'll likely lose even more crew or potentially another bomber. The balancing for the latter two thirds of the game is clearly meant for a baseline which they clearly don't give you. Thankfully it is easy to edit a file and give yourself some funds and trivialize the progression experience if you're less here for rogue-like and more here a World War II arcade bombing game - but I think it stands as a testament to the game's overall design that even with the money/research based trees trivialized Bomber Crew is a genuinely fun game.

The USAF DLC is equivalently just as fun, as is the secret weapons DLC. The amount of work and polish put into Bomber Crew deserves some recognition and I think if you're a fan of quasi-simulationist arcade games, World War 2 games, or games that feel like they have real stakes with every mission you take then I can fully recommend the full package.
Додано 12 серпня.
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1.0 год. загалом
This genuinely might be one of the worst things I've ever "played." The central conceit of gameplay is clunky, uninspired and it feels like a gimmick. There are no options - only right answers. I have little to say about the authorial tone beyond its juvenile presentation and the artistic presentation is... fine, its not my thing but its more than what most do. Typos and grammatical errors are present (as they often are in these small-scale games. I have no issues with that) but the story - that thing you're paying for - is almost offensively bad.

This is not a love story, this is an odd mish-mash of media. Clearly aping off of Life is Strange but this is not a positive nor a particularly well-written love story. In fact, the game functionally centers around the player character, Joan, falling for another teenaged girl who is sleeping with Joan's father. That's right. The contrived mommy-daddy fight time and mother's concerns about an affair are true because for some reason the plot twist in this game is that Joan's girlfriend is having an affair with her father. Its such a baffling and asinine twist that it beggars actual belief. I almost regret spoiler tagging it because I think it should stand out as a warning to the poor quality of the story overall, it completely soils what would have otherwise been a mid-tier experience.

Even for free, I wouldn't recommend it. Not as an LGBT story, not as a lesbian story, not even as a zero calorie Life is Strange attempt at emulating messed up Twin Peaksy small town dynamics.
Додано 6 серпня.
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34.7 год. загалом (10.3 год на момент рецензування)
A game I didn't expect to like but now I'm pretty sure I... love?

Its odd. The big, hetero chest pounding machismo of hiring largely middle-aged "badass" actors from the 1980s and 1990s was why when I first saw the trailer for this game I wrote it off but after the abject failure of Payday 3 I decided that, hey, its got the right price point so even if it blows chunks it'll be worth it, right?

And it is. Even if I don't like the roguelite singleplayer mode and with it was elsewise, the actors who are clearly not good voice actors (hi chuck norris, your line reading is so bad it makes me laugh) stand out in a cheesy 1980s mid-tier action movie kind of way rather than an issue of development. Likewise with the game: any scuff marks on this diamond are flatly because its a mid-tier game, not a AAA powerhouse release.

The further we get from the 2010's the happier I am that mid-tier games are returning and the anachronistic, odd Crime Boss: Rockay City is the epitome of why we need them. The gameplay loop is fun and satisfying, feeling like an evolution of the heist game genre while not having eyes bigger than its stomach in terms of what they could accomplish with their budget, the gunplay is snappy and fantastic and the fact that it can be entirely singleplayer is phenomenal and really helpful for me and a game of this price point. Nobody can say what multiplayer games will live and breath forever, but ensuring that there's a healthy and robust singleplayer that more or less has the same features (and then some, tbh) was inspired on INGAME STUDIOS' part and I applaud them.

The part of the game that really rocked me most noticeably was that it allows you to tell the bots what to do and even control them directly depending on what part of the heist your on. You're not pigeon holed into playing as Michael Madsen's titular crime boss, and thats good because a lot of situations will ask for different gadgets, guns, or perks. My first run was dominated by a southern belle in heels named Alleycat who straight-up was as fast as a motorcycle thanks to her perks and it was capital-F fun to just be allowed to exist and experiment in this gameplay loop.

I'm also not a roguelite/rogue-like fan in general but the fact that almost immediately after the first run it feels more manageable is a nice change of pace. A lot of roguelites feel like you're just supposed to die, die, die and die until you have a good set-up but on my second run alone I was able to get more of the stories and characters than before and that was really nice! I didn't feel locked into a "forever game" where I'd have to sit and suffer for nine million runs to experience a fraction of the game bits and pieces at a time.

My largest complaint is that in the single player mode you really can't experiment without consequences, and sometimes some heists are a little less intuitive to me than others. More than once I've ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up because I misread something or other, particularly in taking down the defenses of the more in-depth heists - this isn't just a problem with Crime Boss: Rockay City, though, I can firmly say that this is just a problem with a lot of heists. The man-on-the-radio exists to ameliorate this from becoming too present of an issue and for the most part this game doesn't do it too often but the few gaffes I've made have felt cheap or otherwise out of my control than a screw-up of my own making.

There is also a specific job type where it glitches out and a gas tank starts to explode shortly after spawning in for no reason, immediately forcing the job to go loud. Pretty sure its not intended, and its on a smaller game map so its not TOO bad but when I bring a solo character to a map like that I'm expecting being able to actually utilize my awesome stealth abilities. Disappointing but not spirit breaking, I've not experienced many other downsides beyond a typo in one of the cutscenes, some UI faffery such as me trying to buy a crew member and then inexplicably buying the member next to them (might be an issue with mouse controls? Not sure.) This is probably one of my longer Steam reviews just because its bewitched me in the same way that other charming budget-friendly titles like Road 96 have. The clearly non-American spin on Americanism pipe fed by pop culture is truly a delightfully fun setting, and Crime Boss: Rockay City avoids the misogynistic and homophobic tendencies of similarly set settings like Grand Theft Auto. Its just genuinely a fun setting that is enjoying itself, not ripping down others.

Overall this feels like a solid, AA, mid-tier heist shooter with a laughably juvenile 1980's story that sweats popcorn, spits bullets, and has Michael Madsen laconically slurring one-liners while better voice actors like Danny Trejo, Danny Glover, and Michael Rooker chew the scenery whenever they're allowed to.
Додано 21 червня.
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1.4 год. загалом (0.6 год на момент рецензування)
Not a fan of roguelikes that don't do more than just focus on being roguelikes with nothing special added in- Bunker Punks hasn't given me the impression that it will do anything more than just fit into a genre because of... reasons.

It feels clunky, samey, and some of the weapons border on nigh useless. Great music, OK art style, snoozeworthy gameplay and supremely uninspired enemies.

Not for me and I wouldn't recommend it but if you like to sweat and enjoy roguelikes it may be for you.
Додано 29 травня. Востаннє відредаговано 29 травня.
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 12
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12.1 год. загалом (9.5 год на момент рецензування)
Homeworld 3 is fun. It looks like Homeworld, it sounds like Homeworld, and it overall feels like Homeworld. There are some issues with pathing and utilizing larger formation sizes but overall it just kinda has the vibe of Homeworld. It isn't bad, its about as much of a downgrade that was between Homeworld 1 and Homeworld 2. The War Games mode is hella good fun and the multiplayer overall provides a better Homeworld experience than the single player, even if that's also where the map design (an S-rank feature of this game) shines as bright as LED headlights.

I still think strikecraft auto-returning to carriers is necessary as well as them having fuel and munitions - this may be "skill issue" of me but some sort of feature to auto-reinforce groups based on unit production type would also make it just a more enjoyable game. I LOVE strikecraft but I feel like every game since Homeworld 1 has done them dirty and wrong. Ships smaller than capital-class feels wafer thin in singleplayer, some of them (like railgun corvettes) not worth caring about at all.

The lack of locational/system damage is really sorely needed and makes larger ships feel either arbitrarily squishy or arbitrarily spongy. But the ballistics are fun and feel impactful, it's just a lot of the more complicated bits that need work. I am hoping that BBI gets that in time and I genuinely believe they will, given the scope of future updates.

Additionally, the visual design is perfect. Some ships - frigates especially - are a little samey but they're still gorgeous. The comm chatter and voice acting overall is fantastic and exactly what you would expect following Deserts of Kharak.

Now where the game falls apart is its story. Homeworld was a grand-scale story and that's more or less what its always banked on and remembered for, no matter what the gameplay junkies say. That's why Deserts of Kharak was good, that's why Homeworld: Cataclysm was so sorely missed in the Remastered collection. Homeworld 1 is a masterclass in 'less is more' storytelling. Homeworld 3 is 'kitchen sink' storytelling.

Idiotic (but beautiful!) cutscenes involving random giant people in the hyperspace mind palace is just an awful idea. It doesn't work, Homeworld had this sweet spot of science fiction and it did not include psychic mind palaces or hyperspace wizards. The animatics of Deserts of Kharak were wonderful and memorable and in their place are a very sterile obsession with AAA-style presentation. I'm sure it works for someone but it doesn't work for me. It doesn't even work for the game. Remembering the villains of Deserts of Kharak, we were robbed of some genuinely cool people and in their place is some one-note idiot who at least is nicely sent off in the only part of the story that I like: the end.

The story fails on multiple levels but the general gist of it is that it tries to be a grand-scale story and interpersonal drama at the same time. Imogen S'jet is not especially annoying or even written poorly in comparison to others but she is just exceptionally human, which is something I really do not want out of a navigator and I think it makes the story lesser because she emotes too much, acts too much like a 'call to adventure' fantasy protagonist instead of a pilot or scientist. I think if the protagonist was Intel it would have been a better game and I think that every Homeworld story shackling itself to a S'jet is an active detriment to how far Homeworld can grow and go - look at the Somtaaw from Homeworld: Cataclysm and the supporting cast of Deserts of Kharak - we do not need only one Kiith getting all the glory. It just comes off as pedestrian.

If story is important to you I cannot recommend it, but I will say the ending does "reset" a lot of what was wrong in Homeworld 3, giving me some hope for the future. However if you like Homeworld games, space games, or multiplayer offerings then you could do worse. I do not regret my purchase but I hope that BBI learns from the major missteps of the story here and adjusts accordingly now that they've really pissed a good amount of their goodwill away.

It isn't a bad game, though, not by a long shot. Its just not a great Homeworld game. Just good with the potential for a lot more.
Додано 27 травня. Востаннє відредаговано 28 травня.
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20.7 год. загалом
I'm not really the target audience for this game. I have no knowledge base for Korean idols and I am not into visual novels, especially not the tropey ones. But Angel Wings is really good! The art is fantastic, the music (while intermittent) is nice and sets the mood, and the stories are surprisingly entertaining with a good combination of humor and seriousness.

Overall it is the composition of the work that really sells it. This is exceptionally well put together and presented and the hook of needing a NG+ with some characters, two different endings, secret routes and more really kept me coming back for more despite me absolutely flunking out of any good endings on my first 2 playthoughs. It also really helped that it let me play a girl! I am a girl who loves girls and this let me do that! The writing didn't TREAT me like some random guy protagonist 80% of the time and that was really what kept me hooked.

Overall for fans of visual novels I wholeheartedly recommend. For those who aren't - well, its free so what do you have to lose?
Додано 26 травня.
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