Nyxxy 31. Okt. um 16:44 
thank you eli! happy halloween to you too!
Eli 31. Okt. um 8:36 
Dane? 8. Okt. um 22:54 
+rep Sold me fent
sauce nuts 2. Aug. um 14:36 
a latinx leaving a wholesome message ❤️ heartwarming
Zombieslayer908 2. Aug. um 6:59 
I love your mod's There Cool! :steamthumbsup::health:
Kumacha 11. Juli um 23:22 
+rep, top profile:8bitheart::os_pancakes:
sauce nuts 6. Juli um 12:10 
qwhen someone really likes dsomebnody eklse gthey will call that poewrso[ibn peqt names like cutie patootie and ogtnher pet names thaty the recipent luikes
Millie 5. Juli um 1:24 
what the
Nyxxy 4. Juli um 21:39 
Kumieee 4. Juli um 21:38 
Millie 23. Juni um 1:38 
So it's true
Nyxxy 23. Juni um 1:36 
i'm not speaking without my attorney
Millie 23. Juni um 1:34 
fart 23. Juni um 0:59 
+rep if you put this guy and Rebecca Chambers from Resident Evil™ in the same room, he'll be leaving the room pregnant
HELPY 19. Juni um 21:11 
Millie 16. Juni um 0:29 
my bad dawg, didn't mean to unfriend
Nyxxy 8. Juni um 4:27 
no i'm worse, i'm a panda
eLLLLLLLLLᵢₑ 8. Juni um 4:06 
i thought u had a splatoon profile picture
Nyxxy 8. Juni um 2:36 
i think i'll pass sorry, i don't really find myself doing much gmod art anymore. if you wanna remove me that's fine
hazz_mcpie -BvM- 30. Mai um 2:37 
Nyxxy 18. Mai um 3:08 
dont know but tell him to unblock me when he does
unbuff 18. Mai um 1:23 
has Llama got his acocunt back?
Nyxxy 6. Mai um 22:40 
can you read?
76561199407158581 6. Mai um 14:24 
hey, added ;3
Eery Jan 1. Mai um 9:27 
Thanks to you too! It's been a while since I've played with people who are good with the vocalizers, I miss it a bunch!
Nyxxy 1. Mai um 9:19 
you're on the same wavelength as me and my buddy when it comes to vocalizers so i like u already. thanks for the game! looking forward to more
Eery Jan 1. Mai um 9:18 
Want to add because of a fun L4D2 match, trying to find some people to jump back into it with for custom maps and the like. Also, I'm something of an artist and VA enthusiast myself
paštika Májka 11. Apr. um 1:51 
added for some L4D2 games
hazz_mcpie -BvM- 3. Apr. um 0:55 
cumPENIS 20. März um 1:56 
sauce nuts 13. März um 17:55 
that sounds very suspicious ! i would advise not accepting that frined request . casue you know what they say, better safe then sorry !
Nyxxy 13. März um 8:16 
hmm i wonder if i should accept the friend request from someone posting an obvious copy-pasted bot comment with the name VACation
sauce nuts 27. Feb. um 18:48 
i will refrain from making such comments here on out.
sauce nuts 27. Feb. um 18:48 
Nyxxy 27. Feb. um 18:25 
sauce nuts 27. Feb. um 17:49 
enrapting interatcion
Nezom 27. Feb. um 9:44 
Bleep! :3
Nyxxy 27. Feb. um 9:44 
hi :3
Nezom 27. Feb. um 9:43 
just a random Rawr! for ya ;:v
Lemmestrokeyoshit25 18. Feb. um 9:12 
added cause friend of Lochlan =D
sauce nuts 16. Juni 2023 um 18:38 
enrapturing ascii art
Laura ♫ 16. Juni 2023 um 5:51 
Leviathan_28_TTV 21. Mai 2023 um 11:05 
no need to apologise, i've had many of those nights before
Nyxxy 21. Mai 2023 um 9:56 
sorry for dcing, been a rough night
Leviathan_28_TTV 21. Mai 2023 um 8:14 
you're fine bro
Nyxxy 21. Mai 2023 um 8:12 
nah im just ♥♥♥♥ new at blight, ty anyway
Leviathan_28_TTV 21. Mai 2023 um 8:10 
+rep im sorry the gens went so fast :(
Nyxxy 10. Mai 2023 um 23:11 
<3 <3 stay awesome nancy
shitstainedblanket 10. Mai 2023 um 23:09 
very nice slinger
Lochlan 24. Apr. 2023 um 22:27 
+rep personally, I'm a high fructose corn syrup man myself.