Sūpā Saiya-jin
Aw what's the matter? Can't spam my comments?
You still reading this?

"Do what you love"- kitty0706

I watch this when I need a reminder on why I should even be living.

See you space cowboy...
You're gonna carry that weight.

"No Gohan, I won't let you die all alone out there, cause kid you were the first person to ever show me what it means to have a friend" - Piccolo
Is that all you've got?
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3.325 uur in totaal
laatst gespeeld op 26 apr
OldToby 30 nov 2023 om 17:12 
✅ + REP
      💌💟   💟💌
🔝      💌🌠💌      🔝
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      💫         💫
✅ Cool guy !!!
Slamet Pagi 23 nov 2023 om 13:08 
FUTABA and MEI :steamthumbsup:
SpunkyDragon 15 nov 2023 om 1:07 
This guy helped me in Persona 4, absolute hero
⚡ShadowBeatz⚡ 6 aug 2023 om 10:50 
DakotaStreamsTTV.♡ 2 aug 2023 om 0:36 
OVERDO$E ..- 18 mei 2023 om 20:04 
bro was mad cool aye btw in our match i was gone asf off shrooms man it was awesomeee!!:steamthumbsup: