
Xaelon 最近的評論

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目前顯示第 61-70 項,共 71 項
3 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 837.6 小時 (評論時已進行 423.3 小時)
I don't understand why this game is still $10 after all these years. The patches they add to this game are insane. To give you an idea if you're seeing this game for the first time, what was originally the end of the game is now only about a fourth of the entire game. You're probably looking at 50-100 hours if you want to defeat every main boss in the game. Double or triple that that if you like collecting rare items or building an amazing town.

They have expanded this game to an amazing degree. What was originally a pretty simple, but fun combat system has evolved into full-on class-lite progression with weapons and armor sets that cater to different playstyles. Then you can find accessories that decrease mana usage, buff your melee attack speed or give utility effects like double jump or status-immunity. Weapons and Accessories can also roll random modifiers like a very simple version of items in Diablo.

A lot of people compare this game to Minecraft, but it's so much more than that. This game has enough biomes that you won't see all of them in a single world. Each biome also has a unique enemy set and loot list. It's also got bosses that progressively increase in difficulty and complexity. If you wish Minecraft was more of a game and less of a fun building toy, you really need to try Terraria. It's like someone mashed up your favorite 2D action RPG with Minecraft's building and randomly generated world.

As far as sandbox games go, this game has everything. Tons of loot with awesome bosses to use it on, huge interesting worlds to explore, robust building features with tons of cosmetic furniture to use, fishing, and resource gathering with LOTS of cool stuff to craft. As of 1.4 you can play golf, scored and everything. The last patch also added "Journey Mode" (think creative mode, except that you could play the game regularly if you wanted) as well as the super hard Master Mode difficulty. If you've never played the game or even if you've already beaten it completely, 1.4 has something for you.

If you haven't played this game, and you like sandbox games buy it already. One warning though. This game will make you lose track of time. Even after beating it four or five times I still end up playing all day.

If you need further endorsement: look at the number of positive reviews. It takes a really special game to be super popular and for almost everyone to agree that the game is good.

Older Reviews (for posterity)
Terraria is the best procedurally generated exploration crafting sandbox. Take Solid sidescrolling combat (with screen filling bosses), combine it with minecraft-esque digging and building and then add a TON of sweet loot to find and you'll have Terraria. This game will devour your free time at a speed you never thought possible. It's scary good.

The amount of playtime you can get out of this game is insane. For playtime VS money ratio I don't know of any single player title on steam that can beat this game. Add drop-in online multiplayer and the game gets even better.

I keep coming back to this one because every content update they release makes it better. Like REALLY better. I'm talking: new bosses, tons of new equipment, more NPCs, the good stuff.

If you haven't played this one yet, buy it. It'll be some of the best money you can spend.

Original Review
A stellar blend of sandbox exploration and sidescrolling combat and the best fusion of 'game' and 'sandbox' available. Terraria offers just enough direction to point you in the right direction while still offering satisfying exploration. Content patches (while infrequent) offer enough new content to warrant yet another playthrough. Better with friends, but still fun by yourself. It's worth noting that v1.3 has streamlined the multiplayer so it's now easier than ever to play with your friends.
張貼於 2015 年 7 月 14 日。 最後編輯於 2020 年 5 月 23 日。
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16 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 0.0 小時
Solid Chiptune OST. I'd been wanting this OST since I had a chance to play through the game. I like it. Maybe you do too?

Now some statistics for anyone wondering.

33 Tracks in three formats (FLAC, MP3 and Wav).

The track time seems to run from about a minute and a half to three minutes.

Track name issue was fixed with an update. All tracks are numbered with translated track names now.
張貼於 2015 年 5 月 26 日。 最後編輯於 2015 年 5 月 28 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 18.7 小時 (評論時已進行 6.4 小時)
Note: I did not try to play the game with the keyboard. This "review" is based on my gameplay impressions using a 360 pad.

Quick facts:
Game version at the time of this review: 10.6
My Playtime (for a single run through): about 4 hours

Bought the game because of the demo.

I was on the fence about this one for a while for whatever reason. If you're not sure if you want to buy it, try the demo. If you enjoy the demo, buy the game. It's great. Certainly worth the price, discount or not.

ACC has a very "arcade-y" style feel going on. If AAC was actually an arcade game, I can tell that it would be rather hard on my wallet. It's a hard game to put down.

It's super fast with tons of enemies and tons of bullets on-screen. Seriously glorious chaotic fun. Difficulty and chaos increase exponentially the further you get into the game. The bosses are well designed and borrow elements of Bullet-hell type shmups. Transforming levels and the battery mechanic do a great job of keeping you on your toes. It's rather satisfying once you find your best character and dance your way across a level racking up that massive 200+ Hit combo and never getting downed once. Enemy mechanics do not feel cheap. Any time I felt frustrated, it was over my own lack of skill.

The art-style is very colorful, and looks great. It also never gets in the way or becomes overly busy. I do not recall every losing track of my character because of all the chaos onscreen.

I read somewhere that someone compared this game to Smash TV and they were right in making that comparison. AAC does remind me of that game.

Game did not crash once, no frame-drops or other bugs. Cranked the settings up to max and it still runs like a dream.

Overall very impressive for an Early Access title. Very much looking forward to more content and release day.

I wish I had someone to play coop with if for no other reason than to see how crazy it gets with more players.
張貼於 2014 年 12 月 31 日。
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總時數 2.4 小時
Wonderful. Just amazing. Runs great, plays great.
VERY good first person puzzle game. If you liked Portal you NEED to try this game.
I'm trying to think of something I didn't like, but my mind is coming up blank.
Go try the public test. Do it. The gameplay speaks for itself.

I'm going to go preorder the full game after I save this.
張貼於 2014 年 12 月 10 日。
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總時數 95.4 小時
I continually refer to this game as the best $20 I have ever spent. I bought it at full price and would buy it again. I really, really like this game. Read on if you want to know why.

You will probably get around 50 hours of gameplay out of this title, and that's if you only play through it once. The modding community for this title is VERY active and offers an extreme number of ways to customize your game. Even without mods this game offers amazing replayability due to the procedurally generated levels the game has. I mean the 95 hours I have logged with this title were before the editor was even released. It also has Online Co-op too.

The game offers great character customization too. The game offers three different sets of skills for each class. Active skills range from Fire Pillars to summons that heal you and your friends. You also have access to passive skills which boost damage or your defenses. The skills are flashy and the game has no shortage of explosions. It looks and feels great to play.

Each of the game's acts takes place in a radically different environment. Each map has a completely different tileset and enemies.

It's also worth noting that the game offers multiple difficulty levels that you can change on the fly to make the game suit how you want to play.

If you're a fan of Hack'n'Slash ARPGs with tons of loot to collect and lots of deep character tweaking, buy this game, it's the best one on PC.
張貼於 2014 年 9 月 30 日。
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總時數 6.7 小時
This game is fantastic. Some of you may not know, but I am a Zelda nut, it's my favorite series. This game plays and feels like a zelda game. The graphics are very like the GBC release of Link's Awakening. If you like Zelda, you'll like this game. It's pretty great stuff.
張貼於 2013 年 4 月 5 日。 最後編輯於 2013 年 11 月 25 日。
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總時數 23.8 小時
This is a fantastic title. Not exactly a true ARPG, the game plays like an action-adventure-platformer, somewhat like Metroid or Castlevania. Combat is very fast, and very satisfying. I'll warn you now, this game is hard, very very hard. It's extremely challenging, but also extremely satisfying to complete. That sense of accomplishment you get when you best a boss after learning it's moves and patterns is like nothing else. No cheap deaths either. You'll know what killed you and learn how to avoid it. If you're looking for a title that will challenge you and never let up, look no further than this game. It may kill you over and over, but you'll always come back for more, just to try that boss one more time. It's also worth noting that the title has controller support with fully remappable buttons. It's also better with a controller.
張貼於 2012 年 8 月 5 日。 最後編輯於 2014 年 9 月 29 日。
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總時數 2.7 小時
If you haven't played this one you're really missing out. This really IS the best NES game never made. In terms of games I'd say this one's most similar to the original metroid, only it has a compelling story to go along with it. Metroid with a proper story? Pretty, win no? I've bought this title twice. What's that tell you? It should say that I REALLY like this game. It should be given At least one playthrough by everyone. Of course, if you're like me you'll turn right around when you finish it and go back for the harder route you bipassed. It's challenging, story is wonderful, and has a secret level that ranks as one of the hardest things I've ever played. This editon has 4 endings, and multiple challenge levels. It's the defenative edtion of Cave Story. If you enjoy retro games, adventure games, or games in general, there's no reason for you to not play this title. It's that good.
張貼於 2011 年 12 月 27 日。 最後編輯於 2013 年 11 月 25 日。
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總時數 27.1 小時
This is a wonderful game. A truely fantastic Action RPG. It looks great, plays great and sounds great. The voicing in this title is great, everyone's voice fits the character. The music is also a treat. The game is also huge. There is ALOT of content in this title. I'm a completionist, so I went and did just about every single quest in the game that I could find, and the trailer doesn't lie about play time. Steam unfortunately failed to correctly record my hours played, but I'd say I got at least 80-90 hours out of this title. The dragon combat in the game is also brillant. I'll warn you, this title will eat alot of your free time. If you're a Diablo fan or a fan of RPGs in general, I highly recommend this game. Divinity II is: Dragons, epic storyline, huge world, copious amounts of loot, and many, many hours well spent. Well, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and buy the game already.
張貼於 2011 年 10 月 26 日。 最後編輯於 2013 年 11 月 25 日。
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總時數 23.7 小時
A solid action adventure game with a side of RPG and Platformer. It plays a like the more recent 3D Legend of Zelda titles only with blood, gore and flashy finishing moves. A kind of Zelda meets God of War, if you'll allow me that. theonly issue? It could have been longer. My playtime topped out at 27 hours and that was after hunting around and finding all the game's hidden goodies.
張貼於 2011 年 7 月 3 日。 最後編輯於 2013 年 11 月 25 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
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