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Geplaatst: 24 mrt 2020 om 13:28
Gewijzigd: 25 mrt 2020 om 2:31

It's a fun game but still a massive disappointment compared to Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3
The settlement system even though it needs mods be fun for more than 2/3 hours is decent
The shooting
Weapon and armor modification

Downgrades vs previous games
Dialogue, the default menu is terrible with less options
Legendary system, this system is outright bad
The removal of karma mechanics including those of factions
Leveling mechanics, the removal of skills and true perks was a real mistake
Companions, the Fallout New Vegas interaction wheel was better
Balance, lore following and realism, many items don't make much sense, caps are too easy to get, ammo is too hard to get, power armor stats and mechanics don't make sense with the lore.
Mods, Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3 just had better mods
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1 opmerkingen
Armed_Civilian 24 mrt 2020 om 20:08 
I can relate with the ammo one. :(