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mobettameta 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 299.1시간 (평가 당시 32.3시간)
BUYER BEWARE. Do not buy this game!!!

1) Queues are 3-4 hours long with good chance that it will error out as it becomes your turn to get into the server thus resetting your spot and putting you to the back of the line. It doesn't matter which server or which region you are on, the queues are bad on everything.

2) The game is riddled with bugs especially in PvP. Some players are invulnerable while others are not and there doesn't appear to any rhyme or reason to it. You could ganked and have no chance to retaliate or defend yourself.

3) You can be maliciously banned for just playing the game. Yes, I was reported as "cheating" by a roaming guild of 10-15 players who I escaped from while killing a few of them. Amazon issued me a 3-day ban and would not allow me to appeal the ban.

You'll have a lot of fan boys just say that I was cheating and try to dismiss my comments here. I'm one of the top duelists in the game since beta. I know how to fight and play, but getting me banned out of salt is just wrong and Amazon is wrong for allowing it to happen.

I could go on, but you can see the rest of the issues in other people's reviews. The above is what most people won't tell you. Please upvote if this was helpful.
2021년 9월 30일에 게시되었습니다.
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1명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 3.9시간
Fantastic game for kids. Never seen a fully ray traced game before, but it's beautiful. All games need to follow this sort of model. Enjoyed the story with my little one. She even cried in the middle of the story line.
2021년 8월 16일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 249.9시간 (평가 당시 80.9시간)
Easily game of the year. Does it have bugs? Yes, what game doesn't. Are they game breaking? Absolutely not. Are they annoying or break immersion? If you're that anal about not being able to pick up every last junk item in the game, then okay I guess this game isn't for you.

But if you're somebody who has wanted to experience a great sci-fi story set in an amazing dystopian future where people get cyber mods like they get haircuts, then this is the pick for you. Combat fits a wide variety of play styles from stealth to melee to cyber hacking to snipers to demolitions to good old gun fighting. It's all there. This game doesn't hold back and doesn't cut corners.

Beware of adult content... even in character creation.

Graphics 5/5
Audio 5/5
Story 5/5
Combat 5/5

Overall 10/10 (Would smack baddies with vibrating dildo again)
2020년 12월 17일에 게시되었습니다. 2020년 12월 19일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 1,630.5시간 (평가 당시 431.0시간)
The math and theory crafting in this game can get quite complicated which is the fun of this type of game anyway for me. Worth a try (few weeks) if you like idle theory crafting games.

Cons: Progression feels a bit slower than other games and I haven't found a mobile port of it, but it does work on steam link.

There is a great official NGU discord community that has a lot of people who are very willing to help at all stages of the game and are spoiler sensitive.
2020년 2월 3일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 211.3시간 (평가 당시 50.3시간)
CS:GO 평가
CS:GO is a classic shooter. I dunno how I feel about the recoil model. Your crosshairs do not move from the original point of aim, but the bullets hit different locations. You have to memorize recoil patterns to be effective with each gun.

I'd prefer a pubg model where recoil is randomized within parameters for each gun and crosshairs ARE moved so you just need to learn how to control the crosshairs to the target.
2020년 1월 5일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 163.3시간 (평가 당시 147.5시간)
EDITED 11/15/2015

After a few months, the game has lost it's population due to unfixed issues. I can no longer call this my pick for Game of the Year. In fact, I wouldn't even recommend the game. If you want hardcore PvP, this isn't going to be it. The lag issues as well as the way the devs have balanced mechanics have broken the game to the point where it will not be competitive. If you want a seriously good free PvP game, try Brawlhalla. In case the game becomes good again, I will update this review, but as of right now, I cannot recommend this game to people reading my review. Save your money and wait for this to go free to play.

Below is my previous review of the game at launch.

I'm a hardcore PvP'er and 2015 has seen a complete lack of good PvP games. Secret Ponchos has finally brought a breath of fresh air with their PvP Arena style combat. This game takes my vote Game of the Year easily. At the current price, it is well worth the money for the quality of graphics and polish on the game. If you have been wanting a good PvP game, this is it.

Fair warning, the PvP in this is developed and there are really good players around. The one drawback is that the game has not been marketed with tons of cash as it's an indy game. So the game population is low and they're balancing between good quality matches and a reasonable queue time for matches.

If you decide to get this game, realize that you may fight some players who crush you. It's okay, learn from your mistakes and grow and get better. The game isn't for the faint of heart who easily give up and blame the balance of the game. It's fairly balanced in 1v1s and very balanced in 3v3s.

Again, if you like arena style PvP, get this game and come try to take me down. I could use fresh meat.
2015년 10월 24일에 게시되었습니다. 2015년 11월 15일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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아직 아무도 이 평가가 유용하다고 하지 않음
기록상 91.7시간
Play this.
2011년 12월 14일에 게시되었습니다.
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