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Đánh giá gần đây bởi Morgenstern

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4 người thấy bài viết này hữu ích
203.2 giờ được ghi nhận (13.2 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
One of the best strategy games that started as EA and transitioned beautifully into 1.0.

I hope the devs keep the content flow up (as of today 27.11.2023 they teased a pirate flag vid, so perhaps the water is traversable soon?) plus the passion.

If you're into X-Com style combat, and deep customization of your characters, this is a must-buy!
Đăng ngày 26 Tháng 12, 2021. Sửa lần cuối vào 27 Tháng 11, 2023.
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17.4 giờ được ghi nhận (6.0 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
A really fantastic Rogue-Lite/Deck-Builder game - the narration and music are also top notch. Music invites you to rave to pagan-music.

Definitely worth a look. Support the devs, if you're a fan of these types of games. In particular if you enjoy well made games.

Also plenty of classes and variations.

If my first impression changes, for some odd reason, I'm of course updating the review.

Đăng ngày 5 Tháng 6, 2021.
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1 người thấy bài viết này hữu ích
1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
13.3 giờ được ghi nhận (9.5 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
DOOM is a 10/10 Metal-Symphony of Blood, Gore, Demons and Death.

Fast paced fun with satisfying challenges. You will definitely find the fitting difficulty for you.

Go in there, enjoy yourself and release real life anger, frustration, steam and more on virtual Demons, by ripping them apart and shooting them to pieces!

A must have in my opinion!
Đăng ngày 5 Tháng 7, 2019.
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2 người thấy bài viết này hữu ích
112.6 giờ được ghi nhận (82.6 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
This is by far my favourite Total War instalment to date. It is not as well crafted as Shogun 2 was at its launch - surely not. But in my opinion this is because of the brought variety of races, mechanics and units. I'm sure this game will be polished very soon.

Yet, I played a campaign with every race and I found them all to be fun and having challenges on their own. The animations and models are awesome. Of course there aren't infinite awesome animations for each units. So if you look closely you will see some animations repeating quite fast. But then again: The variety of units is amazing and epic. A wet dream for someone who used to play the tabletop.

The battle-AI does at least know flanking and the use of cavalry. Nevertheless you tend to auto-resolve - like in every Total War - at a certain point.
The Co-Op is finally fantastic and I'm not bored yet. Actually it's the opposite. I find myself in the situation to start campaigns anew with a new/different approach and harder difficulty. So I really love to sink my time in this game!

So if you like the harsh fantasy universe of Warhammer, before Games Workshop ruined it tabletop-wise, and awesome looking strategic fights. Get this game! It's worth its price. For sure. Also the DLC's will be worth it. How do I know this already? I just look at the races in game and see how awesome and creative they are designed.
I didn't expect, that this game would blow me away. Especially because I was one of the people, who was pretty upset, about the Chaos-DLC ♥♥♥♥. And I still dislike this way of publishing!

An 8/10 for me right now.

Get this game, 'cause its gud! Don't support the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ publisher, but show that the developer did a good job! And they did!

Ps: Hopefully was this spontaneous "review" - which is more of an opinion - understandable and somewhat helpful. Have a nice day.
Đăng ngày 30 Tháng 5, 2016.
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9 người thấy bài viết này hữu ích
2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
7,999.7 giờ được ghi nhận (362.5 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Ein absolut phantastisches Spiel, mit fragwürdigen Platinium-Preisen. Da greift man in der Not lieber auf den angebotenen Prime-Access zurück, wenn man wirklich schnell durchstarten will. Aber hier geht es um Cyberninjas! Wer auch immer vorgeschlagen hat sich dem Thema zu widmen: Lass mich Deine Hand schütteln. Wunderbar!

Begreift es als einen Grinding-Spielplatz. Man tobe sich mit den ganzen Möglichkeiten aus, die einem das Spiel bietet, und man hat unzählige Stunden Spaß - vor allen Dingen mit Freunden.

Ansonsten ist es ein wunderbares Spiel.

Sollte jemand tatsächlich an meiner etwas detaillierteren Meinung interessiert sein findet man sie hier:

Vielen Dank und Cheers.
Đăng ngày 4 Tháng 12, 2015.
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4 người thấy bài viết này hữu ích
785.2 giờ được ghi nhận (229.9 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
I never invested so much time before that fast, for an multiplayer game. Its absolutly addictive and fun to play. You want to get better and step up your game, after a while. Plus: Its super fun with friends to play.

The community is awesome and I dont see an end to the rise of this game. The developers are doing a fatnastic job, communicating and working together with the huge community.

ESL is growing rapidly and it's intense to watch a game between to balanced teams, either its high-class play or casual. Just give it a try. Best 20 Euros spend for me - on a multiplayer game.
Đăng ngày 24 Tháng 8, 2015.
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1 người thấy bài viết này hữu ích
1.4 giờ được ghi nhận (1.0 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Ein wunderbares Spiel. Sehr schöne Sprites, guter Soundtrack und ein schönes nostalgisches Gefühl kommt beim Spielen auf!
Đăng ngày 27 Tháng 12, 2011.
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