Ωmega Quick
Español Fan del anime y de los juegos RPG.

Mi Top 3: Tales of Berseria, Baldur's Gate 3 y Divinity original Sin II.
:NezukoKamado: :elilaugh: :nerov: :tamamosquee: :Asuna: :Kirito: :rubyrose::gbvs_lyria::bienfu:
Artwork Showcase
Artoria Pendragon
Screenshot Showcase
Tales of Berseria
Recent Activity
223 hrs on record
last played on 29 Dec
327 hrs on record
last played on 29 Dec
131 hrs on record
last played on 28 Dec
Ωmega Quick 25 Nov @ 1:29pm 
Gracias, pero no estoy interesado en estos momentos de unirme a un clan de M&B.
ByzantasVT 25 Nov @ 11:58am 
hola hola, me han comentado que te interesaría unirte a un regimiento de mount and blade warband, si es verdad aquí te dejó un link: https://discord.gg/saxWWde3
Mosferatun 12 Jul @ 8:39am 
Bien jugado crack aunque el juego esta roto erais todos dúos y nosotros un trió jajaja
Ωmega Quick 8 Jun @ 7:41am 
gg, the perk saved you in the attempt to trade with the knife xD.
FRENCH QUACK 8 Jun @ 7:36am 
Ωmega Quick 10 Jul, 2023 @ 2:59pm 
We were fighting another team that we killed and one of the teams that you killed ambushed us on the supplies so we arrive late, but gg.