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5 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
1.9 hodin celkem (1.1 hodin v době psaní recenze)
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This is a fantastic arena shooter that is a very strong throwback to the Quake III/Unreal Tournament days. The twist is that instead of being able to select from different weapon varieties, you get to select from (so far) eight different monster characters, each one specializing in their own weapon varieties and style of play. The player selects and changes between them using the scroll up and down mouse wheel just like you would with weapon selection. As it stands right now, you start each match as a Crusader knight with a rapid fire machine gun-like cross bow, and quickly collect icons that allow you to transform into a King Kong ape looking monster, Creature from the black lagoon fish monster, Nosferatu vampire character, some crab looking creature, a wolf man, ect. ect. It's great and so much fun. The big problem for me is that there isn't a large player community right now. It's a shame because it's such a hidden gem. This game definitely needs more publicity. Hopefully the addition of bots and more maps when it happens will stimulate and grow the player community. Great job developers and programmers. This game is fantastic!
Odesláno 13. prosince 2014.
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66 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
8 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
7.5 hodin celkem
This game is kind of a guilty pleasure for me. I just completed it on normal difficulty and I honestly can't believe that it got released with all the problems the game mechanics have. Everything you can possibly imagine that could be wrong with a first person shooter is done in this game. There is a rail section where you are in the back seat of a vehicle being shot at with no way to dodge or duck. If you start the mission with anything below 100% health, (meaning you have to complete the previous mission with 100% health) than you might as well reload an older save file and start from a previous mission. There is a sewer level where the water rises, but if you stay underwater too long, you lose health. The problem is that the damage taken for lack of oxygen while being under water is accumulative, meaning that if you begin losing health after being underwater for 10 seconds, and you emerge for air after 9 seconds, going back under the water (which is required) will start to hurt you after being submerged for only 1 second. The game finally concludes with what I can only describe as one of the worst escort missions in FPS history. The only good thing I can think to say is that there were no timed missions.

Well, the game's not all bad. Let's talk about what they did right. First, the game is short, (a good thing in this case). Second, there is a very convenient quick save and quick load feature, so no check point system. The down side to that is that you will be using the quick save/load feature constantly; sometimes over a dozen times just to get past one corner where soldiers are waiting to ambush you. There is absolutely no skill involved in this game what-so-ever. It is simply a matter of getting past an area, gaining a little bit of advancement, quicksaving, and repeating as you gradually progress little by little. The graphics, while terrible by today's standards and not very good for the standards of its release date, do a very effective job in recreating an oppressive, post-war soviet atmosphere. The game attempted to be accurate by implementing a critical hit system, which means that you can have 100% health, but one bullet in the right spot, (heart, head, ect.) can take it down to almost 0%. And trust me, there is an ocean of bullets flying at you. You'll find that this system works in your favor also as using your sniper weapon, (the most crucial firearm in the game) and zooming in for headshots is the most effective way to kill your enemies. It's a trial and error system that will have you dying A LOT!

So why am I recommending this game? One reason: The price. I got this game for two dollars on sale. For that price it was worth it. Do not pay a dollar more for this game. Deep inside of me, there is a perverse, masochistic streak that takes some sick pleasure in an occasional bad game, much like many people find watching a campy, low-budget movie entertaining. Also, I promise you will enjoy the cutscenes. Trust me on this. They are the most poorly translated, horrendously voice-acted cutscenes you will ever see in your life time. I enjoyed them immensely. If you can find this game for a dollar or two on sale, and you have nothing better to do, give it a try.
Odesláno 29. října 2014.
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12 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
8.0 hodin celkem
Wow. I'm really baffled reading all of the negative reviews this game got. Maybe I'm just easier to please than most people but I absolutely loved this game! It was a real gem. I was fortunate enough to get this on the steam summer sale for three dollars, but after playing it, I think it's worth the full price tag. From what I can gather reading the negative reviews, the majority of complaints seem to be that it's linear, a poor pc port of a console game, doesn't have AAA graphics, and poor voice acting. Other complaints are repetitive combat, boring musical score and poor story. These last three I strongly disagree with, and I thought the graphics were pretty good for a $15.00 title. First of all, I loved the story which revolved around a world where humans and vampires are at war for dominance of the planet. Some spell forges the souls of two enemies: your character, (a male human) and a female vampire, (admittedly this is never explained but it's supposed to help the humans turn the tide of the war somehow). They are stuck with each other and have to keep each other alive because if one dies, the other does too. Well, your character gets turned in the first chapter of the game, so now you are a vampire also, as well as your companion. I very much liked the dialogue and chemistry between the two main characters, which I thought was pretty entertaining. The combat was very fun. If you are anything like me, you will probably use the male, (former human) 70's percent of the time because he uses melee attacks which I find to be a lot more fun. However, you will find yourself relying on the female (vampire's) ranged attacks more as the game progresses and the enemies get stronger. I found the combat to be very fun and fluid, and didn't get boring to me at all. I liked the two main characters and the story, which unfolded more and more as the game progressed, with an interesting turn at the end. The final villain, (who is not introduced until fairly late in the game) was very VERY cool, not just as a final boss, but as a character as well, and is accompanied by an awesome musical score during the final battle. It is my favorite musical score in the game! Sadly, my copy of the game did not come with the soundtrack. I would have liked to have put it on my i-Pod. The aesthetics of the game were very visual rich, (if you read any of my other reviews, you will see that aesthetics are VERY important to me). I especially liked Noah's pass and the second to last level, which has the ruins of Noah's ark mounted in the sky on top of a mountain peak. The controls were very easy to pick up on. I normally hate playing rpgs with controllers, perfecting a mouse and keyboard, but this game was incredibly easy to play with a controller. This is probably because it's not really an rpg. It is primarily an action, hack-n-slash, with only the bare minimum elements of an rpg included, (basically leveling up and earning gold for better equipment). There is also skills to be learned as your character gets stronger, but they are very basic skills. This game is fantastic for what it is: a very linear action hack-n-slash with a cool story and mediocre voice acting. The length of the game is roughly 7 to 8 hours on normal difficulty. This was just perfect. It told a neat sci-fi/fantasy story without being dragged out. If this has been longer, it might have started to drag out a bit. Here is some advice for anyone playing for the first time. Don't buy anything from the trader. All equipment you need can be found during the quest. Save all gold you collect until about 3/4 the way through and then buy the bada$$ sword called "♥♥♥♥♥'S JUSTICE!!" ...best name for a sword ever! LOL! I really get a kick out of that. I guess I never really thought of ♥♥♥♥♥ as caring too much about justice.
The only two flaws I can really think to say about this game is that you can't control the camera angle. But don't worry, it's not bad and the camera keeps focused on the action.......most of the time. (There was I think two times where the camera angle obstructed my character's path that I can remember). But don't worry, it's not as bad as other games like Garshasp, where the lack of control of the camera angle took some serious getting used to. Also, the platforming can be a bit annoying, but fortunately there isn't that much of it. Overall, I really liked this game a lot. It does not deserve the negativity that some people give it. I think people buy a game like this expecting the quality of a sixty dollar, AAA title and get disappointed, (I'm only speculating. I honestly don't know why it's gotten so much negativity.) I hope a sequel is made.
Odesláno 20. června 2014.
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12 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
5.2 hodin celkem
To be honest, this game barely gets a recommendation from me. There is a lot to like about this game. In particular, I really like the aesthetics. It does a fantastic job recreating what I imagine the post-fallout Chernobyl region must look like, (I've never been there). It gives off a neat atmosphere. The controls are good and the game is a lot of fun with a good variety of weapons. The hit detection is pretty bad, but I suspect that this was intentional because the developers were trying to recreate the feel of firing inaccurate weapons that perhaps were not zeroed in. I say this because I find it hard to believe that they would intentional program a FPS with hit detection this bad. It does not however take away from the fun of the game, (in my opinion anyway). The one glaring flaw that this game has is that the developers felt it necessary to include a a turret gun portion in EVERY SINGLE LEVEL! To me, this greatly reduces the enjoyability of the game. This game needed two turret sections tops. Having one in every level where you are completely immobilized and completely unable to dodge the bullets being shot at you is excessive. Fortunately they were relatively short. I don't think I would pay the full price tag of ten dollars for this, but for the five dollar sale price I got it at, it was perfect and I recommend it.
Odesláno 19. června 2014.
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2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
11.8 hodin celkem
The next time you go to church and the preacher tells you that video games are evil, you can look him in the eye and tell him.......er....uh......Well, since this game's release, there's really no good counter argument. LOL Yep, in this game you play as the son of the devil. It is heavily influnced by the 1976 classic "Omen," and that honestly is the only thing that initially attracted me to this game. It's a third person mystery/adventure game where you explore a huge mansion and find creative ways to kill off the help. You do not play a hero. If this game has any heros at all, it's the detective and your clueless parents. The chapters of the game are divided into each person you kill, and with each murder, your satanic powers are increased. You get such skills as mind control, combustion, and memory erase. You can move things with your mind and set people on fire, but you can't be seen because you don't want to draw suspicion. The story is progressed through very good cutscenes told between chapters and the game has a lot of atmosphere. The story reaches it's climax during a very cool exorcism scene, but man I've never played a game where I wanted the character I play as to loose so bad. It's a very interesting twist that honestly, I wasn't totally comfortable with. But it was original, unique, and very interesting, with great controls and a neat open world mansion to explore. So if you don't mind taking the role of a devil child and knocking off helpless people for ♥♥♥♥♥, this might be your cup of tea. BWAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!
Odesláno 19. května 2014.
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103 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
16.0 hodin celkem (16.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
I have to confess, this game was just a ridiculous amount of fun. It felt like I was interacting in a cheesy spy novel, and it did a good job at it. Well, this is a third person stealth/action shooter. The first six to eight levels are more stealth oriented, but once the Russion Special Forces, (spetsnaz) are sent after you, you can pretty much kiss stealth goodbye. It's all shooting from there. It implements a system where you can collect gadgets lying around like rags, alarm clocks, plastic bottles, cans, chemicles, ect. and McGyver them into cheep tools for temporary use. For example, you can use a plastic bottle and rag at the end of your barrel for a cheep, disposible silencer. You can also make explosives, paralyzing chemicle agents, and other completely implausible but fun innovations. But not to worry. It is a very easy system to pick up with very little learning curve. The story is told through a series of comic book-like cutsceens between missions with corny, voice-acted Russian accents that, (in my opinion) adds a lot of charm to this game. I found myself drawn into it and empathizing with the characters. Also I loved the ending! This game is cheep, the controls are very good, the graphics are great for 2005, there is a quicksave system as opposed to a checkpoint saving system, and I ask you: what other game allows you to have a shootout inside of Lenin's tomb? This game has a lot of atmopshere and I highly recommend it. Honestly, if there is anything even remotely negative I can think to say about it, it is that the character moves kind of slow, and has a lot of wide open ground to cover. The sprint system only works for a few moments before your character gets tired and has to rest, so traveling while sprinting isn't too much faster in the long run than walking. Traveling from one side of a map to another can be a bit tedious. But this is a very minor complaint. This game is a definite winner.
Odesláno 1. května 2014. Naposledy upraveno 1. května 2014.
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5 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
8.6 hodin celkem
You really can't go wrong with this game for five dollars. It's been called a God of War clone so many times that I'm beginning to think I should actually play God of War to see what all the fuss is about. If God of War is that good, I hope they make plenty of good clones based off of it. As far as this game goes, I had a blast playing it. My favorite part of the game was the art design which was truly original. I loved the originality of playing as a mythological Persian warrior Garshasp, (basically Persia's Beowulf). The combat was very fluent and fun, and the controls were tight and responsive. The biggest glaring flaw that this game had was that there is no control of the camera angle, which takes some getting used to. I'm not sure why they designed the game like that, but you do eventually get used to it, even though it is awkward at first. The game is also relatively short with little character development and story. So if character development and story are very important to you, an RPG might be a better option for you. Also, the last boss is a PAIN IN THE @$$! It took me like ten tries to beat him! This game has good combat, wonderful art design, cool bosses, great controls, and just enough platforming parts to keep it interesting between combat without it becoming annoying. I had a lot of fun with it and the price is great.
Odesláno 17. dubna 2014.
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25 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
28.2 hodin celkem (27.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This game has gotten a lot of mixed reviews. I personally loved it. My favorite part of the game was the story. It was very good and made you want to keep playing to see what happens. The game creates a very cool atmosphere and ambiance. For the first half of the game when you're in the fallout shelter, it is very successful in creating a very claustrophobic and confined atmosphere that is kind of depressing. it makes you wonder how people could ever live like that. When you get out into the open world, the ambiance of the game becomes more paranoid and a bit psychotic. I also love the graphics and cutscenes which are very well done and drew me into the story. The biggest complaint I've heard about this game is that the combat system is repetitive and boring, which is valid. But that didn't distract me from the game at all. I really didn't mind the repetition of the combat. My personal biggest constructive criticism was that the controls could have been more responsive. So if there is ever a sequel made, I hope the developers keep that in mind. I highly recommend this game, especially for the low price.
Odesláno 21. března 2014.
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8 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
1.8 hodin celkem (1.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This game has the potential to be a lot of fun if it wasn't for all the F%$#ing cheaters. It also needs bots.
Odesláno 15. března 2014.
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