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14 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
32.3 timmar totalt (21.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Sadly, review changed from positive to negative. This is very cool and awesome game, but made by complete morons disconnected from community - there's literally ZERO contact between authors and their community. The game is filled with a cosmic amount of ill-considered things, where the player is forced to guess what the author had on mind. Example: whole location is flat as ♥♥♥♥, but in one corner you have to jump using F to get the most important item in the lore. You don't even know there's option to jump there. So you are looking around location for 2 hours and after that you are making huge facepalm that simple F button in the corner, not the button, but the place where you can simply jump - blocked you from playing further.

In addition, a lot of locations in which it is not foreseen that the player can enter there without having a story item. So? So you can't leave this location! Killing yourself there and respawning in the city doesn't work either. The bosses are probably the most annoying. You give him an hour of preparation, fight fiercely to find out that the boss is spawning and you can't defeat him because something is missing in the main storyline. But game will not tell you what. Go guess. The aforementioned disconnection of the authors from the community proves one thing - the trailers show us the game in cooperation, but the authors don't give a ♥♥♥♥ that players demand save progress between sessions.

So they can continue playing with someone else or alone. Maybe it was too hard to do, but still. The game looks majestic in multiplayer mode, but in fact it is unplayable in multiplayer. Very heavy damage somewhere in the space between the cerebral hemispheres proves one thing - the authors changed the location of a very important item, the hookshoot. Now getting it is incredibly stupid - as I mentioned, you just have to... jump off in one place in a large location... when we don't do that in the entire location. So you don't expect there's tiny place to jump off. As you can see, this caused a lot of negative reviews, because people are thinking how to get this item having it at hand, you just have to press F in one place throughout the location.

I would really like to love this game - pixel art, huge locations, puzzles, complex passages, great playable characters (skills + items), artifacts, secrets, lore, story, exploration. Wow, I want it in mmorpg form. However, this game can not be liked by the cretinism of the authors - go do the quest. But where? How? I visited the whole world, every hole, location, I go back through these empty locations back again for long hours, I got stuck in places where I can't enter without quest items dozens of times. Not because I don't have item. Just because you can ENTER location, but you CAN'T leave it as you don't have quest items. This means that this title can be put on the shelf and forget about...

Craskshell, ♥♥♥♥ you. And everything around you with you included.
Upplagd 15 augusti 2023. Senast ändrad 17 augusti 2023.
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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
607.1 timmar totalt (4.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Sadly, after nearly 400 hours I've decided to switch my review from positive to negative. Despite I will play this game, I will purchase supporter packs and I love to play this. Also I worked some time in team and in the community of this game. I realy wish this game will be improved for years and I realy hope for that! This is one of the best games I ever player in my whole gaming (28 years) experience. Upcoming updates are cool, like achivs, like weekly stuff to do, like hiring more 3D artists. So why this horrible thing happens?

1. Community Servers and wallhackers. This is cool idea, so we can have different maps, gamemodes, some modifications even with official progression enabled. But all people that are jumping from one enemy to another through bushes or are looking at people through walls on spectate started to play on CM servers. Why? Reason is simple: they will not get banned as all reports are sent to server owners. Most of them piss on reports as long as servers are alive. It's quite interesting that if you play on official server most players have legit looking gameplay, KD, stats or accuracy. It's fun to play. But when you join community servers you can see people on top with 150/10 KD and on spect you realize they are not playing legal... And? Nothing happens, they are safe.
At community servers you are not playing to win the round, you are playing with cheaters or you simply admit to lose the round all the time being farmed.
Players are banned mostly in one big wave each week, so after that people like I described above are safe. This is quite stupid tactics.

2. Nerf of nerf for nerf to nerf. SMGs are too good? Now they are losing dmg on distance so hard they deal little damage even on medium range. Still it's good to play using SMG and I like DMR boost. But nerfing everything too hard is also bad. Granades? We got bugged throphy that simply removed all granades in proximity. People are placing them like crazy on urban maps... Also nades got nerfed and you can't kill many people using it anymore. Same with claymores, proximity mines - limited, nerfed.

3. The best things in the game are not improved. Oki as main coder and developer is busy making stuff that no one needs. But the biggest and best things in the game are abandoned - for example inventory, different helmets, vests, belts, backpacks. Everything like that makes players different and allows them to play different style. It's uber cool but abandoned - more items with unique perks or different stats, that's make game addicting, but well, it's not developed further...

4. Wrong ideas. Votemap was bad, focusing mostly on conquest? Now even with 35% votes on 1st option and less than 15 on different... 15% are winning. WTF. Oki seems to like to jump from one option to another, to extremes, rather than gently changing mechanics until they start to feel good. Devlopers had to withdraw from many options as people did not liked them. Oki added a healing option for each player. Well, now no one heals, because everyone heals themselves. The medics became useless. Oki added the option to respawn immediately, you only had to hold the spacebar for a second, not 5 seconds. So people stopped reviving... There are countless of such decisions.

4. Lack of QOL and adding stuff that no one wanted. Oki as main coder sometimes is smart. For example he added round bars for wounded people that you can heal or yellow bars around players that you can support with amunition. GREAT! But still we don't have such round bar for bleeding players and we - as medics - don't know accurate if someone is bleeding out or not. Directional and customizable hitmarkers. Anyone wanted that? No one. Everyone got and everyone was mad about lack of option to use classic hitmarkers, so oki added this in hurry. Main thing in making the game is to play it yourself and asking yourself what is annoying to myself - than fixing it or adding QOL for that. Oki is mostly busy working on the game, but not playing it. After so many months of asking Oki is adding fade-out to player markers, despite he said before it's not possible.

5. Decaying fun. It's hard to describe why it's like that, but let me get it streight - you want to heal? First you have to un-press one button to press another one. So for example you are playing heavy assault and you are bleeding out sometimes before game will "catch" you want to heal yourself.
Upplagd 15 juni 2023. Senast ändrad 2 oktober 2023.
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12 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
4 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
7.5 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
Cóż. Miałem nie wystawiać negatywa na Steam, ale jednak to zrobię.

Określenie, o jakim piszą autorzy - że miałem nazwać ich kretynami - NIGDY nie padło. To kłamstwo.

Skoro deweloper zedytował swoją odpowiedź ja też zedytuję: idiotami też was nie nazwałem. Słowa "trzeba być idiotą, a nie programistą" - może być skierowane w stronę jakiekolwiek programisty, który implementuje opisywaną mechanikę w jakiejkolwiek grze. Zdanie te nie zostało skierowane w wasze studio, nie nazywałem tak waszego studia, ani kogokolwiek z was.

Do zrobienia tego zachęciło mnie podejście autorów - zarzucili mi kłamstwo samemu kłamiąc i manipulując. Nigdzie nie stwierdziłem, że wzięli ikony interfejsu z innej gry. Uznałem, że ich interfejs jest rip-offem, czyli kopią interfejsu innej gry - konkretnie Wiedźmina. Interfejsy są niemal identyczne, ale nigdzie nie napisałem i nie powiedziałem, że użyli ikon z innej gry. W skrypcie wykonanego przeze mnie filmu ani na dyskusjach na Steam nie pada takie stwierdzenie, by wykorzystali coś, co użyto w innej grze. Dlatego autorzy zarzucając mi kłamstwo samemu skłamali i moją ocenę w formie wideo próbowali zmanipulować przeciwko mnie. Tak jakbym skłamał. Gdy sami skłamali - raz jeszcze - cała moja ocena nie zarzuciła autorom skopiowanie ikon z innej gry. Mimo, że autorzy uznali, iż to zrobiłem. Do tego zarzucają mi pokazanie starego interfejsu skilli, gdy wyraźnie zaznaczyłem iż jest to STARY interfejs, ukazujący jeszcze mocniejsze (dawne) wzorowanie się na Wiedźminie, w mojej ocenie...

O jednak ocenie negatywnej na Steam, której miałem nie wystawiać zadecydowało coś jeszcze - wykręcanie się z własnego opisu Steam. Jako potencjalny klient, gracz, kupujący czytam opis na Steam - widzę zapewnienie, że gra niby jest maksymalnie bug-free, jak to tylko możliwe, ale nie w pełni "smooth". Autorzy wykręcają się, że tak miało nie być, że ogłoszenia na Steam mówią o możliwych bugach i tak dalej. Albo jedno, albo drugie. Jeżeli opis Steam mówi o staraniu się zrobienia gry bug-free, a jednak jest to bug-festival, to nie ja skłamałem, a autorzy.
Zarzucanie kłamstw oceniającym grę, samemu kłamiąc i przeinaczając lub nie rozumiejąc stanowiska oceniającego sprawiło, że jednak dodaję swojego negatywa do puli.

Wracając do gry. Przede wszystkim Trail of Ayash chce być wszystkim - grą z wielkim światem, w którym nic nie ma. Grą z wielką swobodą umiejętności, z których nie korzystamy, bo ilość umiejętności nie zadowala. Magia również nie, gdy przez 8 godzin nauczyłem się 1 czaru z tutoriala. Dubbing dla każdej z postaci nie wypada najlepiej. To nie jest dobry pomysł. Na siłę trójwymiarowa mapa, która niczego nie przedstawia, nie działa i nie wskazuje poprawnie kierunku niesamowicie irytuje. Duży problem leży w stopniu trudności oraz źle rozpisanych skryptach. Wiele zadań można zbugowac. Nie są one sekwencyjne - czyli wątek nie dzieje się 1-2-3-4 bez opcji zrobienia inaczej. W Trail of Ayash możemy w osobnej specjalnej lokacji questowej ominąć "trigger" questa. Przykład: nasi towarzysze chcą nas na chwilę opuścić. Przez to walczymy z bossem sami. Ale jeżeli zrobimy wszystko, by ten "trigger" opuszczenia nas nie zadziałał, nasi NPC sami zabiją bossa... bez naszej pomocy. Jest niesamowita ilość takich miejsc. Możemy spotkać NPC, który zginął, ale w innym wątku się pojawia, mimo że nie żyje. Masa mechanik, które nie działają - pływanie, jakie nie ma sensu i użyteczności. Rozwój postaci pod magię, jakiej praktycznie przez 8 godzi nie doświadczyłem, nie licząc heala z tutoriala. Nawet biorąc poprawkę na to, że grę robią dwie osoby i wcześniej było dostępne demo. Byłoby to zdecydowanie lepszym wyjściem, by grę spróbować wykonać w formie Fable lub Kingdoms of Alamaur - z lokacjami połączonymi w formie sieci, ale które byłyby dopieszczone i treściwe. A tak spadłem w tej grze pod świat kilkadziesiąt razy. Niestety nie każdy projekt i nie każde marzenie jest skazane na sukces.

Dla mnie tytuł-katastrofa, a o dodaniu oceny negatywnej zadecydowała sama reakcja autorów na ocenę - zarzucając mi kłamstwo, gdy sami skłamali na temat tego, co miałem rzekomo stwierdzić :)
Upplagd 17 maj 2023. Senast ändrad 20 maj 2023.
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En utvecklare har svarat på 18 maj, 2023 @ 14:03 (Visa svar)
3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2.0 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
Mobile garbage.
Upplagd 17 april 2023.
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9 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
5.5 timmar totalt (4.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Guys. I told you. You should postpone release for few days, balance it and tweak the stuff that even a dumbest developer in the world will notice and tweak. First of all. GUI. It's one of the most ugly I've seen this year. Mouse cursor is BELOW the options in game and GUI windows are sometimes outside of the screen, so we can't read it and we don't know what is going on. Second thing. Whole idea to limit our money to 5-10 coins is horrible thing. Reason? Sometimes in 5 hours of playing this game I've rounds with so bad roll that I was simply stuck for 20 minutes, without option to roll the houses to get more max-coins limit. This is extremally stupid and typical for Turkish games.
Sorry to say that but I've played planty of them and it's your forgive such a term, but in terms of Turkish games it is really characteristic - no testing and publishing the game from the perspective of a developer sitting in endgame, not the newcomer and new player. The average player has absolutely no idea how to play your game and what is worth building and you just smack him in the face with a wet rag with constant blocking or disasters. The funniest thing is that we can sometimes have 3 Red Alerts (Game over) in just 6 consecutive days, just because our Mayor Level is not high enough and we are getting -1 (below zero) resource points that cause Red Alert.
This sometimes happens one after the other and without going in and out of the game 50 times to quickly level up mayor (to get more starting points) your game is unplayable. Unfortunately, your game is bad in design, at the base of whole idea and balancing it won't change much. The randomness is way too much.
Upplagd 12 april 2023.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
0.4 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
Upplagd 3 april 2023.
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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
0.6 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
Upplagd 30 mars 2023.
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24 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
5 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
2.8 timmar totalt (0.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
I wasn't surprised that I wouldn't like this game, but I didn't expect it to be such a bend of reality...
Certainly fanboys or the authors themselves will not agree with such an opinion, after all, any criticism in this game is totally unacceptable and can result in being blocked in discussions.

1. Everything here will be made by community, not by the devs. Mods? That's cool and awesome, but devs said you have to fight cheaters that already appeared during playtests ALONE. You have to script your own anticheats, autoflags or simply make your own private servers. Cool, but it simply crosses the line on Free to Play mark, as you can rent the server or make it only as donator. For now, as they had no time to write proper stuff how to set up own servers. Release rushed as ♥♥♥♥ or simply unplanned as it should be done.

2. Sound design and graphic design. Game looks like poorly made mod to DayZ from 2013, or even worse. Every shatted pants on the rails hung between houses is a floucking WALL. That can be hit and used as cover. Every weapon, no matter if it's from WW1 or modern sounds the same and whole battlefield sounds like beehive. OFC community will do it, right?

3. Unfulfiled promises. Quote: A shooter sandbox with all the features a game should have. This game don't even have bleeding mechanics. Just 2 types of granades. Not even a flashbang, as I spotted. And throwing them works incredibly bad. No vehicles. If you will say anything that game don't have "all the features a game should have", or just one feature that it should have, you will be blocked on Discussions.

4. Leaning, jumping, moving is wooden. Simply wooden. Every wall higher than your kneels is a challenge because you can't vault on walls. Climbing works, takes 5 seconds, but only on a small wall of 2 bricks. 3 bricks are already too much for the character. Leaning does practically nothing, there's no slightly difference if you lean or not and the characters are incredibly slow.

5. The author's ego. He'll start insulting you if you are not licking his lollypop, he will literally tell you to ♥♥♥♥ yourself. And a simple position of the authors - the game will only be developed if there are donations. Only on the other hand, the authors blame everything on the development through mods and community. Not even offering ONE official server from the authors themselves for the premiere. All of them are community hosted. Looks like donation laundry machine.

6. A game that is supposed to offer us everything that a game of this type would offer, without the option to customize your equipment. Ofc community will fix this. Maybe.

7. Complete lack of QoL. This game was not made by FPS fans, but by someone who only played Solitaire. The most annoying options for most players - like toggle aiming - are enabled by default. Such options should be disabled by default. In addition, there are no such basic options as sorting servers by ping, map, players. When you join a 40/64 player server, the game kicks you to the menu without saying that the server is full.

8. You have to be a complete moron to make a game that launches 2,600 people on premiere, and all servers are run by the community only. So 99% are not able to play online. You have to be even more of an idiot to do ONE respawn point on the flag that you can hunt with the LMG deployed. Farming whole enemy team all the time. You have to be triple idiot to let enemy team (or your own) swarm into un-cap-able base and farm enemies that can't even resist or attack. Because they are killed instantly.


9. Bluedrake, as one of lead devs, says that you can simply click and "bam, server is up" if you want your own. But he will not tell you that you have to pay for it. Other dev is linking to guide that you can set up your own on your PC, but they had no time to describe how.
So... If BD is linking some hosting providers, is he getting any $-cuts from it? Probably yes. But he don't want to tell you, you can run your server on your PC... Shady.


Developers may ask Steam Support for Valve Moderation help. Mostly if game receives reviews manipulations or is bombed by negatives for trivial reason. Bluedrake and his team decides do ask Valve Mods against people that just have different opinion. So, some of negative reviews got deleted by Valve Mod team, despite they where not against the rules or harmful. So, first developer of the game must ASK VALVE for such help. And Bluedrake says Valve is banning people on Discussions by themselfs, alone, without his action. That's a lie. So this is "this very rare situation" in which reviews and topics are removed by Valve Staff itself, right? Funny joke. There are 5000-10000-15000 other games on Steam and only on this one Steam is making such intervention. Yeah. We will belive it.

OFC, everything above can be tweaked or fixed in weeks or months ahead. At first I was about to simply check out this game and probably uninstall it later without leaving a negative mark here. But sadly, when I spotted extreme high level of conceit and sick self-confidence, fighting any criticism from the authors, I decided to write it all down. I have the impression that the authors will only deduct $ from donations doing something in the game sometimes, mainly in the form of early access DLC for the game that is itself in Early Access. So we have double EA - EA to the new content in EA game. Lul. And the rest (including players that are breaking the rules) are to be taken care of by the community.

So, authors are fighting with greedy companies, with greedy monetization in other games with insults toward players that have "different opinions" and are making Early Access to DLC for Early Access game...
Upplagd 15 februari 2023. Senast ändrad 25 februari 2023.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
0.7 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
Let's start with the fact that the menu in the game is ridiculously bugged. I remember my own words from last years that Turkish games have a specific quality, they are supposed to be cool, but they are made in such a way that it does not have any logic in it.

In the game we have a choice of server, but we can choose... none... Yup, that's the name of option. We can also enter the menu where the scale of the interface is supposed to be small, but in fact it is medium, and the language is supposedly Turkish, but in fact English. And it takes 5-6 secs to change it :D
Evidently, the interface did... Turk ... it feels Turkish... When clicking in the menu, just in the middle of the screen, the game thinks that we press escape or go back in the interface to the previous menu. No, we do not. But clicking in menu is working like "previous menu button".

The intro is also pretty nice, but still Turkish solutions - font effects are hurting eyes, fonts looks like from VR game, but without glasses, you know, with a frame and a background of e.g. red color around the font. For what? It hurts.

Videos once in 60, once in 20 fps, and sometimes cut off during cutscene. Turkish quality.
Once the animations are nice and detailed, although a bit cartoony and low poly, the other icons hit the screen with horrendous pixelation.
Turkish quality.

Are you going to get the quest from the NPC? You can't just go to such NPC, you have to to load his location... talk to him... wait until he will "load" the quest for you... and go through loading screen again.
Turkish quality.

Zoom distance in locations is so small, that you have to click 10s more to just go from loading screen to NPC, to talk with him, another 10 secs clicking to loading location. God sake, someone who made this should be hang on the tree.

Size of interface and buildings on the map - I want to click exp or money on the ground but HALF OF MY SCREEN is a interactive box with option to go into the building. But I don't want to go inside it, I just want to click near this building. And every such missclick is equal to another two useless loading screens - one to enter another one to exit.

I can't build anything I want in my house. I've to build one part by one part, because if I will decide to place two boxes, previous one disappears. I've to place 1, pay, 2 pay, 3 pay. I realy want to travel to Turkey right now, find the coder, and punch him realy hard. Typical Turkisch logic...

I tried to cut a tree. decided to read other topics, tutorials... HOW TO DO IT... Still, I was not able to manage it. Uninstalled and thumbed down.
Upplagd 1 januari 2023.
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En utvecklare har svarat på 8 aug, 2023 @ 7:20 (Visa svar)
2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
91.9 timmar totalt (17.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Upplagd 12 december 2022.
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