3 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
5.3 hrs last two weeks / 672.2 hrs on record (159.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 15 Apr, 2022 @ 1:51pm

I'm only giving this a negative review because of the QoL stuff that needs to be added to this game. But who are we kidding? It's not like any of these are gonna happen. Anyway...

1) Duel Passes shouldn't last almost two months, they should last as long as a season, one month. You could get all of the rewards from both normal and gold versions in a month without any issue.

2) A Casual Mode where your damn rank isn't taken into consideration.

3) A Two Out of Three match mode so that you can have a chance of a comeback against some of the annoying meta/troll decks.

4) A Simulation Mode where all of the cards are unlocked so that you could build any deck that you want and test it out against an AI and see if it's viable or not; to this add the ability to load deck presets for the AI to use and/or to be able to make your own decks for the AI to use.

5) The damn banlist for Ranked should be changed with every new season to shake up the meta (and trolls) to incentivize the use of new decks, to keep it fresh and interesting. Adding just new cards won't solve that issue.

6) Better tutorials. What is there is laughable at best. Not everyone is a Master Duelist (heh) from the get go, y'know?

I could only think of these so far but there's probably many other QoL stuff that should make it into this game to make it more enjoyable.
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