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0.8 tiếng trong hai tuần trước / 104.4 giờ được ghi nhận (52.8 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đăng ngày: 9 Thg10, 2016 @ 10:46pm
Đã cập nhật ngày: 12 Thg08, 2017 @ 12:03am

No Man's Sky came out as nothing more than an interesting Zen game. A barebones survival and exploration experience that good for very little other than just wandering around and seeing what you could see. And that was fun for a bit, but nothing could make up for just how little it was at launch. I was one of the game's few defenders, and I still to this day will argue that a lot of what was promised for the game was not promised at launch and that HG didn't lie, they were just vague and people took that vagueness and went insane with it.

Nevertheless, it really was a disappointment made better purely through mods.

But, I can't even be disappointed anymore. Hello Games could have EASILY just taken their millions and run. Given up on the game due to the immense backlash from the community and just worked on a different project. But they didn't. Not only did they stick around and continue to provide updates, but they've been updates with actual meat to them. GOOD updates, with content and more to experience, taking what the game was and expanding on it. And now they expand the game immensely and add the basics of actual functional multiplayer despite everything.

Hello Games and Sean Murray have my full respect as game devs. Where so many other companies would have just said "whelp at least we have the money", Hello Games stuck with it and are actually working to make No Man's Sky the game everybody hoped for. It still has a long way to go, but for the space survival adventure game has enough content and support behind it to really make it a game worth reccomending.
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