a fiókon

Xaelon legutóbbi értékelései

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12.6 óra a nyilvántartásban (5.7 óra az értékeléskor)
Recent Update:
I cannot recommend this game anymore. I was willing to tolerate the questionable choice of running Lin into the Tian and Lyra banners for the sake of catching up with the CN version faster but then they decided to not add Nemesis to standard after her rerun.

One of the main reasons I was willing to tolerate this game over Genshin is because limited characters enter the standard pool but seeing as that didn't happen I'm done with this game until my black and gold pulls are good for something again.

If you're considering trying to play this game F2P I would recommend you stay away until the standard pool starts getting expanded. As is trying to keep up as F2P is miserable because of how few limited pulls you get for free.

Note: I have many more hours playing this game than my Steam playtime suggests. I started playing this game a few months ago when the developers launched the standalone client and have generally played daily since then.

Tower of Fantasy is an Anime-themed open-world sandbox ARPG with Gatcha elements. Realistically you will not get every single character without paying and people who have bought more pulls will do more damage than you. If you're not cool with those things, this game probably isn't for you.

Do you need to spend money to enjoy this game? No. As long as you pull strategically you'll eventually have enough characters to make a few competent teams.

You've probably heard ToF compared to Genshin Impact and for the most part both games are pretty similar to one another, so if you enjoy Genshin's style of gameplay you'll probably enjoy this game too.

I enjoy this game more than Genshin for these reasons:
  • The game awards many more pulls.

  • Banners have a pity mechanic and a "sparking" system.
    After doing 120 pulls on a limited banner you can spend your spark currency to get the current limited character. You are also guaranteed an SSR character every 80 pulls with a 50/50 chance of getting the limited character. Your pity does not reset in ToF until you hit 80 pulls, meaning if you get lucky you can get mutliple SSR characters in one set of 80 draws.

  • Leveling up new characters in this game isn't a chore.
    The resources required are region/planet neutral so it's possible to save a bunch of resources and immediately level a character to cap.

  • Getting good equipment in this game is MUCH less RNG dependant than Genshin's artifacts.

  • Quicker daily and weekly tasks that offer better rewards.

  • Limited characters should end up in the standard pool eventually.
If you haven't played Genshin you can think of this game as a typical open world game with fun combat. The open world is full of simple activities, enemies and chests. Most of what you earn from exploring the world can only be used for the standard banner, but you will also earn a lot of "black crystals" that can be turned into limited banner pulls for free.

ToF also has a neat 'relic' system. Relics do various things and are generally useful in either combat or exploration. You can unlock things like a jetpack, grappling hook, missile launcher or blackhole generator.

Character balance for the most part is OK and much better than on the game's Chinese version. Limited characters were notoriously OP on the Chinese version, but have been reasonably nerfed on this version. They are still better/more useful than standard characters but without doing WAY more damage.

The daily and activity loop is similar to other F2P games with the most important progression related resources being limited to weekly tasks. I'm not going to claim the daily loop is great, but it's quick and painless for the most part and 'pays' reasonably well.

The story in this game is just kinda there. I found it enjoyable but it didn't leave an impression on me.
Közzétéve: 2022. október 24. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2023. január 2.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
24 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
5 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
100.9 óra a nyilvántartásban (17.7 óra az értékeléskor)
Korai hozzáférési értékelés
Anyone who claims this game is as bad or worse than Diablo Immortal has no idea what they're talking about because this game does not charge you per run of anything. There is no stamina, no cost, no nothing. You're literally free to grind whatever you want as much as you want with no restrictions.

The pet gatcha is not as big of a deal as everyone is saying either. I took a look at each rarity of pet and they're all pretty similar. As far as I can tell the legendary pets give you access to one unique "pact" skill that seems pretty situational or only activates at a low chance. Other than that they all provide the same amount of stats. As long as you can get pets of any rarity that have the right stats for your build I think you'll be good. Would the game be better without the pet gatcha? Absolutely. Does it completely ruins the game? No, I don't think so.

In addition to the pet gatcha the game sells early access to characters. I have no idea if the currently-paid only characters are gamebreaking but I don't care. TL:I is a solo PvE focused game. I could care less how OP someone else's character is. The devs have also said that they want to add more more ways to unlock characters so I am hoping that every character will end up being available for free eventually. We'll have to see if that actually happens though.

You can also buy convenience stuff. More bag space, more stash tabs, more trade house slots (serverwide marketplace), those kind of things. There is also a paid and free season pass as well as a cosmetic gatcha.

So yes there is a fair amount of monetization in this game but they at least mostly kept it out of the gameplay.

With that out of the way I can talk about the gameplay. It's a pretty traditional top-down ARPG like PoE or Diablo: smash monsters, grab loot, check loot, repeat. The game operates on a similar system to PoE, where instead of getting gold from selling things you get crafting materials. You can use the mats yourself or use them to buy stuff from other players.

The skill system is actually very cool and much easier to digest than what PoE offers without being too simple. In TL:I your skill sockets aren't tied to a specific piece of gear but rather your gear's total "energy" stat. Higher level gear gives more energy, which will allow you to open up to 5 passive slots per skill. Your character also has access to talent trees and pact passives which offer additional passive stat boosts.

The Torchlight we know and love may be long gone, but this game honestly isn't too bad. If something changes how I feel about the game I will update my review accordingly.
Közzétéve: 2022. október 17.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
4.4 óra a nyilvántartásban
I originally reviewed this game at launch and I'm now posting another review to say that nothing has changed. They haven't added any way to rejoin matches, matches that lose players are not backfilled and all free sources of capital are still finite and lacking. Most of the problems that existed at launch still exist sadly.

I figured that I might give this game another shot since Heavy Arms was getting added only to find out that my account that has played less than 2 hours of matches is too old and can't take advantage of the currently running Beginner Campaign. There is also no way for me to close my account and start over.

Oh well. No free suit? No play. I'm done with this game for good unless they add a real way to earn new suits for free without having to slog through the entire season pass.
Közzétéve: 2022. szeptember 27. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2023. március 10.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
1 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
33.7 óra a nyilvántartásban
On the surface Bloons TD6 is a silly looking game about monkeys popping balloons but it's actually one of the best (maybe the best) tower defense games on steam.

This game has tons of maps, a variety of modes+difficulties for each map and many different kinds of towers all with upgrade paths that can widely change what a tower does. It also has a huge tree of meta upgrades and cool hero units (powerful self upgrading towers) to collect. The game also looks and sounds pretty good too.

Bloons TD6 doesn't try to be anything other than a traditional tower defense game, but it is REALLY good at what it does. The 10+ years the developers have spent on this game definitely shows.
Közzétéve: 2022. szeptember 11.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
1 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
48.9 óra a nyilvántartásban
Hydroneer has similar gameplay to Factorio or Satisfactory. Plan out a system, implement it and then fix any problems that happen after you turn it on. Fun game overall if you enjoy that sort of thing.

The game is a bit slow at the start but picks up speed pretty quick once you're able to get your hands on some mining machines and the stuff to go with them. The game's very minimal UI (you get tooltips when you grab something and that's about it) takes a bit to learn, but works well enough.

Hydroneer is definitely not finished yet though. The game has two main issues right now: lack of late game goals and managing large number of items.

It appears that the developers are working on adding more materials and more things to do with them but, for the moment there aren't a ton things to do with what you dig up. You can use two materials to make mining machines, and the other two are for making money. You also get the same materials regardless of how deep your mine is (depth just increases how much ore you get). I hope that deeper mines will eventually award rare materials that can be used to make cool stuff. The game needs some sort of goal or project to push you to expand and optimize your setup because after 50 hours I am now capable of making more money than I will ever be able to spend.

The other problem stems from the developers choosing not to give the game a traditional inventory system. This makes moving things around messy. There are containers you can use, but putting too many items into those containers tanks the game's FPS and cause a variety physics glitches. This issue is easy enough to avoid once you're aware of it but, it makes transporting a large amount of equipment anywhere take more trips than it should. The game does have a creative mode that alleviates this issue somewhat since one of the items you can borrow from that mode (creative mode can be toggled on or off in Hydroneer) is a wand that duplicates items, allowing you to avoid having to transport large amounts of pipes or any other cheap items that you need a ton of.

I hope the developers can fix how the game handles large numbers of items though. I'd rather not have to worry about my truck or pallets launching themselves into orbit because I stacked too much stuff on them.

If you do choose to buy this game I would recommend checking out Hydroneer's steam workshop. There are a variety of mods that make the game more enjoyable to play.
Közzétéve: 2022. június 28.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
4 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
146.3 óra a nyilvántartásban (14.1 óra az értékeléskor)
After 100 hours or so I have 100%'d this game and every hour was excellent. The mix of tricky platforming, a huge interconnected world to explore and tough but fair turn based combat is extremely unique. If you enjoy games that let you blaze your own trail and classic JRPGs you owe it to yourself to at least try the demo for this game. I'm looking forward to whatever post-launch content the solo developer decides to add because a game like this is begging for a randomizer of some kind.

As a minor update, the developer has confirmed that he IS working on a randomizer for the game! https://steamproxy.net/app/1637730/discussions/0/3425564314012007083/#c3425564314023265612

The class system in particular is fantastic. Every class is useful and unique. Even the classes the game starts you will remain useful. I changed my group's classes and subclasses pretty often over the entire course of the game.

You're going to need all the class options the game gives you too because the monsters and bosses in this game are dangerous. Even so it all feels pretty fair because everything the enemies can do is shown to you from the start of combat. You definitely cannot stick with the same party comp against every boss either. Some of them have mechanics that straight counter certain classes. There are plenty of save points and there's one very close to every single boss. It's very quick and easy to change strategies and try again.

Original Review
Crystal Project is kind of a niche game, but it's pretty fun if you like open world games and the turn based combat present in classic JRPGs.

I'm going to start out by suggesting that you stop reading reviews and play the demo instead. It's an excellent demonstration of what kind of game this is. I was kinda blown away with how much content the demo has. It was way longer than I expected.

Crystal Project plays kinda like someone took FF5's job system (main class + sub class + passives) but expanded and updated it to be more strategic. You can see exactly who monsters will attack as well as what their skills do. In terms of combat mechanics this game explains itself very well and hides very little. I don't know how many classes I have left to unlock, but all of them I've seen have interesting passives that you can unlock and use with other classes. It takes a bit to get rolling, but once you've unlocked 3 or 4 more classes you'll start seeing all the interesting things you can do with your party.

This game puts a HUGE emphasis on exploration. You can get a general idea of what your goals are by talking to NPCs but there are no quest indicators or anything that tells you where you need to go. It REALLY expects you to get out there and find where you need to go yourself. There is very little handholding of any kind and it's completely possible to end up somewhere with monsters that will kill you very easily. On the other hand the world is filled with secrets and optional areas.

Another thing you should be aware of is that this game is not story focused. Your party is literally dropped into the world and the game says "go explore". That's it. The other adventurers in the world do have interesting things to say, but this isn't the type of game where things happen to you, rather they happen to the world in the background. If you're expecting to be swept up into an epic narrative about saving the world or killing god you're going to be disappointed. Crystal Project is not that kind of game.

The one iffy part of this game is the platforming. It does a nice job of breaking up all the battles but it can be frustrating since some of the jumps you have to make are very precise. Try the demo and see if you're ok with how the platforming works. If you get to the end of the demo and you still want to continue playing you should definitely buy the game.
Közzétéve: 2022. május 9. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2022. június 13.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
1 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
895.7 óra a nyilvántartásban
If you're a solo player just buy Diablo 4. It's a better game in every way if you're not interested in difficult content for premade groups, which is the only think this game has going for it.

If you're considering trying this game you should be aware that 90% of the "people" playing this game are bots. You can check the player count for yourself and you will see that most of the playerbase never logs out.

It's unclear who between Smilegate and AGS is responsible for the game's current state but any and all attempts to deal with the bots have been SO ineffective the people in charge either don't care or are completely incompetent. The game as of late has also been rife with disconnects and AH searches constantly time out.

As a new player you will also be unlikely to even see any other real players until you play through 50+ hours of the leveling story and then probably another 100+ hours to gear yourself through Tier 1 and Tier 2. That assumes you can even find anyone to group with for anything below T3, which is very unlikely. I enjoyed leveling my first character back when the game was new but now it just sounds like it would be a miserable affair.

The only reason you should ever consider touching this game is if you know someone who's still playing actively so they can help you make it to T3. You'll need a premade group for Legion Raids anyway which is the only worthwhile endgame content in this game.

If you're looking for a new MMO just wait for Blue Protocol. That game should show us who's responsible for ruining Lost Ark Global at least.
Közzétéve: 2022. február 19. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2023. június 21.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
68.5 óra a nyilvántartásban (56.0 óra az értékeléskor)
Korai hozzáférési értékelés
This game is an oddity.

Simple enough that anyone can play it yet compelling enough to keep a hardcore player like myself returning over and over to unlock whatever fun new stuff the developer puts in.

The developer has probably tripled or quadrupled the amount of content in the game since it's EA launch, but hasn't raised the price.

It's only $3 yet will probably give you more playtime than most $60 AAA titles these days.

One of the previous top reviews for this game likened it to a bag of your favorite candy which is one of the best ways to describe this game. Vampire Survivors really is like candy: simple but enjoyable.
Közzétéve: 2022. január 22. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2022. augusztus 9.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
28.7 óra a nyilvántartásban
Doom Eternal is another delicious helping of bloody lead seasoned ultraviolence. if you enjoyed the 2016 reboot of Doom, you'll probably enjoy this game too. That said, I did find Doom Eternal to be harder than Doom 2016. The demons are faster and way more aggressive. I'm not sure if they deal more damage, but the enemies in this game are way more dangerous than I remember them being in the last game.

I really enjoyed the new tools they give you. All of them are useful in different and important ways. The dash is particularly welcome. The game feels rough before you unlock all the different tools and guns, but the more toys you get the better the game feels. Once you've got a full loadout you feel like an unstoppable badass. It's glorious.

Doom Eternal is pretty much Doom 2016, but longer and more difficult. Overall I'd consider it an improvement.
Közzétéve: 2022. január 20.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
0.0 óra a nyilvántartásban
It's not a bad DLC, but I would only recommend it on sale. $20 for about 5 levels or so is a bit steep. They're fun levels, but they're not also super long.

My one gripe is about one of the DLC's new enemies, the spirit. I'm not entirely sure why they thought such a thing would be fun to fight. Doom Eternal's enemies are already well balanced and dangerous enough as is. Adding something to make them twice as fast AND turn them into an HP sponge is really unneeded. It's arbitrary difficulty at its worst.

Making them only kill-able using one of the most obnoxious weapon mods in the game is also awful. I get that the Doom reboot's whole thing is to have specific weapons be more effective against specific enemies, but requiring one specific weapon mod essentially locks me out of the other mod which I like better. If there was time to switch mods before the spirit jumps to a new body that would be one thing, but there's not.

Thankfully Spirits don't show up that much and dealing with one of them is doable. But making the final boss of the DLC summon two of them at once two times is too much. I would have made him summon another spirit after the first one dies. Overall I found the the DLC's final boss to be a let down VS what you fight in the original campaign. At least sentinel armor is a thing so I could just finish the un-fun fight and be done with it.
Közzétéve: 2022. január 20.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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31–40/69 bejegyzés mutatása