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Loadblower2k 11 de set. às 16:20 
Lol, never met a speeder who was a good driver? You must be new here. I used to be the worst top speeder, for years. I've driven over a million miles, and I can handle fwd, awd, and rwd at its max potential. I can drift around 70 mph corners on the road, I've driven in snow and ice, etc. Only one crash at 17 when I drifted in the rain to impress my prom date (she still gave it up). When driving in traffic, I'm an expert. Slightly aggressive, but in a good way. I never wreck, I always use turn signals, and I always obey the road rules. My car also has tires nobody normal uses and big 6 piston brakes. It's a manual trans, and I can enter any gear instantly, even while braking. So yeah, I'm not a bad driver. You will see me at the track lapping your slow ass and hopefully never at 2am speeding thru your neighborhood.
dr. where the fuck am i dds esq 5 de set. às 23:12 
Being a furry is the largest part of my life and the largest part of my brain. Everything I do in my day to day life is either so I can continue doing furry things later, like survival, or house chores which is I guess also survival, or it's actually doing furry things.

I keep noticing it. My entire personality is based around the fact that I'm a furry. I'm more my fursona than my real self at this point. And 95% of my friends are furries. And 90% of what I look at is furry things.

Being a furry is my lifestyle at this point. It defines everything. EVERYTHING that I ever do. And I don't see myself ever stopping with it. If I were to throw away my fu
boyXbelly 13 de ago. às 2:12 
Gout Goblin 31 de jul. às 4:06 
yo, added!
RUSH RUSH 31 de jul. às 4:06 
yo, added!
boyXbelly 25 de jul. às 11:11 
grindr's calling... you in?