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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 169.0 hrs on record (36.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 29 Mar, 2022 @ 8:52am
Updated: 14 Jan, 2023 @ 11:55pm

This game is amazing, there really isn't anything else like it.

1. Exploring the world is very satisfying, a perfect balance of risk vs reward.
2. Base management that doesn't feel like a chore, rewarding enough to keep you out in the world looking for more stuff.
3. Fun combat, the combat itself isn't difficult. The difficulty is set before your first swing is swung meaning that things like being prepared, and choosing the parameters of the engagement increase your odds of victory vs twitch shooting and rapid clicking.
4. Fair number of maps to choose from, you can travel freely between them with your survivor group.

So what will you be doing here? Simply put, you'll get to recruit a roster of survivors each with their own unique traits which could help with either building stuff, killing stuff, or looting stuff. You'll get to play each one individually as survivors get tired and need time to rest, as you slowly find yourself getting attached to these knuckleheads you will also be on the look out for new locations that you can claim as your base. Each location has a fixed number of facilities that can be created there, some will even have facilities ready to go once you move in. You'll make friends and foes as well, other groups of survivors can become great trade partners or another problem that needs to put down.

If you're into survival games, picking through trash for loot, and indiscriminate killing of zombies this game might be for you.
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