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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 6.4 hrs on record (2.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 6 Jul, 2024 @ 10:51am

It's raw.
I enjoyed Drug Dealer Simulator 1 significantly more.
It's a great example of how less is more.

Things that need to be changed in DDS2:
- Movement. Compared to DDS1, it has degraded. Jumping now has a 0.5 second delay and only works when you short tap the button.
- Physics. Dropping from 50cm height can injure you, which is absurd.
- Voicing. If there was an option to turn it off for the customers, it would be a way better experience. For now the customers are voiced like Starbucks baristas that live in LA, though this game is set in LATAM.
- The skill tree was removed. It was pretty basic in DDS1 but it made the game way more fun.
- You have to find the customers in the 'area' after they've made an order - does not make any sense to me. Not only it's upsetting, it's also broken. Complete orders take some time to expire from the UI and you have no idea if you've found all the people you should deliver to.
- Visual. From immersive block design, to some 'coconut survival' map but you sell the drugs now.

There are definitely some improved things compared to DDS1, but you overcomplicated the development.
The devs tried to improve the things that were already working.

Overall, the game reminds me of Far Cry 1 more than Drug Dealer Simulator.
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