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Nedávné recenze uživatele LoveJesusHateTheGovernment

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2.1 hodin celkem
I grew up with old 8-bit, NES platformers and this game really hits home for me. I think that the developer(s) did a knockout job in recreating the atmosphere and feel of games from my childhood with this little gem, complete with a satirically simplified story, spot-on controls, and a cheesy but fun sci-fi theme. Aliens have invaded and demanded that we surrender all of our "base" to them or they will destroy us. But not to worry, because the U.S. government is going to send an entire, joint operations assault against them complete with special forces, fleets of aircraft and navy vessels, nuclear mi......err.....wait, actually, they are sending only one guy against them. But fortunately, they are sending their "best dude" to save the world.

These alien invaders are total pushovers however. Nevermind the fact that they are pink, they only come in about 4 varieties, (excluding bosses) are lousy shots, and only take a few hits to kill. But they have one terrible strength that threatens all of mankind. They are masters of always strategically situating themselves in the most God-awful moving platform areas in existence and staying there. With this deadly skill, they intend to enslave us and take over the world. Can you, the "best dude" overcome their scheme and rescue all of humanity?

This was such a fun game. The graphics are designed to emulate the look and feel of older NES titles with a bonus stage that looks like a game boy level. There is a health bar, but to be honest, I don't think that I ever died once from running out of health. You will almost always die from falling off of a pit. Stage 4 and 6 are in my opinion the hardest stages. I hope that you enjoy this game as much as I did and thank you for reading my review. Also, thank you to the developers for making such a fun and inexpensive game for me to enjoy.
Odesláno 20. února 2019.
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3.4 hodin celkem (1.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
To be honest, I felt kind of guilty playing this game at first, but then I saw the option to select "one hand mode" and I friggin' lost my $hit. Guilt gone. This is actually an extremely fun little shooter for the price.
Odesláno 16. srpna 2017.
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2.5 hodin celkem
I really enjoyed this game a lot. I am not an expert in the "bullet-hell/overhead shooter" genre, but I've played my fair share of them and this one stood out to me mainly because of it's uniqueness. It played with some new ideas that some may like and some may not, but it wasn't afraid to try something new and personally, I enjoyed it.

The most immediate and noticable feature of this game is that enemies shooting at you fire either red or blue bullets, which litter the screen. You can change your space ship to either red or blue at will, which will absorb one color bullet, leaving you susceptible to the other color bullet depending on the color your ship happens to be at contact. When you have a screen full of multi-colored bullets and you have to change your ship color constantly upon impact of a certain color bullet, it can be quite intense, both in action and cognition.

There is also the ability to grind for currency and experience to power up your ship, and there are three different pilots and ships to choose from, each one with different play style. Fortunately, there is a nice balance and I did not have to do too much grinding for my first playthrough; just enough to keep it fun and not be too redundant. One thing that stood out for me was the soundtrack. There are 8 levels with three stages per level, and each level has a unique theme, both in music and aesthetic. My personal favorite level was level 7 because it had a lush, green, forest feel to it complete with floating mountains and waterfalls. Each level has different music, (I liked some more than others). A few of the levels had ambient and subtle music that reminded me of the original 8-bit NES Metroid, others had a more upbeat musical theme, but all of them unique and interesting.

One more thing that is a very minor detail but stood out to me was that very often, the ships didn't explode when they got shot down. Almost every shooter that I can think of has a small explosion animation when a ship explodes. This is pretty much canon for all shooters that I can remember since the early '80's, (even 1942 where a ship falls from the sky to the ground when shot down and them explodes when it hits the ground). But in this game, it's not uncomon for a ship to just fall to the ground when shot down and just remain on the ground after crash landing. I know it's an insignificant detail, but it just stood out to me because I've never seen it before in a space shooter. In closing, this game was very fun, addictive, and aesthically pleasing with flawless controls and a lot of options. Thank you for reading my review.
Odesláno 15. srpna 2017.
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2.0 hodin celkem
I really do love this game a lot. It is a throwback to the early '90's, first generation of pre-Wolfenstein FPSs, with a charming Western theme, (think Catacomb Abyss 3D as a Western). The controls are simple, although I do wish you had the option to rebind the wasd keys to the arrow keys. That would be my only complaint. The price is also dirt cheep and well worth killing a few nostolgic hours of you life on. The first few levels might give you the impression that the game is too easy, but it gets more challenging as the stages progress. It even has a fun bonus level at the end if you complete both episodes. I hope that you enjoy this game as much as I did.
Odesláno 13. července 2017.
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44.8 hodin celkem (44.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
I actually preordered this game, but I haven't had a chance to play it until recently because of time and life issues. I really had a blast playing it and finally completed it. The characters were interesting and very well voice acted, and I loved the story. It is basically the movie Red Dawn, (the remake) mad into an open world FPS with fantastic art and environments. It's a very living city where you have to inspire the hearts and minds of the people to rise up for their nation and freedom. It had a very patriotic feel to it and was just a lot of fun to play. The only real negative I can think of was that the dialogue had too much cursing for my taste, but that is a personal preference. The open world system is exactly like Far Cry 3 and 4, so if you enjoyed those games, you should love this. Personally, I like this a bit more than the Far Cry games just because of the story and theme, but the combat is designed to be more accomidating toward gurilla tactics. So make sure you do a lot of hit and run tactics, or else you will find yourself dying a lot.
Odesláno 31. března 2017.
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41.7 hodin celkem (11.1 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Recenze předběžného přístupu
Zaccaria Pinball is absolutely amazing!! This is by far the best pinball simulation ever made, (that I've played anyway). I like it even better than Pinball Arcade, and that's saying something because Pinball Arcade is absolutely AMAZING!! I really love how you can change the time of day that you play the pinball machines so as to accentuate the lighting of the table, (I especially like playing during a storm). It really adds to the atmosphere. Amazing job!!! I could play this all day.
Odesláno 18. března 2017.
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1.1 hodin celkem
I have to admit, I kind of fell in love with this game. It's one of those games that you have to play until you complete it because it is so addicting. In the case of this game, you play Princess Remedy who must travel the land and heal everyone you talk to of what ails them. Every time you talk to a person, you enter a bullet-hell-style minigame where you have to battle little monsters within the individual that represent pain, loneliness, sorry, ect. It is so much fun! It is a short but richly satisfying game with very retro-style graphics and an 8-bit rpg feel to it, that adds so much charm. Please give it just 5 to 10 minutes and see if you don't get hooked.
Odesláno 7. září 2016.
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0.3 hodin celkem (0.1 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Well, I'm not quite sure what to think about this game. For what it is and for the price, it's enjoyable and relaxing, but quite different from other games I've played. You may notice that I only have about eight minutes clocked into the game. That's because within that eight minutes, I completed both levels and feel that I've experienced enough of the game to write a review. This game isn't about completing levels, it's about achieving a high score. The two different levels offered repeat themselves until you get killed and you continue to try to get a new higher score with each attempt. The game could not be more simple. There is no keyboard or controller used, only the mouse. You fly around in a plane like 1942 and shoot at other planes, then dollar signs. The objective is to defeat the flying illuminati, (LOL You will see what I mean). The music adds to the odd nature of the game but somehow fits quite well.I got the game at a steal of 1% off, (from 99 cents to 98 cents). For a dollar, you can't go wrong with an odd but relaxing game like this, but I wouldn't pay more than a dollar for it.
Odesláno 25. března 2016.
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2.7 hodin celkem (2.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
One thing that strikes me more than any other aspect of this game is the creativity. Everything in this game is very unique and stands out from other racing games; from the vehicles to the tracks, and of course the weapons. It is so much fun. This is by no means a realistic racing game and the laws of phyisics are thrown out the window, so if that's what you are looking for, look elsewhere. What this game is is a ton of fun. It's probably my favorite arcade style racing game I've played. All the tracks are unique, (from a Christmas themed track, to a cold war beach and an airplane graveyard) and the vehicals are just fantastic and all handle differently. My personal favorite is "Kitty With Claws." It may not be the fastest or the biggest, but I think it stears the best.

You have three different weapons at your disposal to create chaos on the track and take out other vehicals. Each weapon is replenished by picking up power ups laying on the track in the form of different color barrels. Each vehicle has their own brand of weapons and are very satisfying to use when executed correctly. The only problem is that there is hardly anyone playing online anymore. But I have had a fantastic time against the AI in all the tracks. Since I have always been terrible at racing games, (realistic or arcade style) I find playing on easy mode gives me a good enough challenge and still maintains its fun factor. Give this game a try if you are into racing games but want something different.
Odesláno 3. března 2016.
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2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
7.6 hodin celkem
I bought this game strictly because the price was good and for its infamy. I should not have enjoyed it as much as I did, but it was a fun game. I completed it on normal difficulty, and I had to reload a lot because who knew that animal spit hurt you too much. You can go from 100% health to 0% health in no time flat. The animals are brutal, so you need to use Noah's slingshot to propel food into the mouths of the animals to make them drowsly and put them to sleep, (it's in the Bible. Look it up)! It's a reskin of the original Wolfenstein 3D, so if you enjoyed that classic, you should enjoy this too. The controls are also WAY better with a keyboard and mouse integration.
Odesláno 9. února 2016.
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