I need ammunition, not a ride! :metrogasmask:

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
500 点经验值
Best gaming soundtracks you can enjoy without the game.
1. Ion Fury
2. Axiom Verge
3. Streets of Rage 4
4. Hotline Miami
5. Doom 2016
6. Sim City 3000 and 4
7. DmC Devil may Cry
Hello S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I made this background for you to chill out before you get cheeki breeki.
已运行 60 小时
TLDR: Has a lot amount of content for 45$ 25 maps, 3 factions, 18 story driven campaign missions (6 each faction), Raids (Co-op PVE with unlocks) 2 dynamic campaigns. It is not a AAA game however and the voice acting reflects that, same with the price. The game is worth it at fill price. Has awesome mod support like past games.

-As stated above a lot of content.
-All content in the game can be played Co-op.
-GEM engine has been updated to DX11, 64 bit, and multi-threaded CPU use game runs super well now RTX 3080 5800X3D 3440x1440 maxed out.
-GEM engine added physical based rendering and lighting in the game looks a lot better than MoW:AS2.
-Steam Deck support.
-Good art style, grounded in a realistic look, not a cartoon game.
-Battalions MP mode is a fun way to get new people into playing MoWII in MP. You have less things you have to control but mist work as a team to win.
-Classic mode for people who want to MP like they did with MoW:AS2.
-Servers are a lot more stable than the older games.
-Options, there is about an option for everything in this game. Want to tweak UI or rebind keys you can do this.
-Game can run on older PCs.
-Sound effects are good, its not Post Scriptum / Squad 44 levels of awesomness but nothing is besides PS.
-Realism mode for people who want a more hardcore / cinematic game.
-Replay system on launch, you can even watch single player missions.
-Direct control system like a GEM engine games is fun.
-Fully destructible environments, if you want to drive a tank through a wall you can.
-Tanks can crush infantry
-Tanks can ram, damage us based on weight so a small tank vs a tiger wont do anything.
-Shift + F11 by default for hide all UI if you want to take awesome screenshots.
-Mod support, very open engine for modding and not locked down
-Game uses MSAA or SMAA, no TAA everything looks sharp not not blurry. Also means no DLSS, DLAA, XESS, FSR support but its not needed in this game. This could be a con if you like TAA.
-A MP unlock system that is not micro transactions. It's unlocked by playing the game even the The Frontline Hero Pack stuff is unlockable.

-Voice acting at least in english is bad.
-Cutscenes are just using the in game engine and models look stiff.
-There are some bugs nothing game breaking.
-Shell holes disappear after a time, this is for performance reasons. It would still be nice to have a slider to allow them to stay around longer.
-Game is always online but devs are getting rid of this in a future update.
-Replays need a toggle fog of war option as well as 2x,4x,8x fast forward. However you can click on the other side player name on the top left or right to see their PoV.
-Voice line of the factions when giving orders could be better.

Other thoughts: The game will be hard for noobs just keep up with it, it's rewarding once you learn the game systems. Vets will feel at home and should have no issues. This is not a Company of Heroes game, health bars are in all GEM games even if not shown. The TTK is a lot quicker than CoH 2, that being said if you did not like CoH 3 and want something more hardcore buy this and play classic mode. I think this is the most complete RTS to be released on day 1 in the last few years, there is no shortage of things to do in this game. It's also not missing features you would expect from a RTS. If you want the game to be GoH or MoW:AS2 those games already exist and you can keep playing them, MoW2 is its own game. No this is not a CoH game again as I said its too hardcore for that TTK is too quick.

Edit: Typos
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