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Clever idle game
Publicada em 10 de fevereiro de 2021.
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39.7 horas registradas
7/10 for me. Great value for a JRPG. Played on Expert and there was only one boss which I struggled with.

+ Great mechanics and gameplay, especially the varied bosses
+ Great artstyle and animations
+ Story is fairly interesting, kept me going
+ Lots of content for the price
+ Really enjoyed the music, minus a couple of tracks

- Dialogue and writing is a bit fanfictiony and cheesy. Too many Breaking the 4th walls really diluted it
- Facial animations in dialogue were too anime-ish for my tastes
- Without spoiling, ending took off a 0.5 or 1 from my total score...
Publicada em 19 de junho de 2020.
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19.6 horas registradas (8.9 horas no momento da análise)
Excellent and beautiful game. 9/10
Publicada em 14 de junho de 2020.
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9.4 horas registradas
finished the game in 6 hours or so, was a struggle. bad translations and dialogue made me not care about the story. gameplay is ok if you like this kind of game. some bugs here and there and inconsistent mechanical behaviours like how many knife clicks if it's not a stealth kill. if you like hotline miami games then get it, if on sale. steam page says there's controller support but controls are awkward and my R2 stick didn't work.

you can check out my playthrough here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/643043877
Publicada em 6 de junho de 2020. Última edição em 6 de junho de 2020.
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4.0 horas registradas

overall enjoyed the puzzles with the camera freeze mechanic. bugged out a couple of times where I clipped through the wall to my death so I had to reset.

Definitely worth a pick up if this is on sale/bundled.
Publicada em 5 de junho de 2020.
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1,691.3 horas registradas (1,395.4 horas no momento da análise)
Great grinder shooter fun
Publicada em 25 de fevereiro de 2020.
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19.4 horas registradas
After saving this for a long time, was not disappointed in the slightest. IMO one of the few games that truly deserves a 10/10, especially considering its genre and the leap from Portal 1.
Publicada em 29 de janeiro de 2019.
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4.5 horas registradas
Publicada em 29 de janeiro de 2019.
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167.9 horas registradas (57.7 horas no momento da análise)
Excellent humour but UI is a bit clunky.
Publicada em 5 de agosto de 2018.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
29.7 horas registradas
Definitely worth it for $5 on sale.
Publicada em 4 de julho de 2018.
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