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19.6 h registradas (13.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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I see people crying and crying over this game... Sure enough, for a Beta state it's pretty Alpha-like (as with most other games...)

It has bugs, serious ones too. Occasionally when a game starts you will have unbearable lag, but that one is hotfixable by moving the Resolution Scaling slider up and then down again (or something like that, just getting it out there...)

The lobby server tends to lag like hell, and sure enough the game can support several thousand units in one game, but if you build ten thousand or more you will most likely start lagging reasonably bad, it will still be playable though, just bad. (Planned to be fixed)

Your game can crash and burn, units have a chance to get stuck on terrain or just bug out, bad things can happen that will interrupt your gameplay experience, but that's ok. It's a beta, and if you've just got the sense of humor to be able to laugh at it and actually enjoy the challenge it might pose (for example, when my ACU got stuck in an orbital transporter that got stuck in a mountain when trying to take off... i just had to defend that spot of course.) then you probably wont mind. In other words if you don't mind playing other early access games, alpha and beta alike, (The game is a bit too incomplete in my opinion to call it a beta, but thats just my opinion) You're going to enjoy this (assuming that you enjoy Supreme Commander and similar strategy games with unlimited resources.)

This is by far the most large scale RTS game i've played, it's an ambitious project and i want to see it succeed, there's a lot of nay-sayers claiming that the devs are going to just take the money and drop the project. I think this is very insulting and harsh, if i was a developer such statements would actually hurt my feelings. Just look for a second at all the hard work that has been put in the game, what's already been created is no small feat, and NOBODY would create something this massive as well as it's already been done only to take the money and run.

If they wanted to take the money and run THEY ALREADY WOULD HAVE. I have no doubt that the devs are working their very hardest to finish this game, but programming always takes twice as long as you expect it to so it's normal that deadlines get delayed. The only reason they don't get delayed is money grabbing publishers that demand the game being released on the deadline, ready or not and don't give two ♥♥♥♥♥ about the actual game.

That being said, the game is very playable in it's current state, a project this massive was likely to have a lot more, a lot worse bugs than it does really, i was surprised at how little bugged it is. The biggest problems i've had are stated right above. Sure it's not feature-complete yet, but it's close to it. It has enough features to directly compete with it's predecessors (that is the Supreme Commander series) it's not balanced yet for competitive play, but it doesn't require balance either partially because everyone is playing the same team. I.e. nobody gets to use different experimental unites like in supreme commander to get an unfair advantage. Balancing isn't as important as it was in the past games.

This is the only strategy game i've found that relies solely on different play styles rather than different teams to offer the player variety, and does it so well that you don't mind playing the same team. In fact it's a welcome simplification. It's also got fewer units than supreme commander (i.e. it only has Tier 1 and Tier 2 units and then it has orbital units and Delta-V instead of experimentals.) but that is also in my opinion a welcome simplification.

I do find it slightly lacking in defensive structures though, i think it'd be nice to have shields, but i can (barely) live without the shields, and in fact i can see the argument clearly that the lack of shields makes the games quicker. But i'd argue back that you can always just thrust a planet into the turtle that used the shields and be done with him.

The only bad thing i can say about this game is that the lobby server is (currently) laggy, and massive scale battles are also going to be laggy (that is when you have several thousand units battling each other, which can happen in drawn out games or more than 2 player games.)

I'm just gonna say that the developers are doing a great job, they (and you) shouldn't listen to all the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and nonsensical negative crap being said about the game (constructive negative feedback, and comments that aren't degrading, like what i said about shields are another matter though). And if you've got a computer that meets the recommended specs, you shouldn't hold back from buying the game. (However, if you only meet the minimums i'd be careful. You preferably need a strong processor to run this game, if you've got a quaddie and meet the graphical requirements you should be good though.)

Worth every penny i spent on it. It really is worth it's AAA price tag if you're a fan of strategy games. No game has ever allowed me to fight a war of this scale in real time. And i mean ever
Publicada el 6 de enero de 2014.
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5.5 h registradas (0.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
As long as you don't mind reading (all the narrative in this game apart from images is reading) and spending a minute or two figuring out how the skills system works you're going to have probably a decent 2-3 hours at least of solid entertainment out of this game.

The 2-3 hours promised makes it worth it, considering it's gameplay is quite unique at least in the western game market.

I gave it a thumbs up for the 3 hours, but after that it's likely going to become a bit shallow.

First i will throw out my complaints about the game.

The soundtrack that so many praise i actually hated. The game does not have an original title track, it has a piano version of the national anthem of England instead, this irritated me partially because it wasn't original, and partially because i thought it just wasn't well played and didn't fit the atmosphere of the menu at all.

Next up when you reach the "Elodie's Room" screen where you will spend most of the game (usually thinking about what to do next) you get a 20 second piano music on loop, it's not so bad, but when you've heard it for the 3rd time (and yes, that takes only 1 minute to happen) you will most likely get tired of it and gradually start to hate it if you don't do something about it. My solution to this was to actually just mute my sound whenever i was on this screen until i stopped caring and was able to ignore it.

Now the above soundtrack issue may or may not be a big deal to you, depends on how important the soundtrack is to you, but for me it was a huge deal and i almost dropped the game because of this stupid 20 second piano music loop. As with anything that's bad, if you withtake enough of it, you'll eventually stop caring and stop noticing it, like the sounds of your refrigerator.

My second big complaint is that the story is for the most part linear, it makes sense that the start is always the same (have to start somewhere right?) but if i had been designing and/or coding this game, i would've at least tried to generate the story procedurally rather than just having a branching story which branches in the background depending on your actions. I.e. i would have wanted it to be slightly less hardcoded/linear. Once you've played through it once, you've got a good general idea of what is going to happen throughout the entire story for your second playthrough.

My third complaint which perhaps breaks the game the most out of these three is how some skills have little or no effect. For example horseriding i hear only comes up once in the game, and i remember the only time i ever needed dog training skill was when i got poisoned by chocolate. (How on earth would being good at training dogs help me spot that the chocolate was poisonous? i don't know, but i died because i didn't have it.)

My experience with Hanako Games is that they make games with great potential, but always manage to release a half-assed product somehow, they get some great ideas! seriously! but they never really "complete" them they don't seem to think everything through to the end, it's like they don't do any gameplay balancing. However for an indie developer maybe that is important since they after all do need to release the game at some point. Half-assed beats non-existent.

Now for the compliments.

For a visual novel the narrative and dialogue are short and very much straight to the point, this game doesn't waste your time and that's why it only gives 2-3 hours instead of 4-6, which is actually a blessing, not a curse (when it comes to visual novels, shorter is better unless the story just has so damn many events. If you're a programmer maybe you'll understand why shorter is better.)

So yeah, this game really does not waste your time by making you do meaningless things, no "pointless" action or meaningless scenes.

The gameplay is very fresh for the western gaming market, i'd like to see more games like this. An RPG where you raise your stats in order to prevent your own death, and hopefully win the game not worrying about leveling up. This game allows you to do all the fun parts of RPGs skipping the boring parts, or that's my opinion. Of course, the political parts of it do add a lot to the game where you have to make decisions and rule your kingdom, or the nobility of the kingdom anyways.

The game somehow manages to make characters good with only a few sentences of dialogue from each,

It's cheap, and well worth exactly it's price of no more or less than 10$.

There are tons of different ways to die, three ways to be a lesbian and probably as many ways to be straight as there are to die.

Like i said, if you don't mind the reading part and playing as a 14 year old princess, then you're in for a treat, this game is a must have for any gamer who actually thinks he'd like it. But the rule of thumb is, don't expect much. The game is very flawed, but at the same time really good, it's the different than usual style of gameplay that you willl want to savour here above all else. Enjoy it for what it is and not what you wish it was!

But if you really want to play what you wish this game was rather than what it is, go download Ren'Py and build your own game with this style of gameplay, i'm not gonna say it's easy, but it most definitely is not hard. If yuo want to try that, then i wish you luck.

Either way, have fun with this game! It has my stamp of approval.
Publicada el 3 de enero de 2014.
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11.6 h registradas
I'm too lazy to write a full review but this game is great. In my opinion it's better than the first.

It picks up a while after the first game leaves off, and then it finishes the story.

Notable features is that it's got really enjoyable ninja stealth gameplay in it. Oh and it has tits.
Publicada el 27 de diciembre de 2013.
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4.9 h registradas
If you liked Amnesia: The Dark Descent, i would assume that this is for you.

It's a game where you play as a very normal human news reporter thrown into a "survival of the fittest" hell where you couldn't fight a single survivor of said hell even if you had a weapon. I doubt they'd even feel the pain of it if you stabbed them. (My way of justifying the "survival" part of this horror game)

Your only advantage is your nightvision camera which allows you to see in the dark and also makes the game a lot more photorealistic with it's special effects.

To be honest i'm surprised how good this game was, it seems like half the budget was spent on the soundtrack/audio and the other half on the graphics. It's like the rest of the (quality) content was available for free!

One of the two bad things i can say about it is that while the story was good, i didn't feel particularly "connected" to it like i did in Amnesia. I couldn't relate too well with the protagonist although i could sympathize with him, and while the game was disturbing, it was more disturbing graphic-wise than story-wise (blood and guts all over).

The other bad thing is that the game flaunts a sexual content warnings at you in a very serious fashion, and the only sexual content in the game are two naked guys that still just so happen to have a penis attached to their bodies. (The fittest right?) The game has a female psychiatric ward in it but no females at all (not even corpses) all these sexual content warnings had me expecting graphic and brutal sex-related violence against people (male or female) or at least seeing what's left of someones mangled corpse after such an assault. But nope, just 2 limp penises that you get to see once or twice throughout the entire game. I say these penises should've been left out of the game if they weren't even going to get used!
Publicada el 24 de diciembre de 2013. Última edición: 30 de diciembre de 2013.
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0.2 h registradas
I didn't make it through 30 minutes of this game. I gave it a chance but it was cheesy, predictable and utterly boring. You play as some nobody who wants to be somebody and then through chance of fate you actually do become somebody. Typical right? ♥♥♥♥ this. But it's not as bad as that time-travel game they made.
Publicada el 24 de diciembre de 2013.
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7.2 h registradas
This game is decent. But the only good reason to play it is to be able to continue it in the "really" good game "Chaos on Deponia".

One thing about these game series though, is that a lot of the puzzles are (completely) nonsensical so i recommend having a walkthrough on hand if you get stuck.
Publicada el 22 de diciembre de 2013.
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I can't say i recommend this as a game, for me it had no fun gameplay. You should only buy this if you want a realistic universe simulation, their design goals seem to have been realism over fun. Kind of like Call of Duty.
Publicada el 21 de diciembre de 2013.
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13.0 h registradas
I quite enjoyed this game. It's not as good as Kamidori Alchemy Meister, but who can compete with that right?

The game is light themed, but at the same time dead serious. It's really easy to lose because you need to pay off your fathers debt and if you fail to pay the debt monthly (or was it weekly?) you lose your house and it's game over for you.

This game is basically a collection of minigames, the focus of the game is shop management where you showcase your most valuable "shiny" items to lure people into the store and try to haggle it up to the highest possible price before selling it. But the worst thing that could happen to you is if you don't sell the item, that is you make it too expensive and the customer just leaves, so with that you need to learn what kinds of people are likely to pay more, and who are likely to pay less (for example, kids generally aren't very rich)

Another minigame is "item gathering" which is basically just a 3D dungeon crawling minigame where you get to pick a character to play as and then dash through a dungeon crawling level. This again is not very easy and although there is no permadeath in this system, the death penalty is high. (Failure to gather valuable items and defeat bosses to earn these items, as well as exp can often lead to the game over screen)

The game is a perfect mix of fun and hard with just the right amount of cuteness too.
Publicada el 20 de diciembre de 2013.
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198.2 h registradas (105.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This software is a must have for any serious game designer. It has most of the tools you could ask for. One of the things i like the most is the color system. You can use colors to represent things and working with colors can (massively) boost your productivity. Not just that you can choose colors for every object you create (including npcs, story or locations) but also that there's a color scheme on the program itself and it's not just black & white, which again helps boost your productivity (black & white are boring colors).

I'm actively using it to develop games. And i've found various other uses for the flow chart system, for example i've designed my programming code with it (i.e. in what order i will write which parts of the program and how they are connected). The program is also excellent for story-writing, actually beyond excellent. It's perfect for that.

With the templates system you can apply whatever properties you like to anything you create.

The entities system is used to create NPCs, Monsters, Items and other such objects which can be referenced or linked to locations and flow fragments (story parts)

With a little out-of-the-box thinking, this program can be super useful in more things than just game design. The flowchart system could help you design virtually anything you'd like.

If you're interested in the program i highly recommend you try out the 2 week trial, the learning curve is there, but it's not steep so you can definitely learn to use the program in under a week just by doing.

If what you're designing is really important to you, this program is definitely worth it's price.
Publicada el 16 de diciembre de 2013. Última edición: 20 de diciembre de 2013.
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7.4 h registradas (6.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
If you're a fan of the original Sanctum you probably are not going to like this one.

While the first sanctum was a rather seamless mixture between Tower Defense and FPS, focusing more on the Tower Defense aspect, this game quite the opposite focuses on the FPS aspect and extremely little on the Tower Defense aspect.

To be perfectly honest i found this game very boring, about as boring as any other modern FPS game, the Towers could just as well not be there because they feel so weak.

This game is not for everyone, and especially not for people who liked the original. Make sure you really really want this before buying it.
Publicada el 28 de noviembre de 2013.
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