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29.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Sunkenland is okay. It's not great, it's not horrible, it's just okay. Before we get into that I want to talk about some discrepencies between the game (public test 0.2.0) and the trailer on the store, because going back and watching it there are some differences. Swimming animation is completely different. Binoculars are different. After they swim past the Ferris Wheel there is like an underwater point of interest I did not see in the game, perhaps its a player base, not sure how that'd work. Frozen biome in the trailer was most certainly missing. The underwater cave with crystals didnt exist. The crazy leviathan crocodile also not in the game. Some of these are less concerning than others, but I've put about 30 hours into the game now and didn't see these biomes, the underwater cave, or the crocodile. Maybe I missed them, maybe the game doesn't really point you in the direction of them, I don't know, but it's something to keep in mind.

Onto the actual game, the gameplay is your bog standard survival game. At best it is okay. Explore, get resources, eat food, survive and repeat. The mission book provides a decent means of guiding the player through progressing the islands and enemy factions. There are some cool points of interests and the islands are fun to navigate and conquer. That's about where the good ends and the bad begins.

Progression and the difficulty for various things feels off. You get the bird trap and you're just set for food, that's no longer a real issue. You will quickly realize currency in the game is pointless, I managed to buy out the shop multiple times with just the valuables and ended my playthrough with 250 excess silver coins of which I didn't spend a single one on anything. The marker to claim an island costs 5 cloth and 25 wood, it takes two large trees worth of wood to make a marker, which looks like a tiny stick with a single piece of cloth on it. You don't need the end-game guns, the entire game is easily beatable with a combat knife and percussion/flint-lock pistol. Second tier of armor as well, don't really need to go beyond that with food and healing items. The end-game guns are a grind and a half, on top of needing to find the parts you then have to have an excessive amount of components, ingots, etc, to even make it.

Making use of existing islands or enemy bases as your own base is difficult, but alleviated with mods. The structures on enemy islands/bases are empty aside from lootables and harvestables. There's no compass so it's easy to get turned around and when you check you're going in the right direction by opening the map the vehicle stops. Sound design is horrible, you can hear the sailbot sail unfurl/furl anywhere in the world. The helicopter sound plays in the wrong direction of the helicopter. The NPC AI pathing leaves something to be desired. Molotovs and nades are basically one hit kills that you can get fairly early off enemies to then mow down entire islands. NPCs will constantly get stuck in stuff making it extremely difficult to kill, your best bet is a nade or molotov. And because of these issues the NPC raids just become a nuisance rather than an actual challenge. There is no cheat prevention or server authority so anyone could join and mess with your world. Some of the cooler looking places to explore can't be explored because the buildings are just inaccessible.

That was quite a bit. To reiterate, Sunkenland is okay. If you're looking for a survival game to play with your friends it will scratch that itch. But, don't go in expecting a ton of gameplay with innovative decisions. I'll keep an eye on the game though and maybe revisit it once it gets some more updates.
Posted 21 January, 2024.
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121.0 hrs on record (113.8 hrs at review time)
Clearly someone forgot to turn the oven on because New World is an under-cooked, unfinished, buggy mess. It doesn't take 113 hours to realize that either, if you play the Starting Zone then you've pretty much played the entire game. Yes there are some nuances to the zones, but functionally each zone has the same set of monsters, with the same set of quests, and the same nodes to gather. That's fine for a while, however eventually you get to a point where you realize you're perpetually stuck in the "Honey it's time to..." meme and there are only so many bellows you can pull out of a landmark before you question what you're doing.

So, as you go from zone to zone, landmark to landmark, eventually it all bleeds together and you could swear those corrupted lumberjacks you see are mining instead of chopping trees. Oh wait, they actually are. They changed the name of the mob, gave them a hatchet instead of a pickaxe and called it a day. They still do the mining animation, and hilariously they also play the same sound effect as if they were mining. As you explore the world as you are won't to do, you will sometimes come across furnishing schematics. If you happen to get the good Old Log Stool schematic, I hope you know what one of them looks like cause when you salvage it to learn the schematic, it'll have a placeholder image. These things aren't huge or game breaking by any means, but I paid $40 for what should be a completed product, and it's got placeholder images and fake lumberjacks that are mining tree stumps in it. Cmon.

Bugs, oh god the bugs - hilariously I experienced fewer bugs in the beta than I did on release. So, lets run down the list of bugs I experienced shall we? Gathering nodes no longer being tracked on compass. Quests no longer being tracked on compass. Abandoning Event notification stuck on screen. Quest log disappearing. Items having the wrong icon. Settings UI stuck open. Sometimes you're just stuck in something. Sometimes your character just doesn't load into the world after sitting in queues for 2 hours. Honestly with as many as I've experienced I am sure there are loads more that others have experienced that I haven't.

The game is beautiful, they blew it out of the park in the graphics department. Exploring new zones, watching the sun rise and set. I remember going to the boss in Amrine for the first time, and seeing the boss room and the obelisk in it, and I was just blown away by the scene in front of me. The combat fits the game well. it's weird having 6 skills between two weapons, but I never feel the need to have more complex skill rotations with the current combat system. Combat is clunky when in a group of people fighting a singular mob, you'll constantly be stepping on each others feet and it's super annoying. If you enjoy turning your brain off and watching some Youtube, Twitch, or TV while you gather and craft then you'll probably get a kick out of that. I know I did, there is something therapeutic or cathartic about just whacking away at a tree, or hitting an ore vein, or fishing that just was enjoyable. Mob diversity is a problem, when you finally come across your first Angry Earth mob you're like "Oh my god, there are other mobs in this game", though the more I encounter them I think they behave exactly the same as the other mobs just with different models. Haven't done any PvP, so I can't really tell you if it's good or not.

Overall, the game is okay. It's nothing revolutionary and I'm not going to write home about it. However, It's under-cooked, unfinished, and buggy as all hell. So with that I simply can't in good conscience recommend this game. Maybe if it goes on sale, or you're confident you'll get your moneys worth out of it.

Posted 7 October, 2021.
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4.1 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
The best way to describe this game is: short and sweet.

It took me no more than 42 minutes to play through the entirety of the game, but those entire 42 minutes were spent feeling uneasy and terrified of what was going to happen. Stigmatized Property did a great job of just capturing that atmosphere and capitalizing on it. The game lets you sit in your own uneasiness, lets you wallow in it to the point you're petrified of what's going to happen next, or what's around the corner, or if something is going to come up behind you after reading a diary entry, or if there is something spooky down this dark alleyway. And after wallowing in this uneasiness it seizes the moment and scares you. I appreciate that and enjoy it.

I did record my gameplay so if you need help with a part or just wanna see someone get scared you can watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpmNAdbnPv4
Posted 11 May, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
11,489.9 hrs on record (235.1 hrs at review time)
Must have if you play busy games that cause you to lose track of your cursor. Generally just nice to have in other games as well.
Posted 25 March, 2021.
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14.8 hrs on record
I don't typically play rogue-likes/lites. They're not the genre of game I typically enjoy, but after watching the NoClip documentary and a bit of gameplay I decided to take the plunge and give it a shot. It's a fantastic game, for someone not into it I find myself really, really enjoying the game. I feel like even if you aren't its target audience, you can still pick it up and enjoy the game, the story, and the soundtrack. I think that's really telling of how good this game is.
Posted 26 November, 2020.
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1.3 hrs on record
A good puzzle game. Also good hentai.
Posted 18 July, 2020.
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9.5 hrs on record (8.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Simply put this game is fantastic. At first glance it's simple and beautiful roguelite shoot'em up. The gameplay does not disappoint, it's full of possibility and the diversity of builds you'll end up playing is amazing. Every time I lose, I can feel myself wanting to go one more. I want to try something new. I want to get further. Absolutely a ton of fun. Highly recommend this game, for $15 it has so much replayability and polish.

I did do a video review if you're so inclined to view it:
Posted 11 May, 2020.
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2.1 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)
It is what it says it is. It's basically prop hunt, but slightly better. I think with some tweaks it could be extremely good. Tweaks such as: Props have more damage, longer nightvision, and a responsive indicator that you're dealing damage to the enemy. Hunted should take more damage for randomly shooting objects.

Overall this is a very fun game with friends, it's unfortunate not many random people seem to play, but it's very fun and if you can get 6-10 buddies to play with you it's a ton of fun. Definitely worth the money and I think this game, with updates, has strong potential to outclass what it's based off of.
Posted 4 January, 2020.
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46.7 hrs on record (8.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
You ever black out and lose 5 hours of your life and wonder what happened? No?
Want to know what it's like to black out and lose 5 hours of your life and wonder what happened? Yes?
Buy Risk of Rain 2.

Oh yeah, I'll play for a little bit and have fun get used to the game. 5 Hours later I find myself in a battle against the greats, a Lightning Worm versus me and my fleet of 20-some drones. In an instant my fleet is wiped out and I'm forced to spend 15-20 minutes fighting this thing til it finally admits defeat. I then active the teleporter which summons 3 titans and 1 overloaded one. I spend the next 5 minutes battling these guys, killing them one after another. Slaying enemy after enemy around me. I'm practically invincible. My numbers are just bigger than theirs and they can't do anything about it. Finally it's over, I can take a moment to rest and use the teleporter. But, wait whats that in the distance? A Brass Contraption. What's that coming at me? It's spiky balls of danger.

I died to a Brass Contraption after slaying basically what amounts to literal gods. 5/7, it's a masterpiece. Best game I've played in years.
Posted 12 April, 2019.
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16 people found this review helpful
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51.5 hrs on record (27.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
A great foundation for a game with phenomenal potential. The game starts slow causing it to be less idle at first, but with the help of the Automator things quickly become hands & attention-free. The games graphics are beautiful and the soundtrack is stunning. The price however, is less than impressive.

Currently the game is in Early Access and in its beta phase, because of this it is less than polished. However, it is a great foundation with systems in place to allow for creative ways to grow and change. There are quite a few quality of life improvements that could be made. For instance a feature like respeccing your skill tree currently doesn't exist, though I'm sure we'll see it in the future.

It's no secret the game is visually superior to the first. For me it's so visually pleasing to look at that I'll catch myself just watching it go on it's own for longer than I care to admit without doing anything else. The audio is stellar, I didn't think an incremental game needed such intense and amazing audio as this, but I'm glad it has it. The effort to improve the overall aesthetic of the game is noted and appreciated.

The hot topic regarding the game seems to be the price point and so I'll toss my personal views into the pot. $30 is pretty steep for an incremental game, no getting around that. I played hundreds of hours, if not a thousand or more of the first Click Heroes and I can safely say I will probably put in as much time in the sequel. Additionally, I respect their decision to charge a flat price instead of going the microtransaction route that currently plagues too many games. Finally, I enjoy experiencing a game grow and develop, for me to be at the very start of that growth means I can experience it all which makes me happy.

So in short, if you're not interested in experiencing the growth of the game and would rather play a finished and polished game: don't buy it. If you don't think you'll put in a lot of time into the game: don't buy it. Wait for it to get out of Early Access or go on sale to get it if you're still interested.

At the end of the day I definitely recommend this game. Despite the price point, I believe what they have going on right now is the start of something amazing, and the potential is real. However, it is the start of something, not the end so if you're hoping for a polished and finished product your best bet is to wait.

  • Graphics - Beautiful and enjoyable to look at.
  • Sound - Well done and amazing to listen to.
  • BG Audio - Music fades when the game isn't the focus and mutes entirely.
  • BG Play - Game plays while minimized (as it should).
  • Smooth & Light - Game plays smooth as butter and is only using up 4% CPU & 500MB RAM.
  • Skill tree - Adds interesting and creative ways to build your character.
  • Automator - Combined with the skill tree it provides an interesting, and customizable way to AFK.
  • Not P2W - Maybe it's because I'm not a whale, but I don't enjoy P2W aspects in games.

  • Beta Saves - The current beta is running for a few weeks and the saves won't be transferable. I personally don't see this as a con, but it isn't a pro either.
  • Rubies - There aren't many things to buy with them, and late into the world there is next to no reason to buy world upgrades. Also a lack of rare, but permanent upgrades.

  • Price - For most people $30 is too steep.
  • Slow Start - You'll need to play for a short period before you get the automator.
  • Offline Progression - Currently doesn't exist.
Posted 17 July, 2018.
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