Ned Climax
My Name Jeff   New York, United States
I made Metanet Hunter CD.
I have several issues with my life, and I like memes.

I also make other games.
Currently Offline
Favorite Game
Hours played
Ned Climax 30 Nov, 2019 @ 2:15pm 
Thank you for that "wonderful" comment, Golden Joe. It helps me understand a lot about Bug Pizza.
If looks could krill 27 Nov, 2019 @ 6:36pm 
I have spent over ten years & $94,000 putting together my mosquito costume; and now I am pleased to announce that I have become a mosquito. The costume is quite realisitic and I have even attatched bladders to the nose-thing so I can soak up liquids when i puncture them with my nose-thing. I could be buzzing all around you on a hot summer day, and you wouldn'tt even recognize me as your son-child; you would just think, "Get away, mosquito.” From my point of view, you would be 3,000 Dads because of the way I designed the eyeballs. I might be saying, “Dad, it’s me. Dad, it’s me,” but you wouldn’t be able to understand my language because of its buzzing.

I’m also into plastics now. I am making plastic tubes that you can suck liquids through; kind of like my mosquito nose, but used for different reasons.

Hope you’re doing well at camp. See you soon.

merrymore 20 Jun, 2016 @ 8:09pm 
I don't know how the ♥♥♥♥ you're doing that but it is impressive
twuj stary (he/him) 16 Nov, 2015 @ 5:19am 
happy bday kawawa
Darkonius Mavakar 22 Jul, 2014 @ 1:02pm 
[[qig]] 12 Dec, 2012 @ 6:07pm 
we need to play castle crashers bro