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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 18.0 hrs on record (4.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 21 Feb, 2024 @ 8:47pm
Updated: 23 Feb, 2024 @ 8:31pm

Early Access Review
After many more hours I've actually soured on this
- a lot of stupid UI things, whether it be inventory management or trying to find crafting recipes
- the grind is real and not fun, like upgrade every piece of gear for every phase it seems
- general confusion in what to do a lot of the time, things just aren't explained well
- the unenjoyable game of "can i climb this?" - sure i've climbed the same thing before, but can I climb it this time?
- tedious puzzles - like I was doing a sequence puzzle spread across an annoying to traverse area that had SEVEN nodes. And it takes a full 30 seconds for it to run thru the sequence. So crawl all around, jump up etc finding nodes. If you just missed that one activating now you can wait another 30 seconds to figure out which order this one is in. Then on to the next, then time to finally enter the sequence omg it's just so annoying. (Ended up marking with unbuilt crafting stations so like campfire meant that was #1 etc...SEVEN NODES ...I mean it's just annoying)
- repetitive already - like the same 3 or 4 activities and they're just not that great
- not a lot of variety in enemies though some of them are imaginative
- the realms system is just not good - like it sounds like it has promise but in reality you just get a bunch of disconnected, boring, maps that take forever to load. Need a crafting material from your home node for a quest? Good luck you can now spend literally up to 10 minutes to warp home (loading screen/connecting screen) grab it, wait for portal to re-open (takes a few minutes) traverse it (another loading/connecting screen)

So I'm changing this to a do not recommend. It's got a lot of style but no substance. (I think of the 3 open world survival games i've bought in the past month, enshrouded still stands out)

Nightingale's greatest strength is its world building and overall atmosphere. It's fairly standard survival craft stuff, a touch grindy, but as it's fresh it hasn't been an issue. Runs fine for me (modest system a few years old, 3070 graphics card, 16gb of ram). I haven't seen enough of the realms system yet to pass judgement, but it's very intriguing.

Few things I found confusing here and there, but nothing too bad. The biggest issue with the game is always online, even playing player, which, IMO, is a huge mistake. Like my complaints have been delays logging in (to my own SP game), and the first server maintenance was a disaster - like an hour or whatever it was of maintenance in a brand new game is perfectly fine and understandable - but the game did not communicate what was going on just said shard unavailable. Now I eventually went to the discord and saw that was the case, but I feel like a lot of people will just see that it's down and not playable.

But going in knowing this, it's a cool new enjoyable game and hopefully it'll have legs.
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Developer response:
InflexionAnton  [developer] Posted: 24 May, 2024 @ 8:08pm
Hey there! Thank you for your review. We've released several updates for Nightingale, focusing on improving the quality of life, UI/UX, and gameplay as per user requests. Most recently, we added an offline mode to address concerns about lag, server connections, and internet bandwidth. This is part of our long-term support for Nightingale. We hope you'll revisit the game to see what's changed and, of course, continue to share your feedback.