Navo The Riokin
A hybrid boi that resides in:   Kansas, United States
Welcome to a profile belonging to a fusion doge. Enjoy your stay while you're here.
For more information, please read the text showcase down below.
För närvarande Offline
The relatively average-sized info box.
:enemycube: Guidelines for adding me:
Must be at/over level 5 to be accepted, exceptions are if you're a good friend on another platform.

Adding without a commenting a reason why is alright, but it can help more on why you would wanna friend me.

Private profiles are a no-no, but friends-only are okay.

:enemycube: Guidelines regarding being buds:
Please give a reason why you've removing me, either by comment or chat message, silent ones are real annoying, frankly.

I'm not one of those people that removes others for not chatting with me for an extended period of time, though if you were offline for like 2 months or something, there is a chance of me removing you.

Do not send me trade sites, especially if you do that as soon as I accept your request. Just don't.

:enemycube: List of games I can usually play:
Left 4 Dead 2
Halo MCC (I mostly play Halo 3 and Halo: Reach and primarily a co-op player in general, but I'm fine if you want to play PVP)

:enemycube: Contacts:
I have a Discord account, but you'll have to ask for my tag.
My Furaffinity Profile [] (In terms of submissions, very likely only comms that I upload with permission)

:enemycube: Other info:
If I don't respond to you after you DM me via steam chat, it was very likely that I was either on a mobile device, was quite busy playing a non-steam game, or you likely said something that didn't interest me for a response. For some reason I don't get notified on mobile.

Availability for being online varies a lot, but you can usually see me online past 11-12AM (CST).

If you're gonna post a hate comment here, why not do something more productive with your time instead? Surely, you can do something else.
970 timmar spelade
kill zombos
get pinned by special zombos
kill more zombos
oops shot the car
kill even more zombos
get pinned again by special zombos
kill even even more zombos
ruh roh crescendo event
get pinned yet again by special zombos
kill even even even more zombos
rescue time
kill even even even even more zombos
get pinned once again by special zombos
TAAAAANK: the sequel
Nivå uppnådd
Bekämpade bossar

Erfarenhet intjänad
846 600
Senaste aktiviteterna
910 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 5 sep
970 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 5 sep
182 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 3 sep
energeticmouse 9 jan, 2023 @ 11:06 
Man, I love h
Binch (looking for new name) 28 sep, 2022 @ 16:02 
I'm unfriending you since I don't remember who you are or where I met you. It's nothing personal at all. If you want to re-add me then you sure can.
Wand3r3r3 21 mar, 2022 @ 3:37 
Really? Rare? I mean I guess so: Not too many people want to say they live in here, of all states :p It's not bad, though
/*<!--Chibimi-->(Uni)'.exe' 31 dec, 2021 @ 13:57 
Happy new year Navo <3
Drayx 12 maj, 2021 @ 13:06 
I do actually have a youtube! Unless you mean you saw me somewhere else?
Friendly_Ronin 15 feb, 2021 @ 14:47 
turns out my profile is friends-only, sorry!