Stephen C.   United States
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What is an accurate translation? A miserable little pile of secrets. Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku (Playstation)
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18.2 Hours played
Doom 2016 honestly feels like a modern game developer watched someone play the original Doom mod Brutal Doom for about five minutes and stuffed those ideas into a modern, boring, poorly designed game.

* Story. Please stop talking. Please stop locking me in rooms and going on about whatever the hell this damn game is supposed to be about for way too long. I kill demons. I get it. Point weapon at demon, hit fire, repeat until game done. This is the actual story of Doom. Original gave you some back story in the manual and then some explanations of what happened at the end of each episode in a short, funny, well-done text screen (and Doom II/Final added some mid-game intermission text screens that are just as concise and fun), but those were easily read and skipped. This? You have to sit through boring, worthless explanations of whatever the hell is going on in this game for forever. Something about hell and demons and blah blah let me get back to the actual game. What a concept.
* "Lockdown" rooms. Oh no. Just no. Original gave me freedom to go where I wanted, when I wanted. If a room started filling with enemies, I could run all the way back to the beginning of the level if I wanted. It gave me time and space to fight things on my own terms, or if I felt I could handle it, rip and tear right there. This lockdown garbage is just an excuse to make the game feel more "dramatic" and stuff an area with tons of poorly designed, cheap enemies to pad the play time thanks to cheap, stupid deaths.
* Upgrades. What? Original Doom, you had one upgrade: the backpack to carry more ammo. Now you get weapons, abilities, and permanent health/armor upgrades just to survive the incredibly cheap enemies down the road? How about making the game actually balanced from the start? Or is that too much of a challenge for modern game designers?
* Cheap enemies. Filling the game with a bunch of poorly designed enemies that are, again, designed to pad the run time thanks to you continually dying to their cheap, insane attacks, is not a good way to design a damn game. Early enemies that can basically cut your health down with one hit from their energy weapons? Demons ("Pinkies" -- ugh) that do an unreliable charge at you and take a billion hits from the front for... no good reason? An insanely annoying teleporting pile of crap with a wave attack that does insane damage? An enemy that throws poison goop at you from a mile away? A freaking boss that has a shield on 99.9% of the time? Come on. Admit this was just to keep people from easily flying through the game and not an actual design decision.
* "Glory kills" and chainsaws and a dance of health and ammo. In the original, health and ammo were a resource that you found, conserved, managed, and dealt with while battling the hordes from Hell. In 2016, there's some health and ammo here and there, but they do little good if you're stuck in a lockdown room and they're several rooms back, unlike the original. Health and ammo's primary source is instead from the stupid "glory kills" inspired by the hackish, silly "Brutal Doom" mod for the original game. These shower you with health and a few bits of ammo while you're taking massive damage from multiple, cheap sources, making keeping up your health not a matter of conservation and resource management, but a bizarre dance of watching your health bar waltz up and down for the entire game. Worse is the ammo, which you get embarrassingly little of from glory kills. This instead comes from chainsaw kills, as if somehow chainsaws tap into a different repository of items stuffed inside every enemy than the repository of health and a few bits of ammo you find from punching them, which is just ridiculous all around. But of course, we can't have the chainsaw work like it used to; it's now an instakill on lower-health enemies that does the showering of ammo upon you, but compensated by the fact that you have to refill it or it runs out of "ammo" (gas) after using it a few times. Come on. Seriously? Let me use my freaking chainsaw strategically to actually conserve ammo, not to mind-numbingly generate it every once in a while.
* Jumping. Uuuuggggggghhhhh. It's the end of freaking Half-Life all over again. Platforms everywhere. Gaps that have to be traversed. Constantly searching for some ledge above you that isn't at all apparent until you actually look all around from multiple positions and angles. And then it gets worse by adding a double jump, making the game into a blood-filled, violent version of Super Mario Bros. with its insane jumps you have to make while not even having decent depth perception due to 3d graphics projected onto a 2d screen. (And don't tell me to play the VR version. VR is a laughable pile of garbage that needs to die, right now.) It's ridiculous, it's bad gameplay, it's frustrating, and it's not a good mechanic. Never has been. Doom's protagonist doesn't jump. He might let his mighty insane momentum propel him over small gaps, but this isn't jumping; this is falling, with style.
* Graphics. I am amazed how many people these days cannot tolerate the original game's graphics when they are absolutely, 100% better than 2016's graphics. "How can you say this," you ask. Because the new game's graphics are muddy, indistinct, full of distracting lighting effects, distorted to make everything on screen look nearly the same, covered in fog, and is designed to be as absolutely distracting and detrimental to the gameplay as humanly possible. So many times I have had difficulty just figuring out what something was because the graphics were so unbelievably overdone that it all just melts into a sameness where you can't tell one thing from the other.
* "The Doom Slayer". No. No. NO. I cannot understand how this stupid name was thought up by the people who made this game, but it fundamentally misunderstands who the protagonist of Doom is. He is Doomguy. He does not slay the Doom; he is the Doom. He is the Doom of the demons. The Doom of Hell.

Go buy the Classic Doom collection on Steam. Play it. A lot. It even has a modern engine for it now and the ability to play Final Doom through an add-on for Doom II. Please understand and appreciate the precise, well-done, thoughtful design decisions for the classic games and how they put gameplay on a high, golden pedestal and never, ever betray the gameplay for some cheesy, garbage gimmick, which Doom 2016 is absolutely stuffed to the gills with. Take a good amount of time appreciating the original and I honestly think you'll understand every single point I've made about 2016.

*NOTE: I have a previous full playthrough of this game from another platform and am also applying it to the Steam PC version which I have played enough through to verify the same issues.*
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