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5.9 uur in totaal (4.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The sequel to machinika museum. Quite polished, similar to The Room series.
I like how you really get the fish-out-of-water feeling.

It's just a bit too easy. I do like puzzle games where you don't need to search for a walkthrough or sit hours on a problem, but here most puzzles were solved in a minute. Through the whole game he puzzles felt "tutorial level" hardness. There were just two places where I got stopped in my tracks a bit: Conference room where I didn't realize I could do more with something in my inventory, and security room where I figured out exactly what to do, just did it mirrored.

Also a big deduction for something no puzzle game should ever do: Have an achievement for fast completion and one for not using hints. The first transforms the game from a relaxing puzzle solver to a frustrating experience for people that wanna try for it the first time, probably leads people to play it with a walkthrough on the side. I know such people. The second just leaves your hint system unused with people rather googling for the answer. Thankfully I saw both of those only near the end and didn't need any hints anyway, but I HATE it when puzzle games put achievements for such stuff.
That's like an FPS having an achievement for never shooting automatic weapons or something like that. It goes against the nature of the game.
Geplaatst 7 maart.
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5.6 uur in totaal
A fun but short game of the style of the stanley parable.
Just that there are absolutely no moral dilemmas in this game save for the prologue unlocked at the end. And the girl in the steam header? yeah that was bait.

The DLC is more of a thank you to the devs, there is not that much added
Geplaatst 21 februari.
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18.7 uur in totaal
Nice game.
You gotta make some money to fund your daughters hospital stay. So obviously, you use your job as a janitor for evil. Yeah, you're not hired by the police to clean up, but by the ones committing the crime to make evidence go away.
In each increasingly big level, you collect bodies, collect trash, which can be just broken glass or bullet casings, clean up blood, make evidence go away and generally make it look like nothing happened there.
There are just 10 levels and it's a crying shame this game has no mod support (or even better, steam workshop). I hope they blan to add that, but well, the game is out for half a year already.
My guess and fear is they go the powerwash simulator route and make overpriced bad DLCs... Or they go the route of many games, see this as finished and shelf it.
The 10 levels were nice, the game just understayed it's welcome, I would like to have some more, sir
Geplaatst 18 februari.
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4.3 uur in totaal
I just can't get into it and don't really get why it has such raving reviews.
The battles feel awful. you can hit like 2 times and a special and then you just stand there for a second. Apparently you get higher tiered specials that can be chained on later on, but I dunno when that will be. Blocking is not parying and basically useless.
Personally I have a dislike for turn based battles, but honestly, I would have preferred if it was turn based here.

World map traversal has enemies that just spawn out of nowhere, and sometimes right in front of you.
World map traversal is a pain. Sometimes it's actually pretty good like here:
But very often the game just zooms way into your character, directly from the top, and you can't change the camera angle at all and can't see further than 2-3 steps.

Also, it's an awful port. You can technically play it with keybard (no mouse tho) but it's so bad it basically requires a controller, which is always a sign of a bad port. It only runs at 30 FPS and even needs a mod so it doesn't stutter.

How this thing is regarded as he best tales game with those crappy mechanics, I have no idea. Sure, I didn't play too many of them, just Arise and Berseria, but both were leagues better.
Maybe the story makes up for it, I'm just 4 hours in, but I'm already pondering if I should just uninstall it, I have no fun playing.
Perhaps I'll just set battles on auto, slap on a trainer and just sit there waiting them out so I can see where the story goes..
Geplaatst 15 februari. Laatst gewijzigd 15 februari.
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0.3 uur in totaal
I wanted to like this, as a decade old fan of gargoyles that somehow missed this game back when.
But that handling is just a pain and the hitboxes don't seem to match.
Geplaatst 13 februari.
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14.4 uur in totaal
Nice game but..
Save often, save to many slots.
There are a buttload of bugs, some of which are game breaking. Basically the intro location was the only one where I didn't have a bug that required reloading.
And many of the solutions are quite moon-logicky. Can't fault it too much for that, that was the standard back then, but still.

Also, for a remaster that came out 2015, it looks like crap. It's not much of a remaster. Glottis body is still around 5 poligons with a low resolution texture, just not as low resolution as the original. Basically save for some slightly better textures, this looks like the original. Go watch a comparison video, often times you couldn't tell which was which.
So, if you have the original, there's no reason to get this. It looks like a 2001 retexture of this 1998 game, not a 2015 remaster.

This transparent money grab by Tim Shafer and the fact that it's very buggy and many puzzles make little sense makes me want to not recommend this - but it's a nice game from the story and feeling and you can't get the original any more.
So.. take the recommend with a grain of salt
Geplaatst 12 februari. Laatst gewijzigd 12 februari.
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25.0 uur in totaal (8.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Imagine playing Skyrim with 30 random mods.

That comes pretty close.
I like the humor.

The fighting, movement etc is all a bit janky, but if you played (and liked) eurojank before, like Gothic 2, you'll feel right at home.
It's not unplayable, just not.. particularly good
Geplaatst 16 januari.
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3.5 uur in totaal
This is a borderline recommend.
I decided to recommend it based mostly on the price.
While much of the game is nice, it does have it's instances of "guide damn it". One key was hidden so well, only visible for a second while you're at another location, that I would have never found it myself, not in hours. Another time the solution was pretty moon-logicky, imagine using a crowbar to open a cookie jar, and yet another time the solution could only be found by brute forcing, not logical thought. No help system is in the game either, so in that cases you have to search externally. Thankfully there is a nice text only guide on steam.
It's also very short, just 4 rather small rooms. Expect about 2 hours, I just have more because I went after the achievements.
Oh and your progress isn't saved inside rooms. Just after each one.

This game also does the cardinal sin of puzzle games. On the normal game mode, it hastens you along with a ticking clock, and half it's achievements are behind time gates.
How are you supposed to enjoy a puzzle game if you're hurried along?
I hate time limits in most games, but in puzzle games is the very worst place.
The game would have fully deserved a "not recommend" for that alone. It's saving grace was that there is another game mode without a clock (insultingly called "easy" even tho the puzzles stay exactly the same) and it's low price.
Geplaatst 7 januari.
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106.8 uur in totaal (25.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This is all I wanted from Everspace 1 and more.
No time limit. Free exploration. Space Combat. Many ship types. Memories of Descent 3, but in space. Trading.
OK it gets a tad same-y after a while but I love it so far.
Worst thing I can say so far is that I really would have liked if jump to hyperspace was not behind a loading screen. Seriously you guys (devs), hyperspace screeen is mostly empty, why does it need a loading screen that changes my bearing? you really couldn't load this in the 2-3 seconds it takes to power up the drive?

Not sure I would want to have paid 60 bucks for it, but as I got it on sale, I got my fill.
Really, 60 bucks is likely too high, but then again, I don't pay that for AAA games. It's good to be a patient gamer :D So I'd say, get it on a sale and if you like pew pew space games that are mostly just shooting things and not managing boring stuff like "deploying hardpoints" you'll be happy
Geplaatst 27 december 2024.
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5.1 uur in totaal
I would love to recommend this, it came so close.
It's a roguelite where you are in a spaceship and do dogfights and stuff.
Gives me big descent 3 vibes, just that it's open space and not mines.
And mostly it is fine.
But the game has two things that destroy my liking of it and double handedly change this from a recommend to a do not recommend.
Firstly is the fuel. You need special fuel to travel between systems. That would be fine. That fuel being rather rare would also be fine. But in most of my attempts, the fuel was not just rare, it was non-existant. ONCE, yes, a single time, I found one of those fuel rocks from the tutorial. Exactly one time in 5 hours of play. In the other attempts there were sometimes vendors that sold way too little fuel. You will run out and that may be the end of your run.
Second is the enforced time limit. Spend too long in a level, likely in the search of fuel, and enemies spawn that quickly kill you.

If either fuel was just rare instead of the stuff of legend, or if you actually got to fullly explore the areas with no time limit and perhaps find more of those fuel rocks, this would likely have been a recommend.
As it is, I'm glad I got it on winter sale for a buck, because then I can say it's well worth it, but I'd be pssed if I paid full price
Geplaatst 27 december 2024.
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