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338.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Ett bra spel om man gillar blandning av överlevnad, äventyr/utforskning och byggande. Detta spelet är väldigt komplett. Vi alla har garanterat spelat mycket sämre spel som kostat mycket mer.
Posted 21 November, 2023.
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1,986.2 hrs on record
Grind SL in rank 1-3 for 2-3 weeks to afford playing swedish rank 4 for 2-3 hours.
Why would you think I'd leave a positive comment?
Posted 23 May, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
Greatly dissapointed in this "expansion".

People who say the trees behave better - are wrong
People who say the map is awesome - are wrong

The map is pure forest, as we already know. But the problem is that there is not one single patch of the map that contains a dense forest.
I was ready to haul timberbutt for days. Turns out, If Im gonna commit to my plan I will be spending 50% of my time in pure transport cause the forest is so thin.
From a RL perspective, there's nothing to be done here really. Knock down the remaining few trees and plant new saplings, start from the beginning.

Log physics was not changed. Literally nothing has changed on that part. They still behave like the logs are filled with helium e.g. they are still too light to behave better.
I must say. GIANTS need to take a look at what FDR has achieved.
Not that FDR reflect any quality but the trees used on the maps he provide behave better.

There's a mineshaft thingybob that constantly spit out stone or whatever it's supposed to look like.
And that's about as funny as this "expansion" gets.
Oh I almost forgot. THE best thing with this is the volvo SM462.
Such a nice relic.
Posted 11 February, 2023. Last edited 11 February, 2023.
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64.8 hrs on record (34.2 hrs at review time)
Im gonna try my best at keeping this short.

To be honest. This game is ♥♥♥♥.


It's unintuitive. And I feel no need to be constructive and waste energy on my review since obviously the developers don't want to be constructive, intuitive and serious about their title.

Upon doing what I did, paying for this game. You support some of the worst game developer habits. The kind where they just ctrl+c and ctrl+v and ship it off to the fanboyant customers.

If you've played the first CMS title, you've played this. In fact, if you've played ANY earlier CMS title, you've played this.

You've been warned. Support a healthy developer behavior and skip this one.
Posted 20 August, 2021.
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296.6 hrs on record (123.4 hrs at review time)
Fantastisk efterföljare.
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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217.8 hrs on record (91.3 hrs at review time)
The game is announced discontinued and is in a rough unpolished shape.
So for the time being, I will mark my review as negative.
I cannot recommend this game anymore.

If you're looking to be a reasonable keyboard farmer. This is where it's at.

Now. I saw someone comparing this to EmergeNYC which is totally unfair.
This is more than a proof of concept. MBB is more competent than 1-2 guys who are behind emergeNYC.
Therefore I see that this hold more potential.
I would like to say this is fully comparable to farming simulator by giants.
What the FS series from giants has in polish CnC has in details.

If you doubt what Im saying. Pay the 2 pizzas that this game cost and do the fertilization tutorial.
Now think about it. You still have time before you cannot refund anymore.
Have you ever been that close to realism in farming simulator?
No. You have not.

So far. The most annoying thing I've encountered is the frontloader controls.
It's currently lacking optimization so it'll run on low FPS.

But hey. No game in this world would get anywhere without funding.
And looking at the early access market here on steam at the moment.
These developers has shown signs that they don't want to run a title as early access forever.

My strongest opinion is that this is a good alternative to the FS series.
This make farming simulator look like an arcade game.

And keep in mind. Forestry is not farming.
Posted 20 October, 2020. Last edited 27 September, 2021.
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5.1 hrs on record (2.2 hrs at review time)
This will most likely be a pleasant management game to play.

During the alpha I found two things that was quite annoying.
First was that there seems to be no way to demolish platforms.
Second was that the workshop didn't cover new platforms so on the 2x7 platform you'd have to sacrifice 4x4 space for a workshop.

And very "alpha" specific I found that the canteen upgrade was isled among alpha-locked upgrades in the tech tree. Rendering it unreachable but implemented.

This is the type of game I wouldn't pay more than 9-12€ for,
So for now, I will recommend it. However this shouldn't be called an alpha. This is fully playable. I'd say a beta-demo.
Posted 30 August, 2020.
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88.3 hrs on record
If you ever want to purchase an early access game that'll be released unfinished after 3 years in development check this developer's titles.
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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100.4 hrs on record (83.3 hrs at review time)
Bought the game at 50% discount.

To begin with. It's a really cosy first person RPG set in the 13th century Bohemia.
There's -alot- to explore and to do, questwise. You have a main story line, side quests and activities.
Activities are repeatable "missions" more or less.
The world is beautiful to say the least. Especially if you can afford playing with the HD texture pack.

I would like to say it straight like this. It is a nice game, I really like it and I find it comparable to Skyrim. (which, shame on me, is the only elderscrolls I've played) But there are a few downsides to it.
That is game mechanically, you are not entirely free to do things your way.
Sneaking both in free roam and in missions is what I find buggers me the most.
You'll find yourself getting tangled up on some bushes or other crap on the ground, and if you do this during night time, RIP. You will inevitably get stuck on or in stairs. Never think you can "walk that fast and ultra sneaky route" cause there'll either be a log, branch or stairway stopping you from doing this. And even if you pick your plan B route it'll be surrounded by bushes.
Speaking of stairs. You will sometimes get stuck in them even when walking.

Apart from that you will also encounter a fair bit of poor NPC pathfinding. And NPCs just bugging around in whatever manner you could possibly think of.

Other than sneaking around getting stuck everywhere and NPCs acting like absolute tits I really enjoy this game. Alot.

That's all for now


Henry from Skalitz

#Edit: I did btw, find out the hard way that the game is somewhat unforgiving. But I will let you find that out on your own.
Posted 8 January, 2019. Last edited 8 January, 2019.
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722.3 hrs on record (120.1 hrs at review time)
Sadly this is true.


We've atleast got weeds to care for now. And the material shading is nice aswell as the volumetric clouds or w/e it's called.
Other than that it's basically the same as before. We even got the FS09 map back, guess it's an anniversary kind of deal.

Another but.

MP is better than ever. Lets hope Giants don't fall behind on this which leads me to think about...
(engine)sounds are in my opinion not as good as they were in FS17.

Hopefully we've got a much needed competitor running up soon so FS series will come under some serious development.
I mean, instead of spending 'all that money' on exhibition presentations and flashy booths.

But for now, that competitor isn't in place yet so if you're looking to operate cool big machines without any thought I can recommend this. But if you're looking for that S in simulator, save your money.

For now, I will make the best of it and enjoy this game. But im hereby stating my point of view, once a worthy competitor is game-on it's bye bye giants unless you adopt and put a whole lot more S in your Simulator.
Posted 27 November, 2018. Last edited 27 November, 2018.
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