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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 49.6 hrs on record (20.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 21 Feb, 2015 @ 7:47pm

Now I have played some star wars game, but this, this is godly.

I had it originally on the original xbox and played it to death,literally (disc doesnt work), bought it on my old steam account, finshed it loved it wanted more.
I waited 2 years, looking for a similar game that I could play, mass effect (hated it, no hate pls), eso and other various games. Nothing did relly compare to this.
Until a week ago(week ago) when I saw the humble bundle, downloaded it and played again. The nostalgia is real and I am hooked again.
I dont care if i have played the same campaign over and over it is just simply brilliant.

Please please please, if there was ever to be another star wars game, make it like knights of the old republic!

No matter the price of this game, I would recommend to anyone looking to plunge into a bit of star was lore. It will keeep you enterained for hours on end!

10/10 would bang
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