MSazmin aKa SMuT3
MSazmin   Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
I'm a simple "boy" in a complicated way. I'm pretty quiet, but when I talk people always listen. I'm not a party boy but I love to have fun! I can be pretty hard on myself, but I know I deserve better than what I usually get. I trust everyone, but sometimes it's hard for me to open up. My biggest passion is people, especially children. I'm nice to everyone even if they're not nice to me in return. I have my flaws and I know I'm not perfect, but I try to be the best that I can be. I've made a lot of mistakes but I have no regrets. Sometimes I try too hard and I don't get enough in return, but I continue to do what I do and be who I am.

I've learned a lot about myself and life in the twenty four long years I've lived. I've learned that no matter how hard I try, sometimes it's never enough...but that doesn't mean I still shouldn't give it my all. I've learned that I can't compare myself to the best other people can do. I've learned that even when I think I have nothing more to give, when a friend cries out to me, I will always find the strength to help them. I've learned that it's the little things that make life worth living, not the big things. I've learned that the real heroes are just ordinary people who've done what had to be done, regardless of the consequences. I've learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down, are the ones that pick you back up. I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by someone else, but sometimes you need to learn to forgive yourself. I'VE LEARNED THAT SMILING ISN'T ALWAYS A SIGN OF HAPPINESS.

Most of all I've learned not to expect anything from anyone, because then you'll always be surprised. If I say hello to someone I never expect one in return, because then it makes me smile if I get one. And I guess I should tell you right now, I forgive you. You'll do something, or say something, or not do something someday that will hurt me. But never fear, no matter what it is I will always love you and I will never hold anything against you. By the time you can say sorry, I've already forgotten what you did.

If you leave me love, I'll definitely leave you some.
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