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Publicada: 25 out. 2023 às 10:14
Atualizada: 16 nov. 2023 às 8:47

Having played this game some more, it is certainly an early access game. There are plenty of game breaking bugs and it is very content light. Delays to content promised with the Ultimate Edition seem inevitable also, which is unacceptable when charging so much money.

Modding could have saved some of the glaring missing features, but unfortunately mod support is missing, and who knows when that will be added.

They are providing weekly updates but they are all for minor issues. The big problems remain unmentioned.

I cannot recommend spending money on this game. Wait 6 months to a year and see how it is. If you have gamepass give it a try on there I guess.

(Original review: Enjoyable so far, improving on CS1. Performance issues seem to be overstated by the community, but certainly room for improvement.)
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