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Walter White
Walter White: Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see?
Do you know how much I make a year? I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it.
Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work?
A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly up. Disappears!
It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in.
I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger.
A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!


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vesslan 7 Jun 2021 @ 12:44pm 
♥♥♥♥♥ hacker just go die to hell a rest of ur family
Baumi:* Statements 9 Mar 2019 @ 3:35am 
Gute Frage, bin mir selber nicht mehr im Bilde, warum ich das geschrieben hab. Wird wahrscheinlich irgendwas im Zusammenhang mit Wingman gewesen sein gl+hf
Baumi:* Statements 16 Apr 2018 @ 8:53am 
Heyy Sabo wie stehts und gehts?
paRa. 21 Okt 2015 @ 4:49am 
rekt vacation
actiive 6 Jul 2015 @ 10:43am 
Nice mit den skins ein VAC ban in csgo :DDD
NkL 모 21 Jun 2015 @ 10:00am 
vacation loooool :D