Thor Jörmundur   Hvolsvollur, Rangarvallasysla, Iceland
The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemy, to chase him before you, see his cities reduced to ashes, to rob him of his wealth, to see those dear to him bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom all of his wives and daughters.

Mesta hamingjan er að sigra óvin þinn, elta hann á undan þér, sjá borgir hans verða að ösku, ræna auð sinn, sjá þá sem honum þykja vænt um að baða sig í tárum, festa í faðm þinn allar konur hans og dætur.
Favorite Game
TheShadow 4 Sep, 2020 @ 6:06pm 
Hope all is well!
Loki 4 Sep, 2020 @ 5:46am 
sup b itches---i am back
madrat7 31 Jan, 2017 @ 6:41pm 
Fart noise
giggles5910 19 Aug, 2013 @ 8:07pm 
hiya Loki
Undead Ramen 12 Jul, 2013 @ 6:13pm 
Real badasses eat chocolate chip cookies, I'ma gonna get that tattooed across my back in Old English font
TheShadow 5 Jun, 2013 @ 6:17pm 
Was fun Borderlandsing with you! I realized I played the DLCs out of order, lol.