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11-20/21개 항목을 표시 중
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기록상 197.1시간 (평가 당시 109.2시간)
Ok, so 90ish actual gameplay hours and I beat the game with all side quests, gigs and a lot of the police scanner quests.
First the good things:
- Great story with really interesting characters that really sucks you in

- Awsome gameplay when it comes to infiltrating, planning out your mission before going in and you generally feel like a badass, if you have the right equiptment with you

- The game is visually stunning, even on a GTX 1060 paired with an i7 6700k. The artstyle is amazingly beautiful, from the high tech luxury suites of Corpo scumbags to the ransackt desert stops out in the badlands

- Side quests are a must here. While I want to avoid the negatives in this section, due to the length or rather shortage of the main quest line, side quests are really important to maximize your time in Night City. They are really fun and most of them are on par with the main quests.

- Voice acting is mostly top notch, with some hiccups here and there, which greatly increases the immersion you'll have roaming the streets of NC and trust me, I'm pretty effing glad it does.

- The audio work in this game is nothing short of brilliant. From great radio stations to incredible atmospheric sounds and really satisfying gunshots... Just be warned if you have a subwoofer hooked up. Your neighbours might not be as pleased as you are ;)

- I'm not going to deep in on the driving aspects here, because they belong more in the cons but what I loved about it was the tessalation, if it even is that. You feel every bump while driving and honestly, I never even felt this in an actual racing game.

- As a side note the game is really detailed and offers a lot to explore and find. I feels like around every corner something new awaits the player.

Now, let's get to the bad, shall we?

- BUGS, BUGS and even more bugs! I truly hope they'll fix them rather sooner than later. I even think they deserve a little subcategory:
- Game breaking bugs include prompts not showing up to further the quest, save games that can get corrupted if the save gets bigger than 8mb, characters not spawning which are integral to further the quest (I think it's been fixed in version 1.05), characters that are supposed to follow you just get stuck and you'll have to reload a previous save and I'm sure there are a couple more around.
- Visuals are popping in, cars dissapearing when approaching from a distance, textures are loading in way too late sometimes (not nearly as bad as on console though) and a grain effect (not talking about the film grain effect) on glossy textures. It feels like it's trying to use ray tracing even though it's turned off by default, due to a lack of RTX capabillities of my card. With RTX cards the problem doesn't seem to be there.
- General bugs like UI elements not dissapearing when they should.
- I died quite a few times for no reason. After I reloaded and did the exact same thing again, at the same spot nothing happened. I noticed it's mostly while walking onto pipes.
- When calling one of my cars it sometimes spawns inside other cars or is delivered completely knackered. Furthermore, sometimes if you have just called your car and hit the accelerator V just gets out of the car. V will repeat this behavior until a new car is spawned.

- The AI is absolute garbage, period. It's not Serious Sam levels of bad but NPCs aren't the brightest tools in the shed, let me put it this way.

- Driving is a hot mess. The first person view point is pretty cool but most of the cars don't allow you to really see what's in front of you, due to their low seating position. Breaking also seems to have stages. When you start to break it first goes into some kind of careful breaking mode and after a second or two it fully smacks the break pedal. It's weird, to say the least. The cars in general are really hard to control except for one specific car that is the only car around in the real world. That car is fine but I won't go into details, since it would require spoilers but it's the only car in the game that is based on an actual real life car. If you play the game I hope you get it.

- The story is way too short... Yes, it took me 90ish hours but just because I avoided main quests like I do COVID 19. Let's hope for longer DLCs because otherwise the story was amazing.

- Crafting is pretty effed. I don't want them to get rid of the exploits, because I love that kind of stuff but the actual intentional things are pretty awful. At one point you are able to get a skill that allows you to upgrade components to a higher tier. 6 common components make 1 uncommen comp, 6 uncommon make 1 rare and so on until they reach legendary. Sounds great, right? It does but the screwed up how it works. Some items require a lot of components to be craft and you'll have to craft every single component separately. what it boils down to is 3600 components and hour is the maximum you can craft. That doesn't sound so bad until you realize, that you'll have craft 600 epic components to get 100 legendary and for that you'll need to craft 3600 rare components... You see where this is heading... It takes bloody ages.

- The Gigs and Police Scanner Hustles are third grade side missions and they get repetetive fast... Real fast.

- In general there was really no much to do in Night City except for the missions. I wish you could just grab one of your phone contacts or your gf, bf, whatever and go for a round of pool or to the shooting range or something. There is literally nothing to do in this game besides quests exploring and hookers... Yeah, the only thing you can do besides questing is exploring or go to a hooker.

- The performance is bad, really bad on a 1060. If you're thinking about 60 FPS gaming here, stop thinking. Even on the lowest settings you're not getting over 48 FPS. I accepted my fate and played custom medium settings at 30ish FPS.

This may seem like I have a lot of complaints about this game and yes, I do but it still managed to suck me in and made me enjoy 99% of the time I've spent with it and isn't that the most important part?
So would I reccomend Cyberpunk 2077? As long as you have a Pc with at least the reccommended specs, in a heartbeat. Let's just hope they fix it up real fast for my next playthrough.
2020년 12월 22일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 13.9시간
앞서 해보기 평가
Short and simple: If you like the original Half Life or are interested in playing it but want the best possible version of it, play Black Mesa.
Crowbar Collective did an excellent job in taking a existing game and turning it into the best game I've played this year.
I've replayed the original before starting Black Mesa and without a doubt, they absolutely improved on pretty much every detail. The puzzles, while still being a bit of a drag, are much more interesting. The weapons feel better, punchier and with better sound effects. The level of detail is much improved since the original hardware limitations aren't there anymore, as they were when HL was developed. The sound effects are what you expect from an HL game but with massive improvements to the resolution of the samples. I'm not sure if they got the original samples in higher resolution from Valve, but they are spot on, when it comes to most of them at least, including the voice samples. The gun samples were definetely changed out, which is a good thing. Last but not least the graphics... My god, I didn't know the Source Engine could be so pretty. The lighting is such an upgrade over pretty much any Source Engine game I have ever seen.
People that haven't played HL yet should stop reading:
Xen is beautiful. It's like Michelangelo was only given crayons to draw and then whips out the Sistine Chapel. Absolutely amazing!
The Nihilanth fight was a bit chaotic but very interesting. I thought it could be a bit more obvious what to do but it was still a better endboss than anything I've seen in the last decade.

My verdict is: Buy it and buy it now! It's worth every penny!
2019년 12월 17일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 3.0시간
I loved the game why it lasted but I can't recommend it.
After the fist one and a half hours it started crashing constantly, to the point I couldn't even reach the next checkpoint. I've refunded the game but will purchase it again after the crashing has been fixed and it will get a recommendation from me but atm it is unplayable.
2019년 11월 16일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 4.4시간
Call of Duty, haven't been a fan since MW2, so take this review with a grain of salt.
I have only played the SP and not even that to completion... but not for a lack of trying.
The game is a pure bug fest. As many others I have encountered numerous bugs, including one game breaking one, that makes it impossible for me to finish this game. Let me phrase that differently. It makes it impossible with the amount of work I'm willing to put in to fix these bugs, to play this particular game.
The gun play is fine, but nothing spectacular. The story is ok, though a long shot from a "Brothers in Arms: Highway to Hell" or a "Bad Company 2". I just couldn't connect with any of these characters. They just felt bland to me. At one point one of the group gets shot and they make it out to be that huge dramatic moment. I still don't even know the name of this guy and he's one if the major characters.
The very next mission the game breaking bug happened but more on that later.
The sound design is good, buuuuut... There is this weird bug that introduces massive crackling. At first I thought my ASIO driver had a hick up but neither changing the sound device brought the solution, nor was I the only one expierencing this bug.
It's not even the end of it. Thanks to this bug the sentences said aren't completed to the end. Sometimes the sentence ends just, well, midsentence.
Now to the thing that made me stop playing, after investing four hours of my life into this mess. The game crashes and crashes and crashes. It didn't crash on me once until that one particular moment and then I couldn't even start it up again. When I finally managed to get it up and running again, it crashed at the same spot again. Reading a lot of suggestions in the community forum made me get about two minutes after the part of the crash and then... It crashed again... Seriously Activision and Sledgehammer Games... Go ♥♥♥♥ yourselves. Maybe invest your development time and budget in making the game playable and getting rid of bugs instead of lootboxes.
I knew it was a mistake to give Activision my hard earned cash again but there we go. It was in a bundle with two games I actually wanted to play and I pulled the trigger.
2019년 11월 6일에 게시되었습니다.
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12명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 0.2시간
This is awful... I'm a music guy and the premise sounds cool. Your ship fires to the beat of the song, it's really interesting until you realize what huge mess this is. The songs have so much downtime that it just comes to dodging the huge numers of enemies since you weapon won't fire and when it does, you never know what gun will fire. You have your target on one enemy and your weapon fires off in a completely different direction. You have no control over when or which weapon will fire. You have to memorize it throughout every song. To get a better ship you have to pick up cash drops that are spawned randomly by killing the enemies but you will mostly spend them on health, since there are a lot of undodgable situations here. So you upgraded your health to get through and want to start the next level, "excited" to upgrade your weapons... Yeah... No... In every song/lvl you have to start with a blank slate of a ship. You can't take your upgrades with you to the next level. The songs themselves aren't bad but nothing to write home about. Just run of the mill edm music if you ask me.

So... Would I recommend DubWars? Not even if you get it for free. It's awful, it really is. Just get Beat Hazard. It's an older titel but has awsome visuales, you can shoot yourself with a weapon of your own choosing, it also reacts to the beat of music and you can even use your own songs. Just get that instead of this.
2019년 1월 10일에 게시되었습니다.
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19명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 3.6시간 (평가 당시 3.1시간)
Well... The short of it is that I can't tell you if the game is good or not since it is not playable due to the poor optimization. It worked fine fine for about two and a half hours an then I got massiv slow downs which got worse when I tried to turn down the graphic settings. To bad, since I was enjoying it so far.
2018년 12월 25일에 게시되었습니다.
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4명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 20.5시간
After playing 20h of this game I can't be bothered to play one minute more. It has so much potential but falls short in almost every department. The story is quite dull even though the premise is great. It just doesn't really get anywhere interesting. The animations are a joke, the gameplay is awfully sluggish and the karma mechanic doesn't make any sense what so ever. Basically if you kill somebody by drinking their blood the status of a district goes down. If it becomes critical everyone dies in that district. But then again you run around killing hundreds of goons and drink their blood and it changes nothing. But as soon as you feed on the characters with names attached to them, that also give you XP you destroy the district.
Stay away from this game or get it when it's on sale for 10€/$/£
2018년 6월 23일에 게시되었습니다.
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13명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 2.0시간
The game has a great story but dissapointing gameplay and a really bad ending. It just stops in the middle of the story. It was well worth the 6€ I paid for it but I was still dissapointed by the ending. It ends right where it starts to get really interesting. It feels like the first episode of a Telltale game but they ran out of budget and couldn't finish the season. I hope there will be a second game, though I don't believe it after all this time the game has been out and that's why I can't really recommend it, even though it has a really great emotional story.
2018년 2월 24일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 2.0시간
It takes the N+ principle and changes a few things around. You don't have fall damage and a abillity glide or jump higher through the power of farting... Well... Although that it was obviously meant to be funny... it isn't. But the game is really fun and hard and I reccommend it to everyone that enjoyed the N-series of games and it is pretty cheap as well. There is no reason not to play this game for fans of N.
2017년 7월 2일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 2.1시간
Great game but too damned short! I was really longing for more after this emotional and fun ride. I can easily recommend this game to anyone who likes jump and runs and a emotional story. The game is basically the good parts of a walking simulator combined with a great jump and run but sadly only lasts for about two hours.
2017년 3월 30일에 게시되었습니다.
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11-20/21개 항목을 표시 중