
Robotica の最近のレビュー

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12件中 1-10 を表示
記録時間: 3.0 時間
One of the best games I have ever played. Doesn't last long, but is very enjoyable experience.
投稿日 6月10日.
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記録時間: 7.6 時間 (レビュー時に5.7時間)
After 5 hours I have lost all interest. It's just too tedious and slow paced, way too much effort for too little return. Even on God mode the game is just too tedious and boring, the dynamics of the weapons aren't there, the maps are mostly small and unimpressive. Getting cot on invisible corners is common, difficulty in perceiving bullet z-depth, unfair/annoying/cc enemy tactics, the list goes on.

The atmosphere, graphic style and design are good, generally speaking, but the first game is IMHO much better.
投稿日 6月10日.
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記録時間: 199.4 時間
An incredible game with a unique feeling. Had a lot of fun playing it off and on over the years.
投稿日 2月12日.
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4 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
記録時間: 271.8 時間 (レビュー時に268.2時間)
The best part of the game was making your character obscenely powerful with a trillion projectiles a second. They have since nerfed everything to boring.
投稿日 1月20日.
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記録時間: 4.9 時間 (レビュー時に1.9時間)
I immediately knew there was a problem when the game start interface doesn't make sense. The interface is also very buggy, does not work well for controllers, the game also crashes a lot to the point it is unplayable for me. But beyond that, the game is slow, you are basically walking around confused most of the time and when there is combat it is slow and underwhelming.

Once you finally figure out your loading some pre-created mod world to start a new game you are immediately thrown into a puzzle. I guess if I read the short novel of dialogue I would have known that, but instead since I don't want to waste a bunch of time reading pointless story details I skip passed it. I spent probably 20 minutes walking back and forth back and forth thinking the game was bugged out until I accidentally shot a wall and realized there was a passage. After that I was ready to quit just because of the shear ridiculousness of wasting my time on this, but I thought maybe it gets better... It did not.
投稿日 2023年8月22日.
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開発元は 2023年8月23日 10時03分 に返答しました (返答を表示)
記録時間: 327.0 時間 (レビュー時に296.3時間)
Hands down the best racing physics of any game and one of the best games I've played in a long time. Compared to Ridge Racer gameplay, Descenders is leaps and bounds beyond superior. Descenders is not perfect, and there is criticism for sure, but regarding price and gameplay nothing in this genre can even hold a candle to it in my opinion.
投稿日 2022年2月12日.
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記録時間: 12.1 時間 (レビュー時に4.5時間)
A very fun game. if you like top down shooters, arpgs and rogue-likes(lites) then this will be a good game for you. It's maybe a bit grindy and can sometimes be boring, buy overall I think it's a well polished game. The universe they have created is colorful and also ominous, filled with interesting powerups, challenging enemies and epic boses. Very rad game.
投稿日 2019年8月24日.
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記録時間: 722.0 時間 (レビュー時に585.7時間)
As of June 2019 Cities: Skylines is probably the best city building game there is. It's not perfect though, the simulation can be buggy at times and even if you have a powerful PC your FPS will still struggle. Apart from these issues though there really is a lot of things to love about this game, especially if you love city builders like myself. In the world of city builders there are generally two types of players, those who play to micromanage the simulation and those who play to build beautiful looking cities. I typically fall somewhere in between the two, though I tend to land on making beautiful cities.

The base game and the DLC are great, I own just about all of them (apart form Natural Disasters, I don't like the idea of destroying my city), but where this game truly shines is the mods. The Steam Workshop contains thousand upon thousand of custom buildings, tools, maps, luts, etc etc. With the community involved the possibilities are truly endless. Oh, and speaking of the community, it's huge! Also, it's full of great people who love to build and help others as well.

SimCity 4 was my city builder of choice prior to CS, but being a trully 3D game CS offers much more flexibility and diverse building possibilities than SC4. Building networks in SC4 was also incredibly time consuming and tedious, not to mention it was extremely easy to accidentally break your entire interchange and have to rebuild it, but in CS things are much much easier (emphasis on the much). With a massive collection of prebuilt interchanges you can easily get a complex network up in no time. Even if you need to hand build one it's much quicker and much less tedious. Also, if you prefer the isometric look of SC4 it's possible to get close to that aesthetic using mods. If you build your network with straight roads and 45 deg angles you can get a very similar look.

So, if your a fan of city builders and looking for a new game to sink your teeth into you won't be disappointed. I'm at about 600 hours and I feel like there is still a lot left for me to do.
投稿日 2019年7月1日.
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記録時間: 0.2 時間
While the art style is good enough and the weapon choice is diverse, the actual gameplay mechanics are just terrible. The game is extremely laggy, buggy and chaotic. Everything from how you move to how you shoot, it all feels poorly designed and executed. Even just the simple aspect of something like aiming your attacks feels sub par and un-intuitive.

The moment I opened up the options I knew there was going to be a problem as you get absolutely no display/video options, not even resolution or window/fullscreen... That's just pathetic. Anyways, the in game UI is also terrible, apparently you get a limited amount of ammo for range weapons, no biggie, but where the heck is the number letting me know how much I have left? Maybe it was there, I couldn't find it...

All in all I only played the game for 20 minutes and I couldn't take anymore. Which is a shame because I had not high hopes but at least a glimmer of hope for this game and it disappointed me in almost every regard.
投稿日 2017年6月8日.
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記録時間: 0.4 時間
I could only stomach playing through the first level, after that I jut couldn't take anymore. While the artwork is nice and the theme of the game is great it's the actual gameplay mechanics that are the problem. The controls are clunky and buggy to say the least, everything from walking and jumping to shooing and aiming, it's all buggy. Sound effects are dull and boring, combat with enemies sounds like someone dropping books on a table, music is forgettable and not very interesting. For some reason when you shoot you don't even shoot out of your gun, the bullets fly from the side of your gun so combat looks out of sync unless you line your character up. Oh and it seems that the regular purchase only has 2 of the 3 currently available character, for the third one you have to pay more. Oh and the game had a terrible stutter for me, even on the low graphic option (which unfortunately is the only graphics option in the entire game, low or high setting, pathetic)

Anyways, I love twin stick shooters, and just to give someone an idea of what this game is like imagine the Halo Spartan Series only much, much worse. From the screen shots and videos it actually comes off a lot better than it is. Watching the game looks awesome, playing the game feels like a fisher price toy.
投稿日 2016年9月30日.
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12件中 1-10 を表示