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How can i find words to describe what kickstarted the immortortal First person shooter.Ladies and gentlemen this is where it all started when Id software first began work on this legendary game it was first going to be a third person stealth game but it thankfully changed direction in development to what we all know and love.Gamplay is a fps game so if you played halo,duke nukem or whatever there is no so many of them out there these days you get the idea see nazi shoot him with whatever you got. This game spawned 3 sequels namely Return to casle wolfenstein,Wolfenstein 2009 and the latest release New world order.Graphics well its a dos based game so dont think you're going to get shiny direct x 11 visuals come on this game was realsed in 1990 but despite that it still looks good and the simple gamplay makes it a gem to play to this day yes despite my low hours of playtime i got stuck in with other games.To conclued its a really nice game that should be played and for anyone that calls him or herself a fps fan and hasnt try it really?Go on go get it you wont be disapointed.Rating 9\10.For fans of retro fps games.
投稿日 2015年1月24日. 最終更新日 2015年1月25日
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Freedom planet is amazing i know many people say that about games but really is.For those that dont know this game was meant to be a sonic fan game but due to restrictions form sega the developer changed direction and to be honest im glad cause it stands tall on its own.The story involes a plot involving a diabolical villian named Lord breven which steals the power crystal which sends the world into chaos.Standing in breven's way of global domination is Lylac a young dragon and her close friends Carol the wildcat and Milla the basset hound together with the help of torque a alien duck hybrid their epic quest begins.Gamplay is near identical to 90's sonic games classic 2d platforming greatness.Running around in bright colourful levels collecting gems and bashing alien scum as the above mentioned charecters each with their signiture moves carol has a bike she can ride lylac does her cyclone spin and milla can dig.Each level has a boss which range in difficulty but each boss is fun to engage and wont get players fustrated as some bosses in games have done in the past.Graphics are 90's retro think Sonic the hedgehog, Earth worm jim, Coolspot all those great megadrive classics like i said before the levels are brightly coloured and range from a jungle level and a chinese roof top style level and you're under ground level plus 1 level you ride a giant dragon.Sound quality is great the sound tracks have a nice groove to them.Rating 10\10 im serious it is just a really amazing game.For fans of sonic,dust,shantae and 90's platformers.Trading cards are avalible so get crafting boys.
投稿日 2015年1月22日. 最終更新日 2015年1月23日
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総プレイ時間:11.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:3.9時間)
Duke nukem is for many a legend when this game was first released back in 1997 it caused a stir amoung gamers and the non game comunity cause of its violence and use of strippers but lets be honest those strippers had nothing really to show you boys.But as the years passed many games have come and gone and now make duke look alittle well tame.So let go back to 1997 you started up your'e pc and windows 95 is loading ok lets go launch duke.What you first notice when playing this game is the killer soundtrack the intro theme is still by far one my personal favourite soundtracks ever. Gameplay is typical fps wasd and mouse for aiming still cant beat that its a run an gun gameplay but can still be very challanging none of that hide behind a crate and your'e health comes back so looking for health is a must cause there are many enemies per level ranging from octobrains,pig cops,Assualt comanders and more and those annoying green slime balls from eggs.Weapons oh the weapons ranging from a good old boot to a aliens face to a pistol,shotgun,chaingun,rpg,pipebombs,shrink ray,laser trip mines,the devestator and lastly the freeze ray.All are great and fun to use as you will have plenty of alien scum to use them on.Secret places through out the level secret places can be found with some handy ammo health packs so be on the lookout for those.Graphics is 90's 3d graphics by todays standards it will abit blocko vision but to be honest it still looks good for such a old game and anyway real gamers wont care and be glad to play a gem like this.Level design is good ranging from a old movie theater to sewers to strip malls space stations sport stadium its fair to say duke gets around in this game and each level is fun to play despite a annoying moment here and there.To conclued its a gem like i said ealier gamers from the 90's will love this and gamers from this generation will enjoy it to its got somthing for everyone. if some new gamers ever wondered what was duke like before forever wel it was a mastrpiece you cant and dont want to miss.Rating 9\10 For fans old old school shooters.Quake,Doom,Wolfenstein,Blood,Rise of the triad.Also has trading cards so get crafting boys.
投稿日 2015年1月16日. 最終更新日 2015年1月16日
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総プレイ時間:37.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:18.7時間)
Bioshock infinite.Well what hasnt being said about this masterpiece of a franchise that started all the way back in 2007 other than it just keeps getting better.First big change for the series is moving away from direct x 10 which was a feature of the previous 2 games in the series and instead going for the beautifull dx11 instead.The other big change is the setting for the game nomore Rapture city of nightmares and broken dreams instead we have columbia a new city in the clouds i remember reading critics complaining about the move but im personally glad cause lets face it rapture was fun but 3 times gets abit much.The story you play as Booker Dewitt a investigator tasked with finding a young woman named Elizabeth in the city of Columbia easier said than done you arrive and get nearly drowned by a overzealous priest now you make your'e way through the cities streets you encounter many people on including a young woman that offers you your'e first salt which enables you to possesses enemies after that you enter a competion where a young couple is tied together and you can throw a ball at them if you win which Booker does win but you have the choice throw the ball at the couple or the even organiser before you can you are grabbed by near by gaurds.You are considered the false prophet by a mark on your'e hand you now encounter your'e first of many enemies in the game dealing with them is easy if you familier with fps games you now are able to pick up weapons to defend your'e self.You push on looking for elizabeth when you finally make contact with her you must escape using the sky rails while avoiding a large gaurdian robotic bird named the song bird that will continue to follow elizabeth through out the game.Elizabeth will follow you through out the game till near the end when she is captured she is a very handy to have with you cause she can pick lock find ammo and coins so you to purchese stuff at vending machines she also revives you if you are killed during the game.Graphics are surperb the attention to detail is amazing the buildings are beautifully displayed and the game does a great job of not making the playing areas boring or just rehashes of previous areas.Gamplay is your'e typical fps game like the previous games in the series so nothing new there but the game never feels boring or sloppy instead it feels fresh and fun to play to its conclusion where other games can somtimes stay entertaining for short priods of time the get dull rather quick not the case here its a blast from start to finish.Sound quility is good the tracks tempos increase when you are in combat the sound of the weapons are good and not over done or just sounding poorly done like other fps game somtimes do.To conclued why buy this game wel to be honest you will be missing out on a true gem for a game that was first announced in late 2011 the almost 2 year wait for it was well worth it.Rating 9.5out of 10.For fans of wholesome entainment.Has trading cards so get crafting.
投稿日 2015年1月15日. 最終更新日 2015年2月14日
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Five nights at freddy's is a horror with a difference how you ask cause your'e charecter cant move either than moving youre head for side to side.Youre saving grace in this game is you're monitor to keep track of four animtronic charecters Bonny the rabbit.Chicka the chicken,Foxy the pirate fox and Freddy himself youre job is to keep these charecters out of you're control room the only problem is you're limited amount of power and you need to last form 12am to 6am easier said than done.The charecters attack patterns are straight forward Bonnie and Foxy attack form the left Foxy being the harder off the 2 to stop cause he will charge youre door and drain abit of power by hitting into it.Chica and freddy attacking from the right with freddy being very unpredicatble and sometimes just appearing in the conrtol room killing you hes by far the hardest to stop.Each passing night its gets harder as the charecters get more restless and make their presence felt early and it doesnt take much a slip in concentration and they got you so its a game that keeps you on youre toes.Graphics isnt really special so older machines wont have a problem running this.Its a great game with a fresh take on the horror genre i recomend this to anyone who is a fan of horror or is looking for a new challenge.Rating 8/10
投稿日 2014年10月9日. 最終更新日 2015年1月25日
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To start this reveiw of this game which was highly anticipated game of 2013 this along side outlast are true gem of the indie horror genre.Our story takes place in a warm suburban home where a young boy is having their 2nd birthday party and good old mom has made you a yummy cake to celebrate this special day and getting a new toy to play with which will be the best thing to happen to you in the game as you giving a teddy.Teddy disappears during the middle of the night and as you sleep you're cot its turned over by supernatural forces.You begin youre quest to find teddy once you find you're beloved companion he informs you to look out for youre mother which has also strangely disapeared.Walking around in a nightmare version of youre former home with teddy at youre side and guiding you in dark areas he kind of a you're cuddley torch of sorts.It becomes aparent that you need to find mom and quick to do so you need go through 4 hell inspired areas to collect cherrished memories (toys) to find the clues about what happend to youre mother.In the third level you encounter the first enemy in the game a hellish ghost creature hell bent on catching you.Graphics is fantastic for a indie game the level design is wel thought out from.Gameplay.Is bascially amnesia just this time you are a toddler so fighting was out of the question and makes the game far more interesting and beliveable than a babby with a shot gun yeah right.Its also very interattive from picking up toys to startIng youre train set playing a piano and moving chairs to help open doors that are out youre reach.To conclued this is a amzing horror game i highly recomend this.For fans of Outlast, Amnesia, Slenderman the arrival.Rating 9/10
投稿日 2014年10月9日. 最終更新日 2015年1月25日
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The dreaded slender the one whom haunts youre dreams returns after the succses and the 8 pages a whole new adventure i mean scare fest awaits you.Our story starts when Kate contacts her childhood friend Lauren to her home as soon she arrives things arent going to well her home deserted and no sign of life and strange drawing scatterd on her bedroom walls as you hear a scream in the distance you investigate the source and the result is a trip through the woods collecting pages connected to the slenderman myth only to have the creature begin to stalk you as you collect more pages the more intense it becomes.Once you completed that you wake up in woods and stumble upon a abondoned mine and the fun and games start all over power up generators while doging slender and a mysterious new enemy stalks you escape that and its another trip through the woods a flash back to kates horrific ordeal as slender attacks her in her own home.The final push sees you trying to escape the clutches of slender and not getting burned to a crip by the firy inferno and the horrific conculsion to a gripping tale no spoilers you got to see it for youreself.Gameplay is a typical survival horror you come to know armed with just a flash light yup no fancy fire power to deal with ol slendy and basically collection mechanic to proggesses to next chapter.Atomosphre is where this game excells its creepy from the wondering a empty house to the sheer loneliness on wondering round in a woods in the dark to abbandon mines you get the idea no mario or sonic bright and cheerfull levels here.Sound is amazing any little sound will send the player into paranoid mode is he here let me check rather not and the apprearance of slendy with a true jumpscare sonic assult on youre sences just drives up the intensity.I highly recomend this game to fans of horror and remember to play this one with the lights off and bring a teddy along for just incase cause you want to hug him after slendy pays you a vist.Rating 9\10 Trading cards are avalible so get crafting boys.
投稿日 2014年9月6日. 最終更新日 2015年1月24日
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総プレイ時間:17.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:16.6時間)
Outlast is a survival horror game set in a abandoned asylum. You play as Miles Upshur a Investigative journalist that got tipped off to investigate the happenings within Mount Massive asylum armed with only a palmcorder with a night vision lens to travel through the dark and disturbing corridors of the asylum and try and uncover the horrorfic sercet to the hospital's demise.Gameplay is from the first person persective you arent able to defend youreself you need to evade the homicidal patients that have overrun the asylum so you need to look for suitable hiding places such as lockers and under hospital beds but be warned the ai in this game is not dumb far from it they will look under beds and open lockers to find you.During the game you will need to reactive generators to restore power and collect fuses and such to gain keys or such to further youre progress.Enemies in the game range from a crazed doctor to a pair of homicidal twins to a hulking enemy that you will encounter numerous times throught the game.Graphics are surperb the lighting if any in areas are epic as most of the game is dark so stock up on batteries.Music is intence as a enemy spots you the sound track makes the player feel as if he or she is truly chased by a maniac the sound of youre players hart beat and heavy breathing while in hiding from enemies makes the player feel as if you are in the game.To conclued this reveiw this game is a masterpiece in survival horror but be warned its not for everyone if you like dark places and disturbing content and this game has plenty of it feel free to check it out otherwise if you dont have the stomach to play these sort of games rather walk away from this one but for horror fans a must have.Rating 9/10
投稿日 2014年6月14日. 最終更新日 2015年1月13日
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総プレイ時間:39.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:6.1時間)
Half life 2.Still 1 of the greatest shooters made alot of games have come and gone but you cant help want to play this 1 again.Starting off on a train ride that has our hero Gordan freeman droped off and having to dodge guards that do nothing but insult and harrass you but nothing a good soda can to head cant solve.From there you meet up with youre old partner Alyx she helps you escape a group of soliders wanting to beat the snot out of you.And our story actually begins when a teleporter in the professor lab go's wrong you find your'eself having beat up soliders with you're trusty crowbar(old faithful)Like many old school fps games you can carry many weapons to make youre life easier from pistol to shotguns and my personal favourite the gravity thats makes quick work of those pesky headcrabs in Ravencroft and trying to stay off of the sand so thats those bugs dont attack you it can either can a be tricky but rewarding experience the overall experience of the game is amazing the graphics are good for a game that was released back in 2004 yes its nearly ten years old the story line is amazing and will make the player want to finish the game then simply play a while and abbandon it for a game like tf2 or cod .To conclud this reveiw it may be a old game but who said old games were rubbish a game that needs to be played. rating 9.5\10 For fans of wholesome entertainment.Trading cards are avalible.Does a robot dog count as a farm animal.
投稿日 2013年12月2日. 最終更新日 2016年11月23日
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Want to play a game that load of laughs and a added bonus of teamfortress 2 items so more reason do you need to play this well the cast of charecters are great featuring max the crazy rabbit from the sam & max series and the heavy weapons guy from teamfortress 2 and 2 other charecters name strong brad tyko as play rounds of poker as you will get the opertunity to knock a player that has put up a item that you can win for youre team fortress 2 charecter namely a mingun for heavy, a watch for the spy a pair of shade for youre demo man and badge and pistol for youe scout.So sit back and enjoy some seriously funny coment by the charecters and win some great items to maim youre enemies in tf2 with and look cool while doing it.I recomended this to all teamfortress2 players.Rating 8/10
投稿日 2013年9月3日. 最終更新日 2015年1月19日
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