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53 people found this review helpful
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6.9 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Jedna z najciekawszych gierek indie w tym roku. Powrót do klasyki w niezłym stylu, do tego parodia filmów akcji i bohaterów z lat 80-tych i 90-tych, między innymi Rocky, Drużyna A, Neo z Matrixa i wiele innych. Oczywiście każda postać posiada swoje unikalne umiejętności i broń.


Największe zalety:
- Epicki rozpierdol
- Prosta, odmóżdżająca rozgrywka
- Koop
- Edytor map
- Wiele trybów rozgrywki
- Tanie!

- Krótka, na góra parę godzin zabawy z kolegą
- Spore problemy z pingiem i lagami w trybie wieloosobowym dla hostowanej gry
Posted 8 June, 2014.
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8.6 hrs on record
Dobra gra. Może nie tak doskonała jak poprzednie części (brakuje niektórych ras), ale mimo to wciąga jak dobrze namoczone bagno. Każdy fan turowej rozgrywki znajdzie tutaj coś dla siebie.


Przede wszystkim:
- Doskonała oprawa graficzna, szczegółowa, klimatyczna, po prostu fajna
- Wymagajace myślenia i taktyki walki turowe
- Wiele opcji rozwoju bohaterów
- Zaskakujące ruchy sztucznej inteligencji na wyższych stopniach trudności, sprawiają problemy
- Losowo generowane mapy, walka czy to z botami czy z graczami nigdy nie jest taka sama

- Krótka, na góra dzień, może dwa zabawy w trybie fabularnym
- Identyczne budynki i rozwijanie miast w każdej z ras, jedynie inne nazwy budynków
Posted 8 June, 2014.
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75 people found this review helpful
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0.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Everyone. Report this game to Steam as a fraud. Game is unplayable. Dead. There are 1-2 players online (devs, probably). You can't even test this game in offline mode or something, only infinite waiting for other players to connect is avaiable.
Posted 2 June, 2014.
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30 people found this review helpful
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7.0 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
One of worst games I ever played so far. I got this title for free from the developers. I should not complain, right? But really\, this is the worse game I have played since many years. I decided to write this to the developers and tell them that they should stop making this game, because it's horrible.
- Music. Why can't I disable this? I don't like it. But it's raping my ears. Just small single option to disable it, where's it?
- Camera smoothing, why can't I disable this? It's annoying as hell
- Small maps, 6 vs 6 or so?
- Ugly mechanics, there's no option to hide
- Multiplayer? Nope, just hotseat with friend, on one computer
One, freaking, huge, lie.
Posted 30 May, 2014.
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0.5 hrs on record
No. Just hell no. Let me tell you why.
Game is abandoned on PC. There are no updates, every update is only for MAC or other platforms. Game mechanic is awful, you can't change keybinds or mouse sens, so whole gameplay force you to luck-shoot agaist enemies. Maybe after 10 minutes and 10000 bullets 1 will hit enemy. The idea of this game is nice, graphic looks cool, flying is fun. Everything is great, but not this crappy mouse movement that you can't change through options. First fight is totaly hard when your mouse is flying around everything but not the enemy. I was trying to play this game, but it's impossible due high mouse sens that you can't change.
Posted 29 May, 2014.
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3.0 hrs on record
One of most crappy games that I've played this year. Let me tell you why. First of all, optimalization - I've Intel i7 4770k 4,5 GHz (water cooled), 32 GB RAM Patriot Red 2600 MHz, MSI GTX 770 4GB, Windows 8.1 64-bit and this game is running at 40 FPS at high (not ultra) settings. At ultra it's nearly unplayable in cities. Also I've lost 3 characters because they are "lost in space" between loading screens. They are stuck since days. Second thing - I don't know what devs where doing, but new character is using 5-lvl gear at the start. If you will change something in your eq you can't use these items untill lvl 5. Logic? What the f...? Third thing - combat, it's nearly turn-based. Every mob or player is dealing max 1 attack per second, combat is bugged, very often the game isn't responding for actions or attacks. Loot drop is pathetic - who will first attack the boss gets 100% of loot, Forth thing - nearly everything you can buy using in-game Premium Shop. Everything. Simply everything.
I can't find even ONE POSITIVE thing in this game...
Posted 20 April, 2014.
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25 people found this review helpful
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5.9 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Joke. Joke. Joke. And one more time... Joke. I know that this is a indie game. But I didn't spotted worst FPS since years, it's like mix of CoD1 and Quake... We have 2013-2014 or 1999? Maybe this game looks nice at extra settings but everything else is like 1999. Horrible mechanics, completely not working. What is more powerfull weapon in close combat? Machinegun or one-shot rifle? In this game you must shoot 5-6 bullets from machinegun into chest to kill someone in close combat, but you can use one bullet from Mauser M98, shot someone into foot and kill him at once. Players aren't using anything else than one-shot rifles, because everything else is useless in combat.

Historical locations? Well... Flat land with some craters and trenches. This is historical location in developers thinking. Whole game is... well, like Verdun... You are sitting in trenches and trying to kill something, using your one-shot rifle. Wait. Wait. WAIT! You can't leave these trenches. Even 1 meter from these trenches toward enemy positions is forbidden. If you will try to move 1 meter forward you will be killed by the game after 5 secs. You must fight where game wants.

There's no sense of using any other weapon than rifle. Every other rifle it's just different look and crosshair. Nothing more. It's Verdun? It's just disabled (ill / crappy / ugly) version of CoD1 in I Word War times. You can't use anything - there's nothing that you can use with... well... "use button".

Realy... Don't buy it. Even for 2€.
Posted 21 December, 2013.
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1,928.4 hrs on record (1,738.8 hrs at review time)
I decided to change one of the most liked and oldest reviews of this game - https://imgur.com/a/QeSJ1ep

Even i'm one of the biggest promoters of this game in Poland I decided to change my review to negative.
13.12.2018 Daybreak announced Planetside Arena, whole new game in battleroyale mode and few other modes like capture the flag in close combat PS style. It's not going to happen and not going to be success. Biggest fans joined the livestream nad everyone was outraged, against this Arena idea.

Daybreak lost my respect few years ago for closing very cool games, milking them first - Everquest Next closed, H1Z1 idea closed and BR H1Z1 is dying, Daybreak closed. Later Daybreak lost my respect again, They were streaming and show that they don't even know what was in Planetside 1.
At some point on the broadcast, the developers got stuck because they did not know what was in the first Planetside when already, talking about it. Chat on livestream exploded with hatred.

Now instead of speeding up the big changes in Planetside 2 that bring in more players, they decided to work on something that has become an object of hate for thousands of fans.
We were so hyped about getting a new continent, we were hyped to get a new NS fraction, we were hyped to get support for the new DX. A great chance to bring thousands of new players to the game. For what? It's better to ruin reputation with another battleroyal. DAMN DAYBREAK. Why are you so stupid? I know why, because you don't know know how to make games.
Adding a new continent, a new faction, and letting the game to work well on not-high-end computers in large battles is a great option, ruined by the tragic idea of ​​Battleroyale.

Unfortunately, as I have recommended Planetside 2 to everyone so far, I am not doing it anymore.
Posted 13 December, 2013. Last edited 13 December, 2018.
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32 people found this review helpful
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7.5 hrs on record (6.3 hrs at review time)
One of the most ♥♥♥♥♥♥ games ever made, totaly bugged, ugly, unfinished, tons of funny bugs (like flying enemies or monsters passing through walls). Game looks like indie title from early 2000, not late 2013. Even as indie game this title is horrible and made probably by some disabled programmers. They can't make proper running animation form (npc or player is blinking and teleporting), not to mention some combat system, skills, or anything more advanced. I'm completely agaist this crap, one of the worst game I've ever seen in last few years.
Posted 7 December, 2013.
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48 people found this review helpful
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21.7 hrs on record (19.1 hrs at review time)
Jeden wielki chodzący scam. Infestation nie jest grą. Jest modyfikacją do starożytnej i zbagowanej gry War Inc - te same tekstury, te same obiekty, te same dźwięki, animacje, grafiki. Dodano jedynie zombie. Twórcy banują za nic, oszukują, okłamują i robią w konia tysiące ludzi trzepiąc sobie hajs na nieświadomie ruchanych w odbyt graczach.
Posted 25 November, 2013. Last edited 26 November, 2013.
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