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Review Showcase
I enjoyed the HOOK of this game more than the base game

Having Alan himself fight the darkness as both a passenger for us controlling him and himself directly fighting the darkness/scratch and really infusing the "writer" nature of Alan into the story as him fully realized and alot more confident, even cracking jokes when hes killing the taken now had me enjoy this moment to moment alot more

This game took what I think a great turn for Alan's character and not only mistifies him to a greater battle

but also makes him a much funner protagonist to play and see him grow. Bravo
Review Showcase
86 Hours played
Updates have made town stronger, however most All Any games end up having the Marshal Role kill 3 townies and game is usually won by Coven

The atmosphere of the game is a natural evolution from Town Of Salem 1, however most the community knows what every role does to a complete extent. because of this you must know every town role nearly by heart in order to successfully fake any town role in your will if you're playing Apoc/Coven

Most people here can't take a joke and constant reports for "throwing" when there really isn't an objective way to play the game either way

Still one of the best Social Deduction games and an OG one

However Thinking Coven was a better Alt than Mafia was a horrible idea even to this day, everyone just has to swallow it down wether we like it or not.

nearly 45hrs in this game, and I still wouldn't be friends with anybody who plays this game


I was pretty harsh on this game when i first played it when everyone knew everything. but even so its still one of the best social deduction games out there and with updates on town being more powerful

and that every night theres something to do even if you do die n1 staying to learn more and just comment in ghost chat with others and how they played is nice

its one of the best casual games i think we truly have on pc that is multiplayer. and to this day i think its worth everyone trying.

I don't like how the dev's begged people on their discord to write a review for the game, but I enjoy this game enough to revise it to a positive note.

Even if everything i said negative about this game is true. I can take those negatives and play around with them

This game is only as serious as you take it. And there is no Objective way to play because unless they're dep anyone could be lying

And I recommend just enjoying the story that folds out from every All Any match.

#Town Killing
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688 hrs on record
last played on 21 May
Window Cleaner Jerry 19 Apr @ 5:07pm 