lil bobi mane   Porgera, Enga, Papua New Guinea
I will buy any game which lets me quit without going to main menu first.
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2,791 Hours played
Original February 2024 review:

I would say "let them cook", but this game was released last summer and it had zero (none, null, nada, nič, нічого, ничего, 아무것도 아님, ...) features implemented since.. Even the game breaking bugs get minor attention until pros whine about it on twitter, VAC still doesn't work or when it does we're not getting compensation for playing against cheaters, smurfs smurfs smurfs smurfs, ...

It's just bad and a shame that Valve doesn't appear to care at all about this loved franchise.

By comparison Dota 2 is getting loved to death, matchmaking is awesome, smurfs get banned, there's behavior score locking you out of features if you are toxic, they're getting new heroes and game modes almost monthly, etc.

CS is the ginger kid Valve doesn't love.

Amendment of March 2025:
Yeah, here we are, still playing this game, still feeling the pain. We've seen some improvements, many big, and even some small additions of features, but we still don't have all of the features from CS:GO, and the 3D sound quality, which maybe improved slightly (or maybe we're just getting used to it) is still much, much worse than CS:GO.

Notably, sound glitches, like hearing shots and steps that should be 'occluded' are sometimes heard clearly, and some shots and steps that should be heard clearly are 'occluded'; And this glitch seems to only become more prevelent with further map 'updates'.. One such zone of constant sound confusion is catwalk on Ancient, and another is single door backroom on Nuke B site... It's pointless to talk about all the technical faults, though, as there are many, and I trust that they're all being worked on by the team.

The single biggest issue with the game is still cheating
, and it is glaringly obvious to anyone who plays up until now, and the problem doesn't spare new players, instead they are ESPECIALLY prone to being subject to cheaters ruining their games, as their trust factor isn't built up yet. There seems to be no reprimanding of rage hackers, as long as they keep their configurations to a level that isn't automatically detected, as there is no overwatch system, where humans could see how obviously some people are cheating - there is just the trust factor, which, only punishes new players that start out with a "neutral" one, which the cheaters easily maitain by buying farmed up chinese/south american accounts with prime for cheaper than the price tag of EU/NA prime. It's a sad, sad, sad situation.
bobitAren 13 Mar @ 9:09am 
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Thodar 12 Mar @ 10:56am 
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ᶜʳᵒʷˢᵉʳ 4 Mar @ 5:27am 
Kizshura 18 Jan @ 11:35am 
+rep tactical playa
RistaLegionar 14 Jan @ 9:03am 
Don't know what hate coments are all about +rep Pinki
eddY 30 Dec, 2024 @ 6:18am 
bro, if you ever feel the urge to talk again, just dont. you absolute degenerate.