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Recente recensies door Libertine Angel

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1-10 van 22 items weergegeven
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15.2 uur in totaal
It's very well-made, and it's good at what it does, but it just lacks...heart. This feels purely like a game designed by a studio to become a blockbuster and make a load of money, now obviously I'm not expecting an Outer Wilds passion project but it's the most soulless AAA game I've ever played, and that says something, it feels so corporate and mechanically derivative it's impossible to feel any emotional investment, which is really disappointing because if it felt better I'd absolutely love to get lost in this game like I was hoping I would when I bought it.

Plus it does not play well at all with AMD systems.
Geplaatst 23 september 2021.
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900.5 uur in totaal (470.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Short answer is that it's the perfect sci-fi melting-pot sandbox, I've got 470 hours in it for a reason and there's still so many more ways to play and it's still genuinely fun and exciting to come up with new ideas.
Geplaatst 20 september 2021.
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3 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
21.5 uur in totaal (14.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game is frankly exceptional.

Every immersive sim you've ever played owes its skeleton to this because it's the foundation of the entire genre, and it's honestly very impressive how little that framework has really changed in the decades since. The visuals and the interface may betray its age - the interface in particular is unusual and takes some getting used to, but once you're comfortable with it it's a brilliant relic of the time when the standards of games were still being figured out and developers were unafraid to do unusual things with such basic elements - but the actual gameplay holds up perfectly well, in terms of atmosphere it's still hard competition to any modern competitor, and SHODAN is a brilliantly sinister antagonist.
Geplaatst 29 augustus 2021.
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267.9 uur in totaal (8.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I ran the tutorial and thought "damn, this interface is gonna take some getting used to, I hope there's enough change in this game from the last to make it worthwhile." The following evening I played for a solid seven hours and I'm writing this review at 6:30 AM, so yeah.
Never played the base edition though, only Platinum.
Geplaatst 15 juni 2020.
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227.0 uur in totaal (185.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I played a good 170 hours before thinking "this is getting a bit stale, I'll try it with some mods" so I think that's pretty good going.
Geplaatst 9 maart 2020.
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5 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
0.0 uur in totaal
This adds a whole new area to the game, and it's beautiful, well-crafted and pretty damn big. Within minutes of entering Tuissant I could tell this is one of the best expansions in video game history, Oblivion set the bar a long time ago with Shivering Isles but this is undoubtedly a contender. My only regret is that it's aimed at high levels so it'll take a long time to see all of its brilliance, and I feel guilty leaving all my allies waiting on me to stop the Wild Hunt while I gallivant around in the south.
Geplaatst 28 maart 2019.
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63 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
5 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
341.9 uur in totaal (130.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I've got over a hundred hours on this and the only mod I've ever used is Diplomacy, so know that anything I say is still only a fraction of the content this game could have if you want it.
The base ideas of the game are pretty simple - you start from nothing, recruiting local villagers with the pennies you have and fighting bandits, helping local lords etc. to get some cash to upgrade the villagers into a decent fighting force. Eventually as you win battles you'll gain renown that'll let you recruit more troops so you'll be able to take on bigger enemy parties, maybe if you've got on the good side of one of the ever-warring factions you'll be offered a position as a mercenary in their pay or even a lord.
Becoming a fully-fledged vassal lets the leader of your faction assign you land - at first it'll just be a poor village that you'll slowly build improvements for (when you get your first it'll probably seem like a vast amount of money to spend), and it won't get you much of a regular income, but it'll be a regular income that'll really help you pay your troops' wages. Then, provided you stay in good graces with your faction and you keep impressing them, they might give you a castle to call your own that you can provide garrisons for and actually defend without having to ride across the map for every time, and if you're really lucky you'll get a whole town to your name, which provides a huge increase in income and really give you some freedom.
Of course you could go the other way and be a pillaging warmonger, no allegiances and just building your armies enough to besiege a few towns until you start your own kingdom, which is a whole dimension to the game I can't tell you about because I have yet to do it.
Along the way you'll be levelling up, upgrading your stats and buying yourself new, better equipment, and it always feels good to think back to when you were stretching the bank to get a good leather jerkin and compare it to riding a war horse into the fray in full plate metal, looking exactly the great warrior you set out to be all those moons ago, doing battle with armies you never believed your little band would ever stand a chance against.
Geplaatst 11 april 2018.
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221.8 uur in totaal (34.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I got this off Humble Bundle months ago and only started playing yesterday, and now I've already put 12 hours in. In terms of gameplay it's your standard management sim - build buildings, lay electrical wiring, hire guards and all that, so if that's your style then you'll probably find it enjoyable enough 'cause it's an easy game to get sucked into and just keep playing until you realise you've not eaten in hours.
What it does especially well in its campaign (in which you're given set goals for your prisons - implement rehab programs, stop riots, etc. - that steadily introduce you to the various game mechanics) is juxtaposes its cartoonish, light-hearted artwork with a serious, genuinely thought-provoking story of the ethics of for-profit prisons and exactly what the prison system is supposed to achieve.
It also has Workshop support, I've not yet delved into it at all but I hear there's all manner of mods for whatever you like, which is always a plus.
Geplaatst 11 februari 2018.
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26.0 uur in totaal (4.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Rocksteady managed to do the impossible here and actually make the Batmobile boring. It should be the super-fast crime-chasing hero car that can get across Gotham in the blink of an eye to stop crimes in progress, but instead what we have is an armoured tank that spends most of its time fighting other tanks. Batman and tanks really don't go together, he's a ninja detective, stealth, intelligence and martial arts are his hallmarks, not cannons and explosions.
Unfortunately, this game being what seems to be Michael Bay's interpretation of Batman, those tank battles crop up every few minutes and there's loads of them (as you can see from my playtime I got sick of it after not too long but the internet says "three or four dozen" tank battles), plus apparently they replace all the inventive and challenging boss fights of the previous games. The tank battles aren't even hard, just tedious, they ruin the game's pace and flow and make playing it just dull.
Geplaatst 13 juli 2017.
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5 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
17.0 uur in totaal
It had the potential to be great but it just wasn't. The 16 hours you see on my playtime starts and ends at the main storyline with nothing else, not even the epilogue, because I couldn't bear to go through that dull-as-♥♥♥♥ slog any further. It should've been a great story of an angry revolutionary in someone else's war, instead it was basically a guided tour of the American Revolution with most of the game comprised of tutorial.
Geplaatst 19 maart 2017.
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1-10 van 22 items weergegeven