۩-Eric30-۩ ☕
Eric   Anchorage, Alaska, United States
"A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself."- NieR: Automata
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54 Hours played
This game is in short a masterpiece. It shows you the world in a new perspective and will let you question your own consciousness. I will part this review in a few segments to tell you WHY i think this game is a masterpiece (Sorry in advance for my english). IT IS NOT SPOILERFREE WHATSOEVER!

The music in this game is pure art. It fits perfectly well in the setting and the situation you are currently in. It is addicting and shows you the emptiness of the world you're in without letting you feel lonely. OST's like "Wretched Weaponry" or "Memories of Dust" are especially well made. But there is one OST i want to tell you more about at the end. If it wasn't for the music, this game wouldn't be half as good.

"NieR: Automata" takes place in a post apocalyptic world (the year 11945) where mankind seemingly went to the moon to rescue themselves due to aliens invading the world and building robots to destroy mankind. The leftover humans therefore built a base on the moon and invented the androids called "YorHa", the last hope for mankind. The protagonists 2B and 9S must invest and fight a "goliath"-class machine (these are the biggest machines and very dangerous). During that fight 9S gets badly wounded and they have to retreat by destroying their own cores (their personalities are saved but only 2B's memory gets restored) which causes a big explosion, destroying themselves and the enemy. This is where the game's "first tutorial" ends.

A post apocalycptic world with buildings that are overgrown by moss and plants, seemingly leftover facilities and cities in a desert plus a forest with an own kingdom is where this game takes place. It is a beautiful environment. Not completely open-world but that is okay for what you can do.

There are many characters i could talk about but i will only choose 2B and 9S for this review. 2B is the first protagonist you will play. She is a rational being, mostly not questioning anything and only directly following orders. It is charming how "naive" she seems but she grows during the story and the depth of her character is what truly makes you relate to her. 9S on the other hand is the innocent type of guy. He wants to discover and know everything. While 2B is the fighting android, 9S is the investigating and talking one. The real reason these characters are the main part of this review is their downfall. I do not want to go way into detail but this game has a real twist and you MUST play it to fully feel the madness and depression of these characters.

The synchronisation in this game is well-made. The only reason i want to talk about it is because of 9S. I played the english dub (and watched the japanese one online) and i must say, i never heard a better synchronisation of a character than the one of 9S. "Kyle McCarley" truly feels him and knows how to give you the feeling of depression and sadness just by words. He just was the right choice for 9S.

The gameplay is nice and fun. You can choose between several weapons and every weapon can be used with another one. Simply said you can use two weapons at a time and therefore combos over combos. These are funny to watch and together with the "chips" you can collect and use, there are almost limitless choices to fight. You can be the tanky type or a bruiser. Or you simply run and gun (You got a pod that shoots bullets, lasers, rockets) without doing much on your own. The last choice is to let the game play for you (There is an option for this aswell).

Last but not least there is the ending. To achieve this TRUE ENDING you have to play this game 3 times (4 if you are not lazy) and i must say, it is absolutely worth it. The last and true ending consists of a minigame you have to win while "Weight of the World" (the true and beautiful art of this game) is playing. That OST is what makes the game a whole. The mix of 8bit, several languages of a song and the orchestra at the end IF you choose to sacrifice your gamefile (for the greater good and the ending. In exchange your savegame is deleted) is a masterpiece. You can feel the OST in your bones and if you listen carefully you know what the story is all about. The minigame is unwinnable without sacrificing your gamefile but you get rewarded by the last cutscene plus the orchestra.

All in all this game is a masterpiece and you MUST play it. The story is more complicated than it seems (it connects with the story of "NieR" and "Drakengard") and by playing it you can really feel what it is like to be human.

10/10 would sacrifice anytime.
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Drelakus 19 Feb @ 9:59am 
great guy, team player💢
Burilore 6 Feb @ 7:50am 
goat :D
Frostyest 4 Jan @ 3:47pm 
+rep :steamthis:
frog 22 Dec, 2024 @ 1:27pm 
medium schwanz bro
🕹️Shalirin🟣 11 Dec, 2024 @ 10:42am 
+rep good sport
Hunadar 6 Dec, 2024 @ 11:57am 
Tactical genius!