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31 중 2 (6%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제

Gun and Done

Complete the Hired Gun origin story
2024년 4월 18일 오후 2시 41분에 획득

Fatal Extraction

Get three people out alive from the fall of Brookton
2024년 4월 18일 오후 2시 47분에 획득

One-Track Mind

Create a character who has options chosen from only one Moral Compass quadrant

Paid In Full

Complete the Barter Crew origin story

Hard Yakka

Complete the Jackaroo origin story

I've Been Everywhere

Complete the Surveyor origin story

Even Though No One Is Watching

Complete the game as a pure Humanist, picking no other moral options (including during character creation)

One Who Inspires Fear

Complete the game with your world view centred in Machiavellian

Some Reason In Madness

Complete the game with your world view centred in Nihilist

The Interests Of All, Regarded Equally

Complete the game with your world view centred in Utilitarian

The Conquest of Happiness

Complete the game with your world view centred in Humanist

The Greatest Good

Complete the game as a pure Utilitarian, picking no other moral options (including during character creation)

Yeah, So What?

Complete the game as a pure Nihilist, picking no other moral options (including during character creation)

The Prince

Complete the game as a pure Machiavellian, picking no other moral options (including during character creation)

Pacifist (Or Just A Coward?)

Complete the game without killing anyone

Any Way the Wind Blows

Tell people what they want to hear, at the expense of a solid moral standpoint

Shame On Me

Get bitten by Bitey *twice*

Sticky Beak

Find 50 Points of Interest throughout Broken Roads

Long Distance Relationship

Kill an enemy with an SR98 at maximum range.

Just A Coward

Retreat from combat once.

11 개의 숨겨진 도전 과제가 남아있음

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