Weep not for paths left lone.
Weep not for sights unseen.
Weep not for roads untraveled.

Only in pictures before have I seen anything like from where I'm standing. Looking, I can't tell where the city stops and the nothing begins.
Currently Offline
Some basic info and exposition about me:
Please don't send me unsolicited friend requests and/or add me as a friend for roleplays or trading. I do accept friend requests, actually: Just comment -- with a good reason -- me that it's coming. And don't have a private profile either -- private profiles are disgusting.

~I'm a male and I don't identify as anything else. I respect others' choices and support them, but I'm happy with what I was born as.
~I'm 31 and my birthday is 10/02. Just because I'm older doesn't mean I've forgotten my emotions to the past.

I care. Sometimes too much. Sometimes it's a flaw and sometimes it hurts myself and everyone around me. Maybe I'm coming off as 'edgy' to you right now and you're already turned off; go ahead and leave this page if you are. But you're missing out if you do, because I will not kneel to the malicious ways of the world and my own mind. Not for good, that is. Never for good. Hopefully not.

Because I do still care. I do still want to make friends and I most definitively do believe that no life is born without a purpose. Whether to live solely to love or to hate, that choice is yours. Whether to live out your young dreams or simply coexist with the world, you shouldn't feel ashamed. But I hope that you, whoever you are, are so open-minded that you would send me a friend invite, because I love to see people blossom. It also hurts sometime, but I always take the risk, because love is always worth so much more than it costs.

Because love is always worth so much more than the cost.
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Review Showcase
Cats are Liquid was a great dollar's worth experience for me, and I just had to get the game as soon as I found it here on Steam. It's a very simple puzzle platformer about (just read its likewise description) a cat that has the ability to turn into liquid. Through the game (I'd say it'd take you...maybe a little less than ninety minutes, even if you're not used to platformers), you get other cute little abilities. But as you progress, more so in the late game and even after, you discover that the story behind the game -- and why you, the little bouncy cat, are in all these mazes -- isn't so cute after all. It's not going to have a twist on the scale of any of those popular indie, fourth-wall breaking games out there, but I adore cats more than most other things in life, and the story behind the game ellicited more emotion from me than it probably should have.

If you're a cat lover, you'll definitely get a kick out of this adorable platformer, and it'll make you want to cuddle your cat. A lot.
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4,433 hrs on record
last played on 27 Jun
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last played on 26 Jun
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last played on 7 Jun
Kasuki 22 Apr @ 8:16pm 
Waffle the sequel :os_pancakes:
SPAWK*TEK 11 Apr @ 3:10pm 
chicken sammich
Taica 18 Jan @ 9:53pm 
I can't remember if I friended you before or not, but either way - adding now because your profile introduction spiritually touches me, and I'd love to converse sometime about letting go of things that might've been and focusing on things that are. Plus, any friend of Buizy's is bound to be my type of gamer. Let's hang. ^^
pwoo 6 Nov, 2023 @ 6:33am 
hai it's me pwoofy :3c
Wand3r3r3 10 Sep, 2023 @ 2:27pm 
not worried about anyone hating me
Soralis 30 Aug, 2023 @ 9:36pm 
Get better, please, I don't hate you at all for anything you do, but I hope you'll get rid of that hate you let yourself have in you. Stop putting yourself a barrier for people that supports you and want to help you.