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25 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
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1.9 ore in totale
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This game is infested with children. If this were like 13-15 year olds, I'd say whatever, it's like a lot of games. But no, I mean CHILDREN. I just ran into a 6 year old on here. The kid barely knew what was happening. This is an issue for a VR tactical shooter.

Don't get me wrong, I would VASTLY prefer if the entire player base were grown adults as this would make playing the game actually consistent and fun, but I would happily settle for even the teenagers. They aren't great to talk to, in fact they can be really annoying, but screw it, they at least wanna play the game most of the time. But the literal children are extremely unfun to play with and ruin the experience.

For reference, the Co-Op mode on here, which is by far one of the best parts of the game, is suffocated with lobbies of children that set the AIs difficulty to passive. You'd think, "Oh, that just means easy, don't be too hard on them!" but no, passive means THEY DO NOTHING. They do not even TRY to shoot you. They don't move, they just stand still. And here is the kicker, team killing is still enabled in passive difficulty, so it just turns into children screaming and killing each other in a VR tactical shooter.

If you have 3 extra friends, or even just 1 or 2, this game can be worth it for fun tactical co-op gameplay. If you own this game and aren't a child, feel free to add me and I'll likely play with you. But if you don't have many friends with VR (or many friends at all) please do not purchase this game. You will NOT enjoy it.
Pubblicata in data 15 gennaio.
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3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
7.3 ore in totale
I really enjoy the game but it doesn't deserve good reviews. It is technically out of Early Access, this is 1.0. But this game is unfinished and won't be finished anytime soon. The game has some content, but feels like a rough draft, no where near a release.
Pubblicata in data 21 dicembre 2023.
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2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
3.7 ore in totale
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Twisted but really incredible. I don't want to spoil anything, just give it a play.
Pubblicata in data 30 novembre 2023.
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45.4 ore in totale (35.3 ore al momento della recensione)
Incredible game with tons of replayability. Worth your money.
Pubblicata in data 5 novembre 2023. Ultima modifica in data 21 aprile.
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0.6 ore in totale
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Not a huge fan personally, game was interesting, but on max settings on my rx 7900 xtx stuttered terribly. Beyond that, the tutorial is text dump after text dump. I didn't feel engaged in combat, and I think that's due to the camera. The camera feels really shaky, and makes me feel like i'm playing a basic unity title. Not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on the game because i'm mean, i'm just saying how i feel. Game kinda made my stomach hurt with the camera. Refunding for now, was gonna buy it for a friend and I, but no longer am interested after my half hour with it.
Pubblicata in data 22 ottobre 2023.
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11.7 ore in totale (11.5 ore al momento della recensione)
This game is incredible. It emulates the Junji Ito sort of horror with fun and compelling writing. I will say this game can really scare you. There are no real jumpscares, the game is scary in atmosphere. It is truly horrific, and I love it.
Pubblicata in data 21 ottobre 2023.
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23.8 ore in totale (18.2 ore al momento della recensione)
game seems good again ^_^
Pubblicata in data 12 ottobre 2023.
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79.0 ore in totale (44.1 ore al momento della recensione)
Have not played on official servers, only community.

-Game feels unlike every other survival game. It feels like the perfect balance of realism and fantasy realism.
-Great gun diversity and gunplay.
-Tense moments through searching for loot early game, into not wanting to lose loot mid-late game.
-Beautiful looking, game is graphically stunning in 2023 for me.
-Game runs AMAZING on my hardware, RTX 2070 Super and an i7 9700k with 32GB of ram. The game runs kind of terribly on some overwhelming community servers with 10000 mods though.
-Despite community being hard KOS (Explained later, Kill on Sight) in most scenarios, people are VERY kind in global chats and help you out in any way they can. It's really nice to be in an environment in gaming with very little censorship yet no people being rude. Who would've thought that could happen (cough cough Activision, cough cough Riot Games).

-Game is not easy to pickup and learn. For context, I have played many games with horrible learning curves, however this one is not on average much worse or much better. It sits somewhere in between, at a hard to interpret curve, but mechanics that link up enough to be understandable. It is unlikely you will guess at how to do many of the more complicated crafting recipes. A wiki is entirely necessary, and supplementary content such as video guides are also needed. An example of this, I found a camo net at a military area, I tried to create a shelter I saw on the wiki, but after collecting the needed materials (which were fairly inexpensive) I read further into how to make it reading that while the "camo net" is in the game, it has literally no use. This being a game that came out in 2018, it has been out for a little over 4 years now. There should be no such content like this in my mind.
-KOS (Kill on Sight) is a prospect many who have played open world survival games are familiar with. For those unaware, it is in the name. To see a player and immediately kill them, or to talk to them briefly to try and trick them into lowering their guard for a second then kill them, is a common tactic used here. This is unsurprising for anyone not new to the genre, but it hurts the idea of the game. This is a zombie survival game first and foremost. I have met only a single person in my 45 hours that has managed to not insta shoot me. A summary of this topic is, GET A GROUP. I play with a friend, and some other friends occasionally. You can make friends in game, certainly. But be careful and meet people you enjoy playing with / talking to. This game is VERY slow paced at times if you let your guard down, so you will have lots of free time to talk. KOS is in part a fault of the game itself, it takes a very long time to get good loot and store it, so if you have it, you really don't want to risk losing it. I acknowledge this.
-Bugs: This is a 4.5 year old game minimum (based on steam release date) and to see bugs that are intrusive is quite hilarious. The zombies AI is a bug in it of it self, they make barely any sense half the time. You can have 20 ping to a server and zombies will STILL teleport behind you (coldsteel the hedgehog style) and hit you. \
-Player basing feels completely unfinished, and makes no sense to someone new to the game. I am very frustrated that I have to now go and read wiki page after wiki page, and watch video after video to slightly understand a CORE system of the mid-end game loop. I understand with games being online exclusively, more and more of the burden of knowledge is placed onto the consumer, but come on. A simple tutorial explaining the mechanics of this game, or at least the inventory / basic crafting/gunplay would be SO useful. Like, sprinting and instantly crouching through the stone gates, improvised footwear being near silent, how in the hell you find nails / where ANY loot spawns would be incredible to know from base.
-Everyone says there are hackers in official servers, so I refuse to play them. I cannot comment on this as I refuse to play them lol.

Neutral Points:
-The client / game mods are excellent sometimes, but horrible others. Having to rely on community servers would normally mean there is always a community for ALL kinds of players, but with the current player base, you're sort of shoehorned into a couple of styles of play that are popular that might not be your cup of tea. For me, luckily, vanilla servers are quite popular. I do hate PVP ones though, and those are popular.
-Mods specifically take up WAY too much space on drives. They are poorly optimized and will often result in the game running very poorly.

My sleepy conclusion:
The game is amazing overall, and an experience I haven't regretted a single hour of. Playing this even with a SINGLE friend is so good. If you enjoy games like Unturned or the ARMA II mod itself, this is a lovely experience. I would personally love to see better optimization for mods, an increase in player base, and a community that isn't so focused on KOS in what is essentially a survival role play game. I doubt most who KOS in this game would do it IRL. I also wish I had a large group to play this with, having control over a section of the map would be awesome, sending scouts out to look for loot in pairs, having people actively prepared to defend the base, collecting and gathering resources for the whole.

It is worth your $45 (US) in my opinion.
Pubblicata in data 25 settembre 2023.
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12.1 ore in totale (10.2 ore al momento della recensione)
Pubblicata in data 21 settembre 2023. Ultima modifica in data 7 marzo.
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1.5 ore in totale (0.8 ore al momento della recensione)
EDIT 09/12/23:
old pal XINCODE again- invasive anticheat that doesn't work and takes effort to remove (is not uninstalled w game) insta mark this game downvote sadly.

Played back in the early 2010s. Game is incredible, they have revamped the item shop to avoid p2w. Please try if you haven't.
Pubblicata in data 9 settembre 2023. Ultima modifica in data 12 settembre 2023.
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