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Zamieszczono 26 stycznia 2022 o 19:42 I recommend this game?

It's fun, and I like the vagaries. It reminds me of the kind of "game" you'd play as a kid, putting your hand out the window and feeling the wind flow over and under it. It's enjoyable, and relaxing.

But it is not worth $15. There simply isn't enough gameplay. If there were some kind of endless mode with randomly generated worlds, that would be something. But I finished the game in 3.5 hours, and there really isn't any reason to play again. even the remaining achievements are "go high on this world" or "go fast close to the ground on this world". Nothing else to find, or to see. There's not even any reason to "explore" the worlds that I could find.

At any rate, I'm glad I played it, but wish it had been cheaper.
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