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2.4 hrs on record
Wonderful. Just amazing. Runs great, plays great.
VERY good first person puzzle game. If you liked Portal you NEED to try this game.
I'm trying to think of something I didn't like, but my mind is coming up blank.
Go try the public test. Do it. The gameplay speaks for itself.

I'm going to go preorder the full game after I save this.
Posted 10 December, 2014.
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95.4 hrs on record
I continually refer to this game as the best $20 I have ever spent. I bought it at full price and would buy it again. I really, really like this game. Read on if you want to know why.

You will probably get around 50 hours of gameplay out of this title, and that's if you only play through it once. The modding community for this title is VERY active and offers an extreme number of ways to customize your game. Even without mods this game offers amazing replayability due to the procedurally generated levels the game has. I mean the 95 hours I have logged with this title were before the editor was even released. It also has Online Co-op too.

The game offers great character customization too. The game offers three different sets of skills for each class. Active skills range from Fire Pillars to summons that heal you and your friends. You also have access to passive skills which boost damage or your defenses. The skills are flashy and the game has no shortage of explosions. It looks and feels great to play.

Each of the game's acts takes place in a radically different environment. Each map has a completely different tileset and enemies.

It's also worth noting that the game offers multiple difficulty levels that you can change on the fly to make the game suit how you want to play.

If you're a fan of Hack'n'Slash ARPGs with tons of loot to collect and lots of deep character tweaking, buy this game, it's the best one on PC.
Posted 30 September, 2014.
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6.7 hrs on record
This game is fantastic. Some of you may not know, but I am a Zelda nut, it's my favorite series. This game plays and feels like a zelda game. The graphics are very like the GBC release of Link's Awakening. If you like Zelda, you'll like this game. It's pretty great stuff.
Posted 5 April, 2013. Last edited 25 November, 2013.
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23.8 hrs on record
This is a fantastic title. Not exactly a true ARPG, the game plays like an action-adventure-platformer, somewhat like Metroid or Castlevania. Combat is very fast, and very satisfying. I'll warn you now, this game is hard, very very hard. It's extremely challenging, but also extremely satisfying to complete. That sense of accomplishment you get when you best a boss after learning it's moves and patterns is like nothing else. No cheap deaths either. You'll know what killed you and learn how to avoid it. If you're looking for a title that will challenge you and never let up, look no further than this game. It may kill you over and over, but you'll always come back for more, just to try that boss one more time. It's also worth noting that the title has controller support with fully remappable buttons. It's also better with a controller.
Posted 5 August, 2012. Last edited 29 September, 2014.
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2.7 hrs on record
If you haven't played this one you're really missing out. This really IS the best NES game never made. In terms of games I'd say this one's most similar to the original metroid, only it has a compelling story to go along with it. Metroid with a proper story? Pretty, win no? I've bought this title twice. What's that tell you? It should say that I REALLY like this game. It should be given At least one playthrough by everyone. Of course, if you're like me you'll turn right around when you finish it and go back for the harder route you bipassed. It's challenging, story is wonderful, and has a secret level that ranks as one of the hardest things I've ever played. This editon has 4 endings, and multiple challenge levels. It's the defenative edtion of Cave Story. If you enjoy retro games, adventure games, or games in general, there's no reason for you to not play this title. It's that good.
Posted 27 December, 2011. Last edited 25 November, 2013.
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27.1 hrs on record
This is a wonderful game. A truely fantastic Action RPG. It looks great, plays great and sounds great. The voicing in this title is great, everyone's voice fits the character. The music is also a treat. The game is also huge. There is ALOT of content in this title. I'm a completionist, so I went and did just about every single quest in the game that I could find, and the trailer doesn't lie about play time. Steam unfortunately failed to correctly record my hours played, but I'd say I got at least 80-90 hours out of this title. The dragon combat in the game is also brillant. I'll warn you, this title will eat alot of your free time. If you're a Diablo fan or a fan of RPGs in general, I highly recommend this game. Divinity II is: Dragons, epic storyline, huge world, copious amounts of loot, and many, many hours well spent. Well, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and buy the game already.
Posted 26 October, 2011. Last edited 25 November, 2013.
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23.7 hrs on record
A solid action adventure game with a side of RPG and Platformer. It plays a like the more recent 3D Legend of Zelda titles only with blood, gore and flashy finishing moves. A kind of Zelda meets God of War, if you'll allow me that. theonly issue? It could have been longer. My playtime topped out at 27 hours and that was after hunting around and finding all the game's hidden goodies.
Posted 3 July, 2011. Last edited 25 November, 2013.
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14.3 hrs on record
This one hasn't been what I expected at all. Since the trailer makes look like it has lots of combat. It's still pretty fun though. Lots of puzzles with little bits of combat thrown in make for a nice package. The feel and look of the game is good too. Though exploring ancient ruins has always been something that I love which makes me enjoy this game even more. It's certainly worth picking up if you want to play something different than your standard shoot-em-up FPS.
Posted 2 December, 2010. Last edited 25 November, 2013.
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