Battle Garegga
JJ GIRLS   Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Completionist Showcase
Review Showcase
180 Hours played
This game is great fun . The single player is really great and really well optimised . As for the multiplayer , it was good while it lasted but now ,like the first game , is subject to DDOS attacks so there basically there is no more multiplayer . Such a huge shame too .
I highly recommend buying the game on sale purely for the single player only and staying right away from buying any of the multiplayer content . EA or Respawn should either make that stuff free or take it off the steam marketplace all together as you can't get into a game at all and they know full well of the situation . Highly shady tactics but it is EA so take that with a grain of salt .
Here is a pretty good explanation as to what is happening with the multiplayer
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Battle Garegga 24 Jun, 2016 @ 4:23am 
lone wolves are back
LIFEFORCE 27 Aug, 2014 @ 4:42pm 
Fire up your warp rattler and prepare to blast off into enemy space!
LIFEFORCE 27 Aug, 2014 @ 4:41pm 
Now is time to the 68000 heart on fire!