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Posted: 1 Jul, 2019 @ 12:48pm

If You're New to the Souls Series:
This is the best place to start. Relative to the other games it's more linear, straightforward of the three games. It's got the least amount of unfair enemies and mechanics. Don't get me wrong, as far as Souls games go it's still as hard as they come. In my opinion, it's easily the most difficult of the three. Some of the later game bosses will absolutely destroy you.
But don't get scared off! The pain is worth it, and the feeling of victory is easily the best part of the game. Take some time and learn how the game plays and you'll do fine!
(Honestly if you're even looking at a Dark Souls game you probably know what it's about, but on the off chance you don't here you go. DS3 is an Action RPG, best known for its dark atmosphere, punishing difficulty, and deep character creation.)

For Souls Veterans:
It's still Dark Souls, but a lot of the most annoying aspects have been removed or mitigated. Sadly, DS3 is more linear than the past titles, but the combat itself is honestly more fun, and the bosses are more challenging than before. But really, if you've played the previous games you should definitely play this one.

Overall, 9/10 game. Would reccommend to anyone who has hands/a large amount of self hatred.

P.S. the PvP is absolute butts. Everyone is just a caveman with an ultra-great weapon that'll just trade hits with you. If you want to avoid the worst of it, make sure you're playing in offline mode for the section after the Pontiff Sulyvahn up until you reach Anor Londo.
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